Information Leakage!

"Lord Danzo, we have come across some rumours that were suppressed within Kirigakure. According to them, there is a Seven-year-old shinobi who skipped class to become a Genin and a Chunin a year after, during his Chunin exams he displayed variety to technique granting him the name Joker of Kirigakure. We are not certain if he is the Joker" Root shinobi spoke as he kneeled before Danzo who stood in the middle of the bridges connected to a single point within Root Headquarters.

"Hmmm... Send a squad after the boy and test him, if he is not Joker. Kill him anyway, we can't have other villages developing geniuses" Danzo ordered the Root Shinobi, "By your will, Lord Danzo" The Root shinobi disappears while Danzo held the shoulder of his missing arm, although there were no longer physical pains but each time he hears the name Joker it will throb. 'I will find you Joker' Danzo gnashed his teeth before he called out another Root shinobi "Have you got in contact with Orochimaru yet?" The root Shinobi shook his head causing Danzo to become furious.

"Gather a team and search for the bloody snake" Danzo screamed at the Root who did not flinch at Danzo's outrage nodding before leaving, Danzo calmed himself as he began to walk up and down. Right now his trump card that is the safety of his life has been removed he will be killed if someone can manage to strike him, 'Perhaps I should look for him myself' Danzo thought as he went out of Root without telling his subordinates who went out to search for Orochimaru


Onoki was gazing out of the window with a complicated facial expression, this morning he read a report about a Shinobi by the name of Joker who could use the Ninjutsu of other villages especially the Ninjutsu of Konoha which he coveted the most. 'Provoking a war with Kirigakure will not bode us well, the other three villages are keeping an eye waiting for me to die' Onoki thought

"Lord Tsuchikage" An Anbu officer appeared kneeling before Onoki who began to smile, "I heard that the Joker could possibly be from Kirigakure, I want you to take a team of Jonins and investigate this. If you can capture him, if we can get our hands on him we can learn all the jutsus especially that infamous Yellow Flash" Onoki muttered with a smile thinking of the possibilities.

"Grandfather you can't!" Kurotsuchi came slamming the door wide open with a shocked expression, "If you go after Kirigakure right now what you think the other villages going to think? We can wait it out, we had personally experienced the powers of the yellow flash and you should know it is not easy to capture a shinobi who mastered that technique" Onoki stood still before nodding "Guess I will wait" He muttered, he just felt he needed to do something about this threat while he could but his village was indeed in a bad position.


"Lord Raikage" Kumo Shinobi entered the Raikage office while A was busy dealing with the reports about the Joker, the assassination of the Daimyo did not attract his attention. What caught his attention was the reports of Joker who could use a technique he himself was extremely familiar with. "Yes?" A glances at the Shinobi who kneeled before him, and starts to explain his reports similar to how Iwagakure and Konoha managed to get information about the Joker might be affiliated with Kirigakure made A feel conflicted.

'Someone that powerful is a Kiri Shinobi?' A thought as he glances at the Shinobi to leave his office, no one knows what the true age of Joker is, he appeared in a middle-age appearance as even as young as eight years old. Because of the shinobis have transformation Jutsu it was difficult to discern the practitioner's true appearance unless they had a doujutsu that could see through it.

Soon Killer Bee came into his office dancing, before Killer Bee could even utter a Rap line A turn to look at Killer Bee "What do you think about someone who can use the same technique as Yellow Flash?" Hearing A's words Killer Bee stopped his dancing looking at his brother with a serious expression, "We need to kill him" Killer Bee had no sympathy for this Joker Shinobi but he who experienced the Yellow Flash's technique knew first hand how dangerous it can become to face such a shinobi.


Inside the Kazekage Office, a Middle-aged man with auburn hair, dark eyes were looking at the reports of Joker's appearances with a stern look on his face. He wore a simple black jacket and pants with mesh armour underneath. "No matter how much you look at that report it is not going to change Rasa, you should send a squad to kill this shinobi as soon as possible!" an elderly woman with black eyes and lavender coloured hair tied in a bun spoke to the current Kazekage Rasa with a stern expression.

"But we will have to send our men to Kirigakure Grandma Chiyo" Rasa muttered with a sigh, right now they were planning to attack Fire Nation to get some decent lands for their villages and now this Joker popped out all of the sudden. Chiyo met Minato Namikaze also known as the Yellow Flash once, she knew that his techniques made him a one-man army that could decimate a thousand without a thought. 'Such a shinobi should not exist' She thought

"What about sending an elite, from the manner how this information came to our attention I believe someone is leaking this information on purpose. I can guarantee the other villages will bite onto it especially Konoha, if we can get our hands on this Joker the amount of quality Jutsu we can get from his corpse is uncountable" Chiyo spoke while giving reasonable reasons to initiate a covert operation to get their hands on Joker.

Rasa nodded "Anbu!" He called out as a team of four appeared before him, "You heard the details, head to Kirigakure and search for this Joker. If you come across any of the other village shinobi's, kill them" The Anbu team nodded before disappearing, "How is Gaara?" Chiyo asked with a worried-looking face, Rasa clicked his tongue and answered with a stern voice "He will become a Genin next year, he managed to pass my trial to become Sunagakure's Ultimate Weapon" Chiyo sighed while nodding when she heard this, she felt pity for the child who became One tail's host.


"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Hiruzen screamed out of surprise as he did not expect the situation of the Joker would get out of hand like this, "Lord Hokage, he knows of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu of the Second Hokage." The Anbu who received some rumours came to report it to Hiruzen as early as he could, this caused the old man to shiver because he knew better than anyone else how much restrictions this technique had. Not to mention, he did not allow anyone into the forbidden archives!

"What about Danzo?" Hiruzen asked with a worried face as he knew this friend of his would use this opportunity to push for Hiruzen to retire so he can become Hokage, "He left the Root Building, from the direction it appears he is heading towards Lightning Nation" The Anbu answered causing Hiruzen to feel confused, 'What are you up to Danzo?' Hiruzen thought as this was not how his friend would normally act after all.

When the Anbu left Hiruzen took out his crystal ball to do his daily check up on Naruto Uzumaki, "I will beat you up!" Naruto screamed despite being full of bruises he kept standing up while he and Sasuke were sparring against each other, Hinata was silently cheering for Naruto on holding her hands timidly together. "Sigh..." Hiruzen sighed as he began to question what he was doing for Naruto was correct, the Village hate him while not knowing who his father really is.

"Hmph! You are too weak" Sasuke muttered with disdain, hearing his words Naruto felt like a cat who had his tail step on as he felt determined. 'I will have you acknowledge my existence! Sasuke!' Naruto growled as the two of them continued their spar.


While the whole world was going crazy about the Joker, Yuuma was sitting relaxedly in the Mizukage office. Ao and Mei were both looking at him with different expressions, Mei was worried while Ao was complete enraged. "Do you have any idea what you have caused!?" Ao spoke with a stern voice while Yuuma kept smiling, "Teacher, right now we have no idea who is behind the Coup. Luring in the other villages will give us several opportunities"

Ao waited for Yuuma to continue, "First, we can buy time as the people who want to start the Coup will be forced to stop their plans. The people who want to take over Kirigakure would not want a dead village after all." Yuuma points two fingers, "Second, we can train our Anbus to search and kill the shinobis. Meaning they are sending us some training materials naturally, it is a dangerous kind of training, so I will leave it up to your discretion"

Yuuma points up three of his fingers, "If we are lucky the other villages could rattle on the cages and hopefully, they might even drag out the ones who are planning the Coup, although the chances of this are few but it is still worth a shot" Yuuma points up his fourth finger, "And I need to have them learn for themselves that the Joker has nothing to do with Kirigakure"

"They are coming for you!" Ao said something that was the most important of the whole situation, Yuuma smirked "I already applied for leave, I will be heading to the White Tiger Village as they said it was time for me to meet my next phase of trainers, so it is a good time. No need to worry the representative of Hiei will work together with you and Lady Mizukage" Yuuma concluded

His plan right now with the current state of Kirigakure, was to stir up the troubled water around the village some more. Both Yuuma and Mei were not entirely attached to Kirigakure, but since it was a village where the two of them met they felt this place as another Home for them so they will certainly not allow it to fall.

Ao sighed as he rubs his forehead, "Very well, I will have Chojuro lead the teams to train using our guests as training materials" He muttered, this process was close to how it was during the Blood Mist Era but instead of using their own men as sacrifice they will be using other villages to sharpen their blades. "Hiei will give their support to protect the village" Shinomi appeared behind Yuuma, neither Mei nor Ao was surprised at her entrance.

Ao was not sure what Yuuma's relationship with Shinomi was but he knew they were incredibly close, since he trusted Yuuma he became able to trust Shinomi. "Thank you" Mei answered as she took her seat behind her desk, Shinomi went over to talk with Mei in regards to the plans to fish in troubled waters while Yuuma and Ao stared at one another, "Are you the Joker?" Ao asked to which Yuuma glanced at his teacher "I am strong I know it, but that guy is completely different league Teacher. Just his Flying Thunder God technique is enough to make him nearly undefeatable"

Ao was still suspicious but he never saw Yuuma use this technique so he could only take his disciples words for now, 'Sorry Sensei, right now only Mei and Hiei can know of this. Right now I need to split my identity as the Joker of Hiei instead of Kirigakure and Byakko for Kirigakure... The only way to do this is to have the four great hidden villages search for me and give up' Yuuma thought