Chapter 18

Upon exiting the photography club, Rana was surprised by gathan's presence standing leaning next to the door.

"Woy! bro! What are you doing here? Pick me up, huh?" cries Binar behind Rana making the girl turn around.

"Ngarep lo! I want to pick up Rana," Gathan said.

"Ck, like he wants to be with you," Binar said.

"Want to, Ran. Instead of lazing like yesterday. It's hard," Gathan told Rana.

Rana is seen weighing gathan's offer recently.

"Already, Ran. Just take it. Free ride," binar said.

"Um, is it okay? Don't bother you?" asked a disingiful Rana.

"Yes eng..."

"No dong, Gathan mah in repotin with you want to aja times, Ran. Whatever he's going to do for you," Binar said, cutting off Gathan's remarks.

Gathan glanced at Binar sarcastically. "I don't bother," he replied smiling broadly.

"Come on." Rana finally accepts Gathan's offer to be escorted home.

"Alhamdulillah," exclaimed Binar.

"What the hell are you doing? Udah sono unplug! Mewek on the wall because Keket is dating again," taunted Gathan before passing away.


Gathan's motorcycle splits the capital's darkened streets. Rana snves behind him. The girl is grateful because today Gathan went to school with a motorcycle and not a car. Until he doesn't have to sit next to the man.

During the trip Rana only enjoyed the view on his right left. His heart beats fast because sometimes his body sticks to Gathan's sturdy back. His hands are left hanging on the right and left sides, sometimes holding the rear motor bamper.

"Hold on, Ran. What if you fall? It's good to fall on the asphalt," Gathan shouted on the sidelines of the vehicle and the strong wind.

"It's also a handle," Rana shouted.

"I mean this," Gathan said, pulling Rana's left hand and bringing it forward. "Hold my waist," he asked later.

Rana was of course surprised by what Gathan had done just now. Hesitantly he carried his right hand to the handle on the man's shoulder.

"Well, that's it." Gathan smiled happily. Rana's face is drawn through the rearview mirror.

They arrived at Rana's house safely. Gathan stopped his bike in front of rana's gate. Let the girl down before she also came down.

"Come on in!" asks Rana.

"Uh, where are you going?" asked Rana frantically.

"Go inside, Na. Masa' go home people don't say goodbye first," Gathan said.

"No!" prevented Rana from pulling Gathan's arm.

"Why? It's not good for your parents if I go like that."

"Let me talk later, you just go home," Rana said.

"But it's not..."

"Udah, you just go home," Rana forced Gathan to get on his bike.

"Say hello to time' can't you?"


"Say hi," Gathan said at the end.

"Yes, I'll say hello. It's gone!" banished Rana quickly.

"Yes already, beautiful bye." Gathan finally drove his motorcycle away from Rana's house.

Rana breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Gathan's bike started to move away. Afterwards he went into the house.

"Dianterin who, Ran?" asked Rajasa to her daughter.

"Huh?" Rana looked in shock and saw her father standing behind her. "Gathan, Dad," he replied later.

"Why didn't you ask me to come in first?" asked Rajasa astonished.

"Um, it's late, Dad. Afraid of his parents," Rana said, giving a reason.

"Oh." Rajasa nodded. "Yes, you take a shower there. It smells so bad," he taunted then made Rana manyun.

"I went to the room first, Dad."



Gathan whistled while playing the motorcycle lock in his hand. His face looks very cheerful when he enters his house. So happy that he did not say hello to his mama who was sitting relaxing in the living room, just passing by the stairs.

"Where are you from, Than? How come this hour just came home?" rebuked Ratih when he saw his son just passing him by.

Gathan stopped his move and turned sideways. "Nganterin temen go home first, Ma," he replied smiling broadly.

"What are you doing?" asked Ratih again.

"Yes, Ma."

"What about your school? Is it done? Until you mess around like this?" Adipura who just came out of his office asked with a serious nose.

"It's done, Pa. That deuteronomy I got perfect grades. Horse tests, swimming, karate I also got an A. Om Nadim's report I've also read. I want to buy shares belonging to the Granite Department Store," Gathan reported at length.

"That's good. Papa also agreed to your plan to buy Darmawan's retail shares." Adipura casually sits next to Ratih. Although his sentences were praised, the expression on his face did not change. Stay as stiff as ever.

"Yes, I went upstairs first. Want to take a shower."
