Chapter 92.

The small smiley pillar saw the expression of the shutter face at this time. He then called a waiter and ordered a cake and drink. After the waiter left, the atmosphere of the pillar was fully centered in the woman sitting in front of him. "You look pale. You are sick, Ran?" The pillar asked softly and looked softly at the shutter.

Shutter smiled softly before later answering the question of the male who had shadow considered like his own brother. "I'm fine just how come, Lar. Thank you for worrying about me," he said then trying to convince the pillar if he was fine.

"Thank God, if you are fine," murmured the pillar of relief. "I know you are a strong and adult woman. You must be able to pass all this. You only need to be patient to wait for a rainbow after the rain down, Ran."

"Ready, sir, doctor," said the shutter smiled broadly.