

We sat down on some logs in the forest, " ok, prepare for a long story." said Simon.

"We came back after a BBQ, Maya And Justin were playing without me. When we left, Maya went straight home, Justin and I went to watch a new movie that just came out. when the movie finished, it was about 10 P.M, he led me to the park around the corner, and then led me to an ally way, "You know Simon, I got enough from you, you are so full of your self, its time."

"T-Time for what" I studdered, Then Larkin started to suck my energy by stabbing me with his tail, impaling me. it was so painful and I knew I was slowly dying.

Then Maya came and stared in shock.

Justin looked surprised and scared at the same time and put away his tail which left me a hole in my stomach, as I flopped on the floor Maya started to heal me, "JUSTIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

Shouted Maya. "I-I w-was trying to kill him," Justin admitted. then Maya turned to a Devil.

She overpowered Justin easily. She went overboard and killed him.

then I saw his spirit and it looked at me. and said "Every day you live, I will take life energy from you.

And when you die, I will be resurrected. I will also wipe Maya's memories about this, and she will unlock her devil transformation when shes strong enough to break this curse." Then he disappeared and then Maya passed out, and I was fully healed. I teleported to her house dropped her off, and went home. Then Justin appeared again. "Here, a mark." He said." on your arm, I put a Black and White dragon-fighting, it resembles of me, you, and Maya fighting. See ya soon!"

Then he left again."

We were shocked by how Simon had to live through that. Lucas just turned to me, and said "I knew it, you are a pure mix"

"what do you mean?" I questioned him.

Simon looked me, then I realized he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at something behind me.