Chapter 130.

As they said this afternoon at school, in the afternoon, Lova, Winta and Sana made an appointment to do group work at school. After returning home to shower and change clothes, Lova returned to school with a fresh and not wrinkled appearance like she came home from school. Lova walked a little hastily through the corridor of class XI, before she got news from Winta that her best friend had arrived at the back garden. It's already there too.

At the end of the corridor, Lova saw some of her school friends getting into an argument with some people. Even among his friends there are Naka and Haru. He could faintly hear what they were talking about.

"You still want to challenge us? Aren't you ashamed that you lost last night?" It was Haru's voice. Lova could recognize him easily because the young man often spread gibberish throughout the school.

"Yesterday was just a warm-up," said a young voice that Lova didn't recognize.