Rewind no Jutsu!

The Inuzuka illegitimate girl woke up only to find herself in a strange look office and two girls her age wearing black shinobi outfits, "HIIEEE!!!" The girl screamed as she pulls herself back while dragging the duvet that was used to cover her as a cover to protect herself, "It's fine, everything was already now" Aiji came forward not provoking the girl's vigilance as she gently pats the girl's head like Yuuma would do when they want it.

The girl froze as she could not help but tear up, she was not only scared but the peculiar pats of Aiji were so familiar that it felt like something she longed for. "You are one of us aren't you?" Aiji asked with a warm smile, it was as if the words triggered her 'One of them? What did she mean?' the girl began to think and think till her head began to ache as bits or information were flowing into her mind.

It took a long while for the girl to calm herself as she glances at Akeno "O-Oneesama?" Aiji who heard this froze as she glances at the girl with a shocked expression, "S-Stephani!?" Hearing the confirmation the girl leaps into Aiji's arms "Oneesama!!!" The girl began to cry as she remembered everything including the life she currently had, everything was piecing itself together. "My name is Inouye Inuzuka in this life Oneesama," Inouye said with a smile as she felt the familiar warmth Aiji would always give her in their past life.

Aira came over to check that Inouye was fine and most of the injuries were recovered, "Ingvild neesama?" Inouye asked as Aira nodded causing Inouye to hug her tightly, "I missed you too!! Where are the others?" Inouye asked to which Aiji shrugged "Shinomi is Sakura, and Mei is Roygun. We are not sure where our other sisters are" Aiji explained but Inouye was more concerned about something else? "Masaru?"

Just as Aiji was about to answer Yuuma warped into the office prompting Inouye to flinch out of surprise, there was no need to answer her question as Inouye herself could feel the link she shared with Masaru who was standing in front of her "MASARU!!" Inouye screamed as she leaps into Yuuma's chest, Inouye was crying as she held onto Yuuma who was utterly confused looking at Aira and Aiji for answers.

Aiji gently pulled Inouye away while explaining one more detail she forgot to mention about Yuuma while Aira explained she thought of him as someone else. Aiji smiled wryly as she was once reminded of how Yuuma saved both her and Aira during a mission, she could understand how Inouye felt at the moment she saw Yuuma, so she decided to tell Inouye how she and Aira met Yuuma.

>\/< Rewind no Jutsu

"Kukuku, we have totally lucked out with these two girls we can sell them to Iwagakure (Village Hidden by Rocks) for a high price" Missing Nin of Kirigakure (Village Hidden in Mists) spoke with his fellow missing nins looking at the two girls who were known as Aiji and Aira, Iwagakure had sent high prices for bloodline limit shinobis and this prompted more Kirigakure shinobis who were dissatisfied with Mei Terumi's reformation to go rogue.

"Should we try to have a taste first?" One of them suggested but all of them hooted at him as they left the room to have a drink, Aiji was calm because she regained her memories sooner than Aira so she was the older sister of the two in their relationship. Looking at her bounded hands Aiji bit hard on the ropes to loosen it a bit but the ropes did not budge, even Aira was having difficulties.

Neither of them had Shinobi training so they had no idea how to use their chakra, if they could they would have already been out of here, after trying some more Aiji stopped when she felt her jaw was aching and her teeth would fall out if she were to force it. Aira came closer to gently caress Aiji's jaw to easer her pain even if it was only a little, "Thanks Aira" Aiji smiled warmly as Aira nodded shyly "It's the least I can do"

Suddenly the two of them could hear painful screams coming from the other side of the door, both Aira and Aiji's eyes widen as the two of them felt a familiar presence which prompted the two of them to get on their feet as they slammed their bounded hands against the door. "Help! We are in here!" The two of them yelled, "Who the hell screams for help in such a manner, if I did not kill them you would have been discovered by men with ill intentions"

They heard a young boy's words although it was cold, they could feel warmth and kindness from it. The moment the door was unlocked and opened, the sight of a young brown with brown hair and odd light blue eyes with barely visible pupils looking at them. Unlike his amber coloured eyes in his past life, the two girls fell in love with these light blue coloured eyes even more. "Masaru!" The two of them squealed in delight as they leapt at Yuuma.

"I'm not Masaru, my name is Yuuma" Yuuma corrected the girls causing the two of them to freeze in surprise looking at him with wide eyes, "You don't remember you past life?" Hearing Aiji's question Yuuma presumed they were similar to him as he answered "I only remember my life when I worked as a Project manager for my father... Although I can't remember who he was" Aira and Aiji looked at each other with disbelief as they came to a conclusion, he did not remember everything.


Yuuma felt conflicted because the name Masaru has come out of all the girls' mouth he came to have a liking to, and all of them thought of him as Masaru. It was already hard for him as he could not remember anything else no matter how much he tried, at first he thought they were hallucinating but after several instances, it was no longer a coincidence 'I will have to check with Grandpa Kun if he can help me with this' He thought as he took his seat on the couch, Aira went to boil him some tea while Aiji who came back stood behind him. "Hello, my name is Inouye Inuzuka. I apologize for my behaviour just now"

Yuuma nodded "Pleased to meet you, Inouye, my name is Yuuma Terumi. Although I would like to speak with you but we have an emergency situation in the Water nation at the moment" Yuuma spoke although he felt a bit conflicted that he was the one who caused it but will not voice it out as he continues "I will give you two choices, You can remain here where we will train you to become an Excellent Assassin or we can support you starting a new life in a nearby village you can leave whenever you want"

"I want to stay close to Aiji, Aira and Shinomi" Inouye answered, Yuuma smile became broader as he nods. "I can leave it to you?" Yuuma asked "Yes Master" Aiji walks towards Inouye as she took her hand leading her out of the office, Yuuma decides to visit his sister but he first changed his outfit back into the regular Anbu outfit with his tiger mask before he warps. Shinomi who learnt that Inouye was one of them hugged her tightly as the four of them happily chatted.

Meanwhile, Yuuma appeared in the office where Mei was leisurely drinking her tea while Ao was speaking sternly as if scolding a disciple. "Mei, we have to confirm if Yuuma is the Joker. If he is, then we have to hide his identity as we can't give him up to the villages who fear him now" Ao speaks to which Mei nodded "That is IF he is the joker which we both know it is impossible, I highly suspect the Joker comes from Konoha from the manner how he is flashily using that technique of the second Hokage"

Hearing this Ao nodded finding it reasonable, it was when Yuuma's presence became known did the two of them look towards him. "I am not that Joker" Yuuma answered with a calm face, the last thing he wants is for the outside to confirm who he is. Ao glances at his disciple for a moment longer before sighing, "Anyway, Chojuro has been promoted to Jonin. With this both our most trusted Swordsmen of the mist are Jonins, we should be able to proceed with this?"

Mei nodded at Ao's words, "Once our village is stable and the preparators are captured who wants to start a Coup, we can extend a hand towards Konoha to have a temporary alliance. We will need to have this alliance to secure our trade routes in the fire nation" Mei spoke as she walked to take her seat behind her desk before she continues, "Right now we need supply to recover the losses and Water nation can't give it all so we have to count on Lightning and Fire nations for that"

Ao nodded as he turned to look at Yuuma for a moment before turning back towards Mei, "I suggest you send this disciple of mine to become the ambassador for Konoha, right now everyone is looking for the Joker and Yuuma's title as the Joker of Kirigakure will mark him whether he is or not the Joker. Having him in Konoha will not only protect him but also prove he is not, Konoha will have to guard Yuuma for the sake of our Alliance so we can deal with multiple issues at the same time"

Mei glances at Yuuma, she knew he already set a warp marking within her office so he could easily escape anytime he wishes to. She nodded "I agree, I was thinking of having Yuuma going to Fire Nation so he can gather information about Akatsuki for us over there as well," Mei said, Ao agreed with what she said as he knew Yuuma had excellent Shinobi skills. "What do you think Yuuma?" Ao asked his disciple who stood silently behind Mei.

"I'm fine with whatever arrangements you make" Yuuma answered as what the two of them had already expected him to answer, although they would never expect Yuuma was thinking of moving Hiei's Headquarters to Firenation while the hideout in Waternation will be a safehouse for in case something happens. This was a plan both he and Shinomi came up with but because of the pending Coup they can't seem to find an end to, they had to place the plans on hold.

'With this, I can legitimately build a base near Konohagakure to keep an eye on them, and then build branches near the other villages to keep eyes on them' Yuuma thought, since he was not sure how Shinomi was training the orphans, but any orphan she trained were hardened assassins loyal to Hiei and Hiei alone.

"That's good, but for now we have to come up with countermeasures to finding the culprits. I am beginning to incline to believe this Coup was a Rumour started to make us build up our vigilance but I am afraid if we drop our guards they will hit us hard" Mei spoke with a concerned voice, Ao too had a complicated face. "Mizukage, if I may?" Yuuma asked permission officially, Mei nodded as she glanced at Yuuma.

"How about employing Hiei, they too would like to deal with Water Nation's unrest as soon as possible. With their help, we can act as they want us to but the moment they strike the assassins of Hiei will stop them" Yuuma explained what he felt would be best for the situation, right now there were hundreds of Kiri shinobis patrolling without rest and this was dropping the Morale.

Ao did not immediately reject Yuuma's idea for two reasons, the first was the fact the shinobis were being slowly worked to death from patrolling day and night and the second was the fact he trusted Yuuma would not give suggestions unless he was absolutely certain they are helpful. "Why them?" Ao asked to which Yuuma answered "They are the reason we could withdraw our Shinobis from Water Capital before Iwa Shinobis assassinated the Water Nation Daimyo" Yuuma answered

Hearing this Ao was shocked, when he turned to look at Mei he saw her nodded. "Why did you not tell me?" Ao asked with a surprised face at Mei, "Because you would have rejected it, and we would have been implicated in the conspiracy" Mei answered causing Ao to blush a bit as it was true he would have indeed been against it. "They are also the reason Kirigakure was the first to get the information about the assassination, otherwise we would have not been able to prepare an answer for the Daimyo family in time" Yuuma concluded

Ao sighed as he nods "I will agree to this on a condition you will have to work with them Yuuma, they have to move according to your orders" Mei had a hidden smirk as she could imagine how much hair Ao would lose if he were to know that Yuuma was the boss of Hiei, to begin with. "Yes, Teacher!" Yuuma nods, Ao smiled before he turned and left since there was nothing else that required his attention.

When Ao was gone Mei pulled Yuuma into an embrace with his back against her chest, "I missed you" Mei muttered with a sad yet playful voice, Yuuma smiled as he knew she would not be letting go of him anytime soon so he allowed her to hold him as she desired. "How are things in Kirigakure?" Hearing Yuuma's question Mei pouts "Kisame is acting strange, I fear that he is colluding with something outside the village. Zabuza is becoming more and more aggressive, from my reports he picked up an orphan boy recently"

"Want me to deal with them?" Yuuma asked as he looks at Mei's eyes, Mei smiled "No, we don't have evidence and killing them without it might provoke civil war within our own village. We just managed to survive the Blood Mist Era so the reformation will take some time" Yuuma sighed when he heard Mei's words, he turned around as he cups her cheeks in his hands "Don't overwork yourself, you're mine after all"