Chapter 17

"Now I ask you. You've been best friends with Aneke from childhood, well, during that time, you have thousands of times and moments to express your feelings. Even though your love is only starting a few years back. What's the reason you're doing it?"

Binar felt dissoled by the sentence from Rana just now. This girl sitting next to her is telling the truth. He's had thousands of moments with Aneke and he's been wasted all along. He never expressed his feelings to Aneke.

"Best friends with girls are sometimes fun, Nar, for some people. But for people who can't help their feelings, that friendship can turn into a thorn. At first you guys are best friends, continue to baper, nahan love because do'i do'i do not like us, cover up our feelings behind the word 'friend'."

Rana keeps explaining and Binar is busy listening.

"Even if you move on with having a girlfriend, you will find it difficult to keep each other's feelings. Friendships without 'boundaries' sometimes make the person who sees them feel envious."

Binar just confirmed Rana's sentence. He did that. Move on from from Aneke by accepting the love of other women. But whenever she's dating, they always protest with the closeness between her and Aneke. In the end they broke up because they couldn't find a way out.

"The last, and most annoying. When you end up dating and end up breaking up, your relationship will never come back like before. There's always a change even if it's small."

The binars still remain silent.

"In the end, you will all be hurt." Rana greets him with a smile.

"You've been in my position, have you?" asked Binar.

"That's it, I had a best friend from childhood and when I went to high school decided to go out, we only dated for a few months and ended up breaking up. Our relationship didn't go well after we broke up, especially since he went out of town."

The twinkle bows silently. "But I love Aneke so much," he murmured quietly.

Rana smiled thinly. "Then state. It's possible that Aneke is also waiting for your confession."

"Ck, where possible! Now he's dating another guy," Binar said.

"Emang you know the true heart of Aneke, love is in taste, Nar, not in view. The way you treat love is just a process. Not caring about you doesn't mean he doesn't love and vice versa, caring about you doesn't mean love."

"But how about everything you've been talking about. What if it turns out that he doesn't love me and our relationship becomes awkward."

"This is the reason why you do not create a moment for kelian both. You're afraid everything's going like nothing in your shadow."

The twinkle just nodded.

"You may be among the lucky ones in this situation. We'll never know what happens next, Nar. I'm demonstrating that principle, applying the sentences I just said and in the end I'm still falling. My friendship broke down. But I have absolutely no regrets about my decision. Maybe he wasn't destined to be my best friend or my best friend. We'll never know before we try, so since we've already fallen, shouldn't we try to go deeper into that fear hole. So that we know how deep the wound is and what is behind the fear."

"You're a good motivator, huh?" joked Binar with a chuckle.

"I think so." Rana laughed.

"By the way, what about your own love story? After breaking up with your ex, can you move on?" asked Binar, starting fishing.


"Seriously? Same who? This child?" asked Binar enthusiastically.

Rana stared at Binar in wonder.

"Um, I'm happy because you're not protracted in grief. It's good that you've been able to move on." Binar hastily clarified before Rana knew his foul intentions.

"I've been able to move on, but I can't move up yet."


'Yes because I don't want to have a relationship with someone yet. Still want to enjoy my own time."

"What kind of ideal guy are you?" asked Binar again.

Rana squinted her eyes. "You're helping Gathan with information about me, huh?" he asked suspiciously.

"Huh?" Binar looks shocked. "How do you know?"

"You're Gathan's best friend."

"You know I'm Gathan's best friend? From the beginning?"

"Hehm." Rana nodded. "I've seen you eat in the cafeteria with Gathan."

"Oh, when you misbehave keep numpahin bottles of soy sauce on the table." The twinkle smiles seductively towards Rana.

"Uh, s-who misbehaved. G-I'm used to it," elak Rana quickly.

"I've done it. You're actually interested in Gathan."

"No! Uh, not yet... Eh... Well, whatever." Rana panicked herself. His cheeks were red because of Binar's temptations just now.

"Yes, just relax. Gathan is patiently waiting for him."