Chapter 15

After school Gathan was already sitting on his bike, fiddling with his phone. Send a message to Rana.

(Gathan) Beautiful shutter!

Go home with Bang Gathan, huh?

Poor thing Rexy didn't do anything.

(Rana) No, Than.

I can go home by angkot or bus.

(Gathan) Just be with me.

'It's a money that can be saved for our future.

Make our household.


(Rana) Is that right?

Material matters are her husband's job.

(Gathan) Cie, cie...

I've called me husband.

Really, really want to be dihalallin with me?

(Rana) Ih, really you!

Ah, I'm going home!

(Gathan) Hahahahahaha.

Be careful of the return.

Tell ya to the bus driver or angkotnya, do not speed.

Rana put her phone angrily in the bag. The girl glanced at the angkot that she had been waiting for began to stop in front of her. From afar, Gathan saw it with a small smile on his lips. Before then wearing a helmet and moving slowly following the angkot that Rana had just boarded.


The sunlight, ready to return to the contest, makes Rana's face blush red, due to the orange reflection on the Western horizon that hit her white face. The girl was sitting casually on a wooden chair just to the left of the café run by her family. Her parents as a pastry chef and also cake, Mbak Anggun her cousin who manages the finances and necessary ingredients. Rana herself served as a waitress and cashier.

A very harmonious life with their togetherness throughout the day. Imagining the harmony of her family, the girl smiles meaningfully, hoping that one day she can build a family that is like her family.

"Ran! Don't daydream! Hurry up and help brother! You don't see that there are so many café customers this afternoon! Hurry in!" shouted Anggun gaping through the side door of the café calling her cousin's sister.

"Yes," exclaimed Rana as she stepped following her cousin who had walked first into the café.

Actually, Rana already knew that the café is in a crowded state, clearly visible through transparent glass that limits her place to daydream with the café room. But he wants to laze around enjoying the sunset he likes. Because that orange streak will never repeat itself for today. Rana lazily walks to the pantry where Anggun is to take over her duties serving customers. Meanwhile, Anggun switched to clean the dirty tables that had been in the customer's residence.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Coffee WHITE SHOP. What do you want to order?" asked Rana kindly to her first customer this afternoon. The girl was tidying up the cups scattered around her.

"Lo... work here?" asked the customer's voice which strangely sounds familiar enough to the girl who is still ducking.

Rana holds her head forward, shocked to learn who is standing in front of her right now. His shock made him say nothing in a few seconds. Until finally deheman from the guy made him realize. "What do you want to order?" asked a friendly Rana.

"You work here?" asked the man without answering a question from Rana.

"Yes, you can not. This café belongs to my family," Rana replied. "So what do you want to order?" he asked then repeated the question.

"So your family has a café and you're a waitress here every day," murmured the guy again. "I've never seen you hang out in a café. Then after school you always come here dong?"

Rana was silent for a moment. "Do you actually want a message or not?" he asked.

"Ck, it's still fierce aja you're with me. I'm a visitor. You never heard the term 'Customer is King'?" tweeted Gathan deliberately making Rana's emotions turbulent.

"Sorry, yes, Mr. Gathan Brawijaya, for my irreverence earlier. But you can see for yourself that the café is currently crowded. Maybe if you have not decided the order, you can sit first in the seat that has been provided because the queue is quite long," explained Rana glancing at the queue behind Gathan.

Gathan glanced back and there were a lot of queues waiting for his turn. "I ordered a green tea latte with cheese pastry deh," he smiled broadly.

"Wait a minute," said Rana and immediately made a man's order and arranged his serving plate with cheese pastry that uploaded the taste. "Here. It's all 49,000," he said, handing gathan a serving plate.

Gathan handed over some money to Rana, then took a tray containing his order. He then walked towards the corner of the sofa directly opposite the wooden chair where Rana's favorite daydreamed with transparent glass. Gathan continues to observe Rana's behavior, which deftly serves every customer who comes. Gathan's interest in the girl is more and more, insisting to her that he will stop by here often.

It just so happens that he stopped by this coffee shop because his motorcycle had to enter the workshop on the opposite side of the café. Her eyes never came out of Rana who is now arguing with a mother for whatever reason. Every now and then he drinks his coffee while continuing to observe the girl. Their quarrel eventually stopped and the mothers left in anger. Rana herself also looks annoyed.

Gathan smiles a little at Rana's annoyed face. "I should be able to be my girlfriend, Irana Dirja. Either way," he whispered quietly before sipping his coffee green tea.