Chapter 57.

Finishing their dinner quietly, Rana and Gathan returned to their room. Again, Rana chose to enjoy the night on the balcony of their room. But this time accompanied by Gathan and also a cup of warm tea. Gathan stood next to the woman with his gaze straight ahead.

"What do you think, Nana?" Gathan asked quietly, without looking at his wife's face.

"What?" asked Rana not understanding.

"A request from Mama and Aunt Ratna this morning. Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Um... boy."

"Why?" Gathan asked this time looking at his wife with interest.

"It's true what Aunt Ratna said, I want the first child to be a boy, so he can take care of his younger siblings in the future."

"Ehm, okay. Then how many children do you want?"

"Two maybe, the second a girl. It must be really cute."

"Especially if it's pretty like you."