Chapter 129.

"My name is Angger Dwisekar. You can call me Sis Angger. The one wearing the black jacket is called Kak Revo, while the one with the blue headband is called Kak Cantika."

"Wow, it fits. The name and the person are both beautiful," said a voice from behind.

The class became excited after that remark.

Lova looked back and saw the young man among them smiled amusedly.

"That's it! That's it! Now it's your turn to get acquainted!" said Kak Revo to mediate the atmosphere. "Anyone want to get acquainted first? Just stand up and say their name and middle school origin?"

The class became silent. Of course there is a feeling of nervousness and also fear. Getting acquainted in front of new people is certainly not an easy thing. But suddenly someone stood up confidently, causing the class to exclaim excitedly.