Chapter 1

In the southern part of Skyfall continent,

A caravan was pulled by beasts and surrounded by 400 soldiers protecting it. Inside the caravan, a young child around 4 years old woke up from his sleep. The kid looked at his body in confusion as he felt his whole body full of pain. He wanted to scream but felt soon waves of memories came crashing on his mind make him fall back unconscious.

After several hours, the kid woke up as he started to think about the weird dream that he had. The dream was full black with nothing he could see. All he can do is hear noises and chats around him. From the dream, Mike knew that he was in the body of a 9th prince of the Vermilion Empire, Liam Von Vermilion. A blind prince that discarded from that palace to the most dangerous state in the empire, Secluded State. Some might call it Demonic State as it is full of spiritual beasts.

Liam Von Vermilion was a poor child of a maid and the emperor. When the emperor knew the maid was pregnant he made her his concubine and gave her a place in the royal palace. When Liam was born and they found that he was blind and talentless, they immediately threw him away. Even his mother ignored and never came to see him once. He was bullied day and night by his elder brothers as they deem him as worthless and undeserving of the royal blood.

When he reached the age of 4 years old, the other nobles saw him during the empress dowager's birthday party which raised questions about his identity. Even the empress dowager was wondering who this child was. After searching for information about him and how he got bullied made the royal clan full of shame. Therefore, the empress dowager summoned the emperor and asked him to compensate the child as an apology.

The emperor was angry at this worthless son of his and how he caused shame to the royal clan. Feeling angry he gave the Secluded State and asked him to go and manage the state. The emperor's actions caused many nobles to feel anger at how narrow-minded the emperor made the decision but they couldn't do anything as he was the emperor. To them sending 4 years old to Secluded State that is full of dangerous spiritual beasts and criminals is like sending him to death.

Even the empress dowager who saw Liam for the first time and liked him couldn't do anything. As the emperor words hold a heavyweight and once it's announced, it can't be changed. All she could do is give him gold and assign him 400 strong guards to protect him

Liam: " How could they do this to a child? Sending him to a Dangerous State? Sight, not even letting him go in one piece. That trash of an emperor had his guards to beat me up half-dead before sending me away. Wait!!! Liam Von Vermilion son of the emperor Theodore Von Vermilion!!! Isn't that the trash prince from my novel? No way!!! I am inside the body of a trash cannon fodder?" Mike started to feel despair as he remembered the plot of the novel.

In the novel, Liam was executed as an apology from the emperor to the main character because Liam was forcefully married by the main character's childhood friend. The main character's childhood friend was forced into marriage by the empire to Liam in order to make a connection with a nearby kingdom. When the main character became powerful he asked the empire to return his childhood friend and kill the trash prince, even though Liam did nothing wrong. Liam didn't even meet his wife at all. In fact, the crown prince and Liam's wife were lovers and they plotted all of this. This wasn't revealed until later in the novel.

Liam: " If Liam was blind then how am I able to see? Wasn't I injured half head when I first woke up? What is going on? Did something happen to the novel? Hmm? What the hell?" Liam was confused and scared as he didn't know what is going on. No matter what he thought he couldn't figure out how he is in his novel. Suddenly,

A blue screen was floating in front of Liam.

[ Name: Liam Von Vermilion (Mike)


Health: 100% (Recovery Completed).

Cultivation Qi: None

Cultivation Body: None

Skills: High Senses Lv.5 ( able to sense anything in 10 meters around you.)

Servants: 0

Summon ticket: 2 Low Level summon.]

Liam: "Wait, could this floating screen be a system like in web novels. But, my novel didn't have anything like this. This must be the reason why I am healed and in my novel. Ahemm.. System can you hear me?" Liam felt embarrassed calling for system. He is shocked and confused about everything around him. As an otaku, he knows that all he could do right now is to figure out everything about this system.

Liam waited for several minutes with nothing happening.

Liam: " Hmm… Nothing happened? Weird, most of the novels I know have an AI system that assists the host. Could this system not have AI? Maybe similar to some of the novels that I read where the system doesn't have AI to assist? According to those novels, to control the system I must think of a command. Let's try this.."

Liam though 'Close System!'. The window disappeared in a moment surprising Liam. Liam smiled as he felt he was on the right track. As he was about to try to open it again he heard,

" Open the gates, the 9th prince has arrived!!"

Looking through the window he saw a huge wall with a gigantic gate. There was floating words on top of the gates that says:

{ Secluded City (Fallen place of Sword Maniac 's Inheritance)}

Liam's eyes were wide open as he read those words he thought: ' Wasn't this the city that Liam governed and the place where I wrote it had an ancient cultivator's Inheritance? That means everything I wrote exists in this world! Hahaha,' Liam couldn't hold himself from laughing so hard that other soldiers thought he went crazy.