
Mike a 21 years old otaku. He lives every day in his Mansion. As a teenager growing up having no one in his life. All he had was his family's inheritance which was left after his family plane crashed into a mountain due to "engine failure." Or that what his relatives said.

His life routine is a very simple routine he wakes up, eats, watches anime and novels, writes a new chapter in his novel, does self-study, eats, then sleeps. Like this, he lived his life for the last 9 years with no one really taking care of him.

A lot of relatives got pissed off by his behavior and deemed him as a worthless piece of shit. They tried to grow him into a perfect and smart kid to help the family, but for some reason, he was not interested in anything that his relatives tried to teach him. As a result, they took 90% of his inheritance and left with him a 10% as an act of "kindness" for Mike's Parents.

To other people, mike was a crazy and weirdo who always stays at his home. But, the reality is very different as he wasn't allowed to leave his parent's mansion because he was a "disgrace" in his relatives' eyes. His relatives hired a lot of guards to make sure he never leaves the mansion.

In Mike's point of view, all he can see are greed and disgusting eyes. None of them had the gentleness of his parents or his caretaker when he was young. His heart always hurt him every time he sees them. He always questioned himself why would he feel that way? Therefore, he slowly started to look for something that distracts him from his own reality to an alternative one that is full of dreams and happiness, or that what he made people think?

The novel he wrote was about a young man that has a similar situation as Mike's situation. The only difference is that another person was inside that young man with cheat abilities the same as other MCs. The young man conquered his family and destroyed empires and sects. Mike's whole time was dedicated to this novel as if he was living a new life there.

However, his happiness didn't last long as his relatives found out about his novel as it grew into a famous novel all over the internet. Also, they were notified by the guards that Mike is the author of the novel. They felt threatened as the situation in the novel is basically the truth that happened. In the novel, the MC's family killed the MC's parents to steal their money and resources. Afraid that mike was planning anything behind their backs they decided that Mike is unnecessary anymore…

Back in the mansion:

Mike: "Finally I finished with the 5th volume of my novel. There should be 3 more volumes and the novel will be finished. Ahhh I feel tired, let's upload all the extra chapters before going to eat dinner."

The extra chapters are chapters that Mike's published was in a separate website, the extra chapters were to explain more about the world of the novel like treasures, villainess characters stories, hidden inheritances, clans, sects, and more.. He found a lot of people are more interested in this more than his novel. Therefore, he writes 7 extra chapters per week for them.

After uploading the new chapters, he went for the main hall to continue eating. On his way, he noticed something was off as a lot of guards were standing watching him walking to the main hall. Once he arrived he noticed a large meal enough for 5 people. There many dishes from all around the world which made him feel suspicious because he was only offered noodles or some small meal that was not enough for a person. Mike knew fully well that he was being treated as a prisoner in this place but he couldn't do anything because he had to guarantee his safety.

Looking at all these meals Mike smiled, as he walked to the seat in front of the table. He looked around him as he smiled at every guard around him.

Mike: " Looks like you don't want to give me another choice huh?"

The head of the guards look at him and said: " I don't know what you are talking about Sir. Please eat your dinner."

Mike didn't mind what he said as he took his phone out for a minute before closing it down. He looked at them and said: " I might be a fool and crazy in your eyes but even fools could be dangerous. There are limits to what could be done to a person. If you try to corner a rabbit you should expect him to retaliate, right? You guys left me with no other choice."

The head guards squeezed his eyes as he looked at the mike in the eyes then ordered the other guards: " Looks like the young master have problems with eating. You two go and help him finish his food."

Mike could only smile helplessly as he was forced to eat this meal. After eating for a while he started to feel dizzy and his eyes were heavy. He knew there was a poison in this food but he can't do anything about it.

He looked at the camera at the corner of the room as he said: "Fools you think that you got me? It's game over for all of you. For the last 9 years, I had self-taught myself hacking skills. All of your corrupt scandals and schemes were all recorded in a file. Guess where that file is now? It's of no use trying to take my phone Hahahahaha. It's already…all over the internet!!! Why panicking now? Hehehe I created much wonderful pieces of evidence. You are all my family, so I will take care of you, haha. Don't be afraid, the least possible thing that could happen to you is dying by public rage. CHECKMATE" Mike says toward the camera as he was sure that his relatives were watching.

Mike always wanted to expose them but he couldn't do anything about it as he was afraid of being killed by them once they find out. He would have never guessed that he was killed because of a novel.

In his last moments, all he could think was ' I wish I could finish my novel..'