Chapter 34.

Gathan believes he's falling in love with the right girl. Therefore, he will use all his time to love the woman of his choice. Although it's hard, but he'll keep trying. Even if the problem is his family.

Ask your heart, is it ready to fight? If the answer is yes, I'll fight for your love __Gathan.

If my answer is yes, but the universe doesn't support us. Do you still want to fight for me?__Rana


"During the day everyone!" said Mrs. Watini, the principal of the Deandles school. The middle-aged woman entered one of the science classes with a bright smile.

"Morning, ma'am!" shouted the students of one class in unison.

"What's wrong, Miss Wati?" asked Mrs. Riana looking confused.

"Sorry to interrupt the lesson, Mrs. Riana. Today, this class has a new transfer student from Korea," said Mrs. Watini.

"Oh, it's all right, ma'am." Mrs. Riana smiled politely.