Chapter 91.

Gathan arrived at the Rana family's bakery, when he came the shop looked lonely. There are only one two people who are choosing various kinds of cakes in the storefront. The man greeted Mbak Anggun before then approached Rajasa and also in the kitchen.

"Afternoon, yeah, ma'am," said Gathan in the two parents' parents.

"Hi, Than!" Sapa Rajasa on his former son-in-law. "You are here here Sunday. Usually Saturday," he said later.

"Yesterday Gathan had business, well," Gathan answered. He did not say that yesterday he was sick, he did not want to make shutter parents Jawir and worry about him.

"Oh." Both Rajasa and Saras just nodded in understanding.

"Today there are no many orders, well, ma'am?" Gathan asked later.

"For this week until next week we are free, Than," said Saras.

"Free? Why, ma'am?" Gathan asked surprised.

"We want to travel for approximately a week, so we don't take orders," Rajasa answered.