Chapter 3

These are useful goods!! The mask could help hid my true cultivation stage and hid the fact that I can see. But, the most important thing is the summon tickets!! If I can get loyal servants, there will be a great help. Especially, when everyone around me is can't be trusted.

I clicked on the Start Summon on both of the screens. White and silver fog covered the room while the wind started to rage around.


Liam's POV:

White fog covered the room, and soon 3 shadows appeared.

After a while, the fog disappeared a middle-aged man, a demi-human woman with two horns and scales in some of her body parts, and a young white 9-tailed fox.

The three kneel down as soon as they saw me. Soon, three windows appeared in front of me.

A window appeared above the Middle-Aged man who's wearing a red war armor and holding a giant bloody spear.

[ Name: Not Given Yet

Title: Genius Warlord, Supreme General of Bloodthirsty Army.

Age: 60 years old

Health: 100%

Cultivation Qi: Fifth Stage: 4th level Mind Palace.

Cultivation Body: Third Stage: 3rd level Bone Refining

Skills: Spear Master Lv.8, Berserker Lv.9, Martial Arts Lv.5]

A window above the demi-human woman, she was wearing black clothes that looked like cultivation clothes.

[ Name: Not Given Yet

Title: Demi-Dragon Clan's Shadow Guard, Genius Assassin, Leader of Shadow Guards.

Age: 28 years old

Health: 100%

Cultivation Qi: Second Stage: 4th level Qi Gathering.

Cultivation Body: Fifth Stage: 4th level Body Forging.

Skills: Martial Arts Lv.8, Assassin Lv.9, Knife Throwing Lv. 9, Dagger Master Lv.9, Beast Language Lv.8]

A window appeared above the young white 9-tailed Fox

[ Name: Not Given Yet

Title: Divine Beast

Age: 1-year-old

Health: 100%

Cultivation Qi: First Stage: 2nd level Body Refining.

Cultivation Body: Second Stage: 3rd level Skin Refining.

Skills: None]

Looking at the three people in front of me I told them: " Hi, nice to meet you all. Please stand up, Emm..... What's your name? I am Liam Von Vermilion. It's my pleasure to meet you."

They stand-up but don't look me in the eyes as the man steps forward and says: "Your words are my commands, my lord. We don't have names. Please name us as you like." While the other nod their head.

"Then, what about I call you Thor?" I say as I look at him. I am wondering about the whole Lord thing. But, first I should give them a name to properly be able to communicate.

" Thank you, my lord." Said Thor with a big smile on his face.

Then I looked at the other two and asked them about their names: " What about you two?"

"Please name us anything you wish for my Lord." Said the demi-human respectively while the Fox waved his tails in expectation.

I look at them and say: " Hmm what about Ren for you and Kurma for the little fox here"

"Thank You, my lord." Said Ren happily while Kurma started jumping around happily.

I smile looking at them and then ask them: " Now, Could you tell me more about your selves? Why do you call me Lord? How did you get here?"

Thor looked confused as he said: " Because you are our Lord and we are you, servants. We all your loyal servants. Please ask us to do anything you want."

While Ren nodded her head in agreement as she said: " We were always by your side lord. We are loyal servants only to you."

Thinking about how they revered themself as servants and loyal, I thought it should be related to the system. For now, I shouldn't stand on ceremony since they call me their Lord.

I set down on the bed as I start thinking carefully about how to use them to increase my chances of safety. ' Currently, I have no allies in this place. Everyone here is either a spy or a greedy bastard. What I need now is to find trustworthy followers. But, I can't let others know about my plans and these three or it might lead to unknown changes to the story. Although they are already in the 5th and 4th stages and the strongest people in this City. There are a lot more cultivators like them with the emperor and other princes' sides. I need a lot more strong followers. Hmm... Then what about...'

As I looked at them, I started thinking about how to improve my strength before I reach 15 years old, the year in which I was married! I looked at Ren and said: " Ren, you are an assassin, right? You must know how to teach and grow new assassins? I want you to go through the whole State and see if you can find people worthy of recruiting to be my shadow guards!"

Ren kneeled as she said: " Yes, lord. I can successfully grow shadow guards using Demi-Dragons Shadow Guards Secret Techniques. I can get you 200 strong Shadow Guards in the Fifth Body Stage within 5 years!! All of them will be loyal servants! No one will ever dare to disobey your words!"

Wow, 200 is a lot!! Even my brothers won't be able to have this many as each of them will have a maximum of 20 to 30 Fifth Stage Cultivators! "Good, Ren I will depend on you for building shadow guards. Thor, this State is full of Bandits and underground organizations. You are a general and a genius warlord. I want you to take over all of them and build me an army, can you do that for me?"

Thor laughs as he kneel down, he said while barely able to hold back his happiness: " Of course, my lord. Give me 4 years maximum and I will have the whole underground community in your hands and build you the strongest army on this land!!! I will build you an unstoppable army the Bloodthirsty Army!!"

Ren's eyes started to glow as she screams: " Liar!! Lord, I will make you the best Shadow Guards ever existed in 2 years!!!!"

Hearing this Thor's smile started to fade as red smoke started to appear around him as he said: " Lord give me a year and I will have this empire throne in your hands!!" While looking at Ren with hostel eyes.

Ren was filled with jealousy and anger as she said: " HMPH!! You and what army you lowly human!! Know your place!! Just an empire and you look this happy? Lord, don't listen to this pathetic fool monkey! I will make you rule the world!!! Just trust me!!"

Thor's skin turned red from anger and jealousy as he said: " You fucking lizard!! All you can do is grow low-level guards that use underhanded methods!! Don't make me laugh!! Lord, I will make you rule the universe just trust me!! I, Thor, The Supreme General of Bloodthirst Army never lie!!!"

Ren looked with disdain as she said: " HMPH! Monkeys always love to brag!! lowly methods? I can kill you before you blink your eyes!!"

Kurma got angry as he started to say Squeek Squeek.

I look at the trio who were fighting for stupid reasons and shake my head not knowing, should I laugh or cry?