Chapter 31.

Gathan believes he's falling in love with the right girl. Therefore, he will use all his time to love the woman of his choice. Although it's hard, but he'll keep trying. Even if the problem is his family.

Ask your heart, is it ready to fight? If the answer is yes, I'll fight for your love __Gathan.

If my answer is yes, but the universe doesn't support us. Do you still want to fight for me?__Rana


"Assalammu'alaikum, Om, Auntie," said Gathan smiling brightly.

His status has changed, he became more confident when he visited Rana's house.

"Waalaikumsalam," greets Saras and Rajasa almost simultaneously. Saras was watering flowers in the front garden of the house while Rajasa was reading the newspaper. Their usual routine before going to the store.

"Want to pick up Rana?" asked Saras pausing.

"Yes, Tan," said Gathan politely.