

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you hate Justin so much?"

Simon stayed quiet.

"You better tell me by the time we land!"


Simon whispered.

"He's the reason my curse cant be lifted." Curse? I never knew he was cursed.

"I'll tell you the whole story when we get back to the village."

"!@#$%&^" The word accidentally slipped out my mouth, Simon looked at me.

"HEY! what was that for?"

"For the time you called me that back in the village, impaling me like it was a joke.

and kidnaping me just for gold."

I sighed.

"Thanks for saving me, but you owed me this, for almost killing me by impaling me."

We arrived at the village and everyone ran up to me. "Maya! Its been 2 years! Where were you!"

I searched for the person that said that. it was Lucas. I even forgot that I was in another world, 1 week is the same as 2 years...Simon covered me with his wings. "Who are you?" He asked as if he was at an interview.

"He's Lucas, a person that I promised to teach magic to."


"Hi, I'm Lucas."

"Hi I'm Simon"

they did a handshake squeezing each other's arm tight that I think one of their hands will break.

"Simon, the promise?"

"Oh, ya, about Justin, come," as we headed to the forest, I told everyone not to follow me,

Lucas insisted to come, Simon said to let him come because he looks familiar.

well. little did I know something big came for me next, followed by the truth coming out.