Chapter 32.

Approaching Exam Week school.

All students are preparing for the exam, including Gathan and Rana.

Gathan looks at Rana who is seriously copying material into her notebook. They're currently in the library. They've been spending a lot of time in the library these days.

Gathan thought his days would be fun because he would spend time having fun with Rana instead of studying and dealing with books every day.

"Than, you've finished recording the material? The first day you tested history, right?" rebuked Rana as Gathan just kept quiet while looking at her.

"Duh dizzy, Na, understand the history of the Indonesian nation. I'd rather have both of us," Gathan smiled.

"Ck, you can do it," rana said. "Already, copy it quickly! We learned math," he added, unaffected by Gathan's recent uproar.

"Iyaa," Gathan said in the end.