Chapter 4

Thor's skin turned red from anger and jealousy as he said: " You fucking lizard!! All you can do is grow low-level guards that use underhanded methods!! Don't make me laugh!! Lord, I will make you rule the universe just trust me!! I, Thor, The Supreme General of Bloodthirst Army never lie!!!"

Ren looked with disdain as she said: " HMPH! Monkeys always love to brag!! lowly methods? I can kill you before you blink your eyes!!"

Kurma got angry as he started to say Squeek Squeek.

I look at the trio who were fighting for stupid reasons and shake my head not knowing, shoudl I laugh or cry?


"You idiots calm down or others will find out about you!!" I say as I look at these Idiots.

"Yes, my lord" all three with a squeak from Kurma

"Ren and Thor I don't want any fights between all of you, okay? I want you to start your mission as soon as possible. Thor, you must unit ever single underground organization and turn them into an army. It's not going to be easy as I don't want anyone to find out about this. If anyone finds out we will be in big trouble. Make sure that you report to me every week!" I say as I look at them in the eye.

Tor and Ren said: " Yes, Lord."

Then, Thor frowned as he looked around the room. He said: " Lord, what about these lowly spies in the mansion? I guess you don't want to do anything to them because that will alert your true enemies."

I look at Thor with a sigh as I say: " True if the others find out I killed their spies things will be difficult for us."

Ren smiled as she said: " That won't be an issue, my lord. We can clean the whole mansion and make someone take the whole blame for it. Since you are 4 years old and is considered young nobody will ever think you did anything.

Hearing this my eyes glow as I say: " You are right!! The fucking Old Zhu could take the whole blame!!! He is an ambitious man who wants everything for his clan, we can use this fact to use him as a reason for kicking everyone out of here But, first, we need to build or own men first. When we have trustworthy people we will replace the ones here and point everything toward Old Zhu and at the same time I can make my men be double spies who well tell me of everyone's intentions!! Ren, you are a genius"

Ren had a sweat covering her face as she said: " HA HA, yes yes that was what I meant my lord!! Absolutely what I was thinking!!"

Thor looked at her with the corner of his eyes as he said: " I bet she just wanted to kill everyone and put the evidence in someone's room. Lowly methods."

Ren ignored Thor for the first time, as she didn't even pay him any attention.

I looked as everything which looked good then remembered a problem. I looked at kurma and said: " I can't let anyone see kurma or things could go wrong! 9 tails fox are legendary divine beasts."

"Squeak Squeak" Kurma started to move his tail around as he looked at me.

Ren said: " Lord he says " Let's form a blood contract! If we make blood contract we can communicate and hid myself from other people" and to make the contract all you have to do is put a drop of your blood on his mouth."

I looked surprised that Ren can understand Kurma's talk. I bite my finger and let kurma take a drop of my blood. He started to shine until I felt a weird connection between me and kurma.

" Lord, can you hear Kurma!! Let me go and subdue every beast and make you emperor of beasts!!! These two idiots are nothing but worthless beings!! Kurma is a 9 Tail Fox!! Kurma is better than them!!!" Kurma said while jumping around happily.

I look at Ren and Thor as they are looking around searching for kurma.

" See, Kurma is better than them. They can't see Kurma!! Kurma is good!!" kurma said with his head looking up toward the sky.

" Hahaha… Indeed Kurma is good! Good job kurma, you are a good boy!!" I say looking at the mischievous fox who is making fun of everyone around.

" Okay, both of you should start now! But, Ren before you leave, go and grab me a lightweight sword." I say looking at them. Soon, Ren returns with a small light weight sword.

I put the sword in my inventory as I looked at them and said: " Be Careful on your mission! Remember to not alert anyone around here. It would be a good idea to understand the whole State situation before making a move. I believe that both of you understand this better than I do?"

Thor smiled and said: "Lord, don't worry. Everything will be fine you can depend on us. I and this half-lizard can do the job without failure."

Ren looked respectably at me as she said: " I hate this idiot monkey but I agree with him on one thing. You can trust us with the missions. We will create the strongest force in the shortest time possible."

I smiled seeing that they have an agreement. Although, I am a bit worried about Ren as she seems to look down on humans. I look at them as I say: " You are dismissed report to me in one week's time at midnight."

As soon as I finish speaking, Ren disappears in the room shadow and Thor disappear through the window.

I take my mask and wear it as I take out the small swords to start the Sword Maniac's Sword Ritual.

The moment I wear the mask my whole view change I can see everything around me. The wall is transparent and everything in 2km from me is very clear. I can see Thor running on top of the buildings going toward the slums of the city and Ren is sneaking into the library of a mansion nearby. I can even see a couple "having fun" in their bedroom about 1.5km away from me.

In addition, there are small shiny particles floating around me that I can't touch. They have different colors and there are some large colorless particles that are surrounded by small colored particles.

" I wonder if this is what they call Qi? This mask is amazing I can see everything around me very clearly. I can see things behind me without turning my head how magical!!"