Chapter 50

"*tt*ck *v*r*on*," was what Cade had been hearing from the slime all this time after his mastery of the slime language slightly increase.

He knew instantly that they were saying 'attack everyone' all the time. That sentence made the slime looked like they were not peace-loving monster at all.

When Cade monitored one of the slimes, he found out that the slime was not as intelligent as the slime in the slime dungeon he completed before.

He fought a lot of them and he knew how intelligent they were. They did not straightforwardly attack him like the slime he fought in the new slime dungeon too. They did attack like that in the beginning too but that slowly changed.

"Why are the slime like this?" Cade questioned himself as he wanted to know what happened to them. The peace-loving creature was now love attacking everyone.

Cade continue his hunt and he usually stalled for time to hear the slime talking so that he can increase the mastery of the slime language.

The more he stalled for time, the more he heard the slime talking but they were all only talking two words, 'attack everyone'. The same words were said over and over again until Cade decided to just kill them immediately as he cannot get more from them.

He even tried to talk in slime language but the slime seemed to not responding to his words. One thing Cade can deduce was that they were controlled by something or someone.

He also cannot deny that maybe it was part of the changes happened to the dungeon. However, he remembered that the big tongue toad was not like the slime at all.

The dungeon had been changing since the time he went to the toad dungeon and the toad were actually intelligent albeit them being aggressive but that was the nature of the big tongue toad. They had always been like that even in another dungeon.

It did not make sense that the slime suddenly became like this. They used to be cute and Cade felt guilty killing them but now, they were not cute at all and quite annoying too especially when he can understand them talking.

Where was the intelligence the slime shown to him before when they started mutiny and one of them even knew human language and can write them properly too?

"I need to find out about this. If they are control by someone… hmm~ if that someone is strong, it might be a bad idea to fight him or her at my current stat. Yeah, lets drop the matter of the slime for a moment and continue collecting the puzzle pieces," said Cade.

He wanted to know what happened to the slime and wanted to solve it for them. However, if the slime was controlled by someone strong, he won't be able to win and might ended up dead.

He remembered how he almost died by the humanoid toad because he was too weak and he was still weak. Even after he healed from the injury, he did not make much progress to his stat.

He got a measly 10 stat points from the slime figure complete puzzle and he also messed up with the bloodline matter. He had stopped progressing from increasing his growth potential too. His plan was all over the place.

He was too weak to fight someone that can control all the slime in the dungeon. If he found that person he will surely die. No doubt about it.

"But I don't think the one who control the slime is inside this dungeon because the other explorers at the top floor is progressing smoothly through this dungeon. The level limit has increase to 22 too…" while saying that, Cade thought that maybe he should just explore the slime dungeon like every other dungeon.

He can buy lots of emergency badge and teleport outside once he advanced to the next floor. He had no problem of getting lots of the emergency badge as he got quite a lot of money now.

Because the dungeon was closed to his apartment, he had no problem of going back home every day too if he were to explore the slime dungeon.

However, after he had collected all the puzzle pieces, other than collecting the slime crystal, there was nothing else he can do in the dungeon. The matter of the slime being controlled by someone needed to be hold for a while because Cade had no confident in solving it.

"Let's think about that later," said Cade and he continued his hunt and continued collecting all the puzzle pieces.


Planet Draor, 5 hours after the explorers with fire skill entered the time limit dungeon.

A young man who was in his mid-20s stood in front of the time limit dungeon's portal. His name was Aidan. He was actually one of the many guards that were tasked in guarding the portal.

He was also one of the few guards that got the notification from the system asking them to send the explorers with fire skills inside the dungeon.

Aidan yawned as he was bored guarding in front of the time limit dungeon. When he was asked to guard the portal, he really did not want to do it because he wanted to evacuate the planet with his family.

Unfortunately for him, the order came from the royal family and if he tried to run away from his task, he was asking for his family to be killed.

He was really unhappy with what happened but, in the end, he gave up and decided to follow whatever order were given to him.

He already asked his family to evacuate the planet without him and if he were to die, he knew that the Golden Dragon Family will take care of his family.

It was better if he died alone rather than his whole family. He had no hope that the exploration this time will be successful because there was no one that was able to do anything to the time limit dungeon.

All the one that enter the dungeon vanished alongside their planet. No matter how strong they were, whatever their grade was, whatever legendary equipment they wore, whatever strong skills they had and whatever strong bloodline they possessed, they all perished forever.

No one survived and that was the fate of everyone that enter the time limit dungeon. Many famous and super strong explorers at their level died when they entered the time limit dungeon.

Their name was talked a lot by other people but that will not change anything as they lose their life to the time limit dungeon.

Their power cannot be compared to the power the time limit dungeon possessed. The dungeon killed millions of people and consumed many planets without much problem.

It even nice enough to give a time limit for humans to retaliate or maybe that time limit was actually given to human to run away and let them consumed the planet peacefully.

All of this was what Aidan thought. He was just there waiting to die. He even had the thought of killing himself but too scared to do that and decided to just let himself died alongside the planet.

It looked much more honorable as it looked like he died while protecting his country and planet.

While he was yawning one more time, he heard a commotion from his coworker. He looked at them and they were pointing at something. No, they were pointing at the portal.

Aidan looked at the portal and he thought, "Is it time already? I don't think so," but there was actually nothing happened at the portal.

"What are they pointing at?" thought Aidan and he realized that they were actually pointing at their system.

The system of someone else cannot be seen by others and that was why Aidan saw them pointing at something.

Seeing that they were looking at the portal. Something must have happened at the portal and can only be seen with the system.

One of them started running around to a communicator stationed in one of the small tents nearby. Aidan looked at the portal and he appraised with his system.

Once the system showed him what had happened to the portal, his mouth was opened wide. He was shocked, surprise and words cannot come out from his mouth.

[7 days 20 hours and 33 minutes] said the system.

"The- the- the lime limit! The time limits! What happen to the time limit?! Why is it increasing?!!" Aidan was screaming loudly as he was shocked to see the time limit had increased.

This had never happened even once before in other time limit dungeon. He was totally shocked. He knew instantly that something good must have had happened inside the time limit dungeon that increased the time limit.

The explorers inside must have done something fruitful and able to increase the time limit. They succeeded in something.

From shocked, Aiden started to smile. He was happy that there were finally hope and it happened in front of him. He started smiling and he screamed in joy. Not only him but everyone around him did the same. They were all happy that there was finally some hope.

Humanity finally made some progression on the time limit dungeon.