Chapter 56.


Rana's cell phone, which was above her bedroom nightstand, rang and vibrated for a long time. The owner of the cellphone who had just come from the bathroom walked to the nightstand and grabbed the cellphone.

"Gathan?" mumbled Rana slowly. He then picked up Gathan's call and walked over to his dressing table. "Hello, Than," he then greeted.

"Hi, honey," said Gathan on the other end of the phone.

Rana furrowed her brow in confusion. It sounded weird when Gathan called her 'darling'. "Why suddenly call me 'darling'. Usually you call me 'Na'?" he asked then.

"I'm still studying, we're getting married tomorrow," Gathan chirped then chuckled softly.

Rana smiled amused at Gathan's words just now. "Why are you calling? Miss you?" he babbled later. Flirting with Gathan was fun.

"Hehm, I really miss you. We haven't seen each other for a week," Gathan said later.