Chapter 35.

Rana sat restlessly beside Gathan. So did Gathan who was sitting next to him. Gista sat in front of Gathan while the seat beside him was empty because the young man Gathan now knew named Pilar insisted on treating the three of them. As a greeting to a new friend.

"Eh, you didn't say your favorite ice cream flavor, did you?" said Gathan standing up intending to approach Pilar who was ordering ice cream at the cashier.

Gista stared at Gathan in silence. When he was about to stand up, it turned out that Pilar had returned.

"Don't worry, Than. I ordered Taro for Rana. I know he likes Taro's ice cream," Pilar said then sat in front of Rana.

Gathan was silent for a moment then sat back down. There was silence at their table. No one wants to start a conversation. Rana just looked down at his intertwined hands on his thighs, Gathan was looking at Rana, then Gista looked at Gathan with a longing gaze while Pilar, of course he looked at Rana.