Chapter 51

The news about the time limit dungeon on Planet Draor had an increased in time limit shocked everyone in the universe.

Since the time limit of the dungeon can be seen by everyone in the universe through a video recording, everyone saw that the time limit did increased.

Some people were happy about the new progress while some were a bit skeptical about it. Even if the time limit increased, it did not mean that they can close the time limit dungeon. They merely increased the time for the inevitable to happen.

However, many people were angry at the senseless comment made by these people. Even if they fail, what happened was a progress for humanity no matter how small.

Most people were really hoping that the explorers that participated in the time limit dungeon on Planet Draor, succeeded in closing the dungeon.

The new progress on the time limit dungeon made headlines for every news network in the universe. Not only that, it was no 1 trending on all social media site. They were all talking about Planet Draor. That was how big the news was.


While everyone was talking about Planet Draor, Cade was inside the first floor of the slime dungeon hacking every slime he found and collected more and more puzzle pieces.

A few hours ago, Cade got himself his next slime bloodline skill, the fluid body skill. The skill was quite a really good one especially it was good as an emergency skill.

The skill let the user gained immunity to physical attacks for 1 seconds and it had the cooldown time of 1 day. Cade was really happy about this skill as it really was good to save himself from pinch. It had cooldown time but that really not matter much.

Due to the usefulness of the skill, Cade decided to increase the level of the skill for a bit before he continued collecting the other puzzle pieces.

As that happened, Cade managed to increased the slime fluid skill's level to 3 and increased the amount of time he can get physical immunity to 3 seconds.

The time he can use it was a measly 3 seconds but that three seconds can decide the end of the battle and it will be really good as a trump card.

As he was doing that, Cade also increased his physical resistance skill's level to 10 and the skill reached maximum level. Cade thought that the skill level will continue rising but apparently the level limit was 10.

At level 10, Cade's physical resistance will resist 100% physical attack from Grade E opponent and that included the explorers too.

Cade was a bit skeptical about the 100% resistance as that can also meant that he was immune to physical attack. However, the system did not say that he was immune to all Grade E opponent's physical attacks unlike the fluid body skill.

As the skill reached the maximum level, Cade found out that he can increase the grade of the skill from E to D by using the Grade D slime crystal.

He did not know if it was part of the new system update or it was the work of his link growth. Alas, he was happy he can increase its grade.

However, the problem was that, the slime dungeon he was currently in was Grade E. If he wanted to increase the grade of his physical resistance, he needed to go to a Grade D slime dungeon and collected the slime crystals there.

Cade got bored collecting the slime crystal and he started collecting puzzle pieces again. He was collecting the puzzle pieces for the leader skill.

The leader skill was an unknown skill for Cade. He never heard of anyone with that skill and he also saw the same skill on the big blue tongue toad. He wondered what the skill can do?

As Cade kept his explorations forward, he finally arrived at the end of the first floor. In front of him was the boss room. There was no one else there as the slime dungeon was not popular at all.

Cade decided to enter the boss room and advanced to the second floor. He remembered how long he needed before when he first fought in the slime dungeon but now, at his current power, he easily arrived at the end of the first floor in a few hours.

The speed of the explorers at the top floor was fast too as the level limit increased to 24 and that meant there were 24 floors on the slime dungeon.

When Cade thought properly, it might not be a bad idea if he continues forward to the top floor because the higher floor slime can give him experience to level up.

Cade had been stuck at level 10 for quite a while and he was not happy about it as he cannot strengthened himself as well as his linked equipment too.

He thought he will be able to advance steadily on the big tongue toad dungeon but unfortunately, the humanoid toad ruined his plan completely. Not only he was unable to advance further, he almost lost his life too.

However, once he had collected all the puzzle pieces as well as maxing out his skills, there will be nothing else he can do in this slime dungeon other than increasing his level.

Slime can be said to be unfortunate as there were only one species of slime and that was the slime that Cade had been fighting all the time.

He did not know the reason why but maybe because they were too weak and thus, they were unable to evolve or mutate to a different species of slime.

It was different for other monsters as they all have some kind of variations to them indicating them mutating like the big blue tongue toad. It was the big tongue toad but mutation made it had the blue tongue and thus it was called the big blue tongue toad.

Slime was colorless and that was the only slime that can be found. Their core was floating inside their body and it was easy to spot and attack too.

Cade entered the boss room and he met the same kind of big slime he met before on the previous slime dungeon. However, it looked weirdly weak. Much weaker than the one he fought before.

"That's right, maybe this one can be considered a different species… but all boss had bigger size than the normal one and they are basically the same as the normal ones except for the size," said Cade while he was looking at the huge slime.

Cade moved forward and fought the slime boss and it did not take him long to finished it. Around two minutes and he was done.

It took longer than usual because the slime boss kept moving its core around its big body and Cade had a harder time to hit that especially when he was using the sword.

Reflecting back on his fight against this boss slime, Cade realized how useful will it be if he had magic skills like fireball, thunder spear or any other offensive magic skills, however, all of that were dreams because he cannot learn any of that due to his slime bloodline.

The only skill the slime had were the one he can choose from item drop. No other skills. That meant, Cade was unable to learn any magic skill. The fluid body skill can be considered magic skill but it was not offensive.

Cade sighed and he moved to second floor. On second floor, there was not much different compared to the first floor and Cade wondered if the level 2 slime crystal will be count as two crystals similar to his linked equipment?

Cade tried to kill a slime and got himself the level 2 slime crystal. He used it to increase his fluid body skill and unfortunately for Cade, it was the same as the level 1 crystal. One crystal was counted as one.

He sighed and wondered why it was like that? Was it because it was bloodline skill? However, Cade can only wonder about it because if he wanted to know more, he needed to ask others about it. He was inside the dungeon and he had not met many explorers inside the dungeon.

Cade continued forward and collected the leader skill puzzle pieces. A few minutes later, Cade finally collected all 20 puzzle pieces of the leader skill.

"The last bloodline skill that I can learn," said Cade while he was holding the completed skill book of the leader skill.

Cade took a deep breath and he looked at the skill book. He sighed as that will be the last skill, he will be able to learn.

The system asked Cade if he wanted to learn it and Cade said yes. The skill book disintegrated and entered his body and a new notification came from the system.

[Learned the Slime Bloodline – Slime Leader skill]

[Slime Leader skill is compatible to the Link Growth skill. Do you want to upgrade the skill?]
