Chapter 5

As soon as I finish speaking, Ren disappears in the room shadow and Thor disappears through the window.

I take my mask and wear it as I take out the small swords to start the Sword Maniac's Sword Ritual.

The moment I wear the mask my whole view change I can see everything around me. The wall is transparent and everything in 2km from me is very clear. I can see Thor running on top of the buildings going toward the slums of the city and Ren is sneaking into the library of a mansion nearby. I can even see a couple "having fun" in their bedroom.

There are small shiny particles floating around me that I can't touch. They have different colors and there are some large colorless particles that are surrounded by small colored particles.

" I wonder if this is what they call Qi? This mask is amazing I can see everything around me very clearly. I can see things behind me without turning my head how magical!!"


I hold my new sword tightly as I start to recall the Sword Maniac's Sword Ritual. Even though this is my first time holding a sword I don't think it's a big issue as I will get used to it slowly. I am weak and barely able to hold the sword, for now, therefore, I will try my best to increase my strength without affecting my growth rate.

Remembering the Sword Maniac's Sword Ritual, I set down cross-legged as I take out the sword from its scabbard. I put the scabbard on the floor and the sword on my legs as I slowly close my eyes and chant:

" Sword way hold no Secrets~

Sword is Me and I am Sword~

Scabbard is the enemy~

Here I hold myself and fight my enemy~"

As I finish the chant, I carry the sword and slash at the Scabbard twice before repeating the chant. I continued this way for 10 times. Then stood up and started 25 Sword slashes vertically and Horizontally with 30 seconds between each slash as I focus on my sword movement and try to understand the sword.

Sword Maniac's Sword Ritual is a secret art that not only helps in getting the inheritance but also helps the swordsman to perceive the sword aura and becoming one with the sword. It's the best method to train myself on how to use a sword. After finishing the ritual, I feel more adept to the sword than before. It's a weird feeling but I feel the sword is much lighter than before, although I am not getting stronger in any way.

I return the sword to the inventory as I try to walk back to my bed as I feel tired from all of the training which took me 45 minutes. The moment I lay down on the bed my mind goes blank as I passed out.


The next morning I woke up early in the morning. I look at Kurma sleeping next to me on the bed. I play with him trying to make him wake up but he is not moving as if he was dead. " What a sleeping bag! Hey! Wake up~~~"

Looking at him ignoring me and sleeping I head toward the table and take a bell as I ring the bell and wait for the maid to come. Soon, a maid enters through the door as she said: " Your Highness, did you call for me?"

I sit on my bed as I say: " Help me take a shower and change my clothes to go and eat breakfast."

She looked at me with disdain and mockery as she said: " There is no need for that you look great! I will lead the way for you to the hall where you will have your breakfast."

I was about to shout at this bitch but I saw Old Zhu enter the room. He looked at the made and said: " Insolent peasant, how dare you say that to His Highness the 9th Prince of Vermilion empire. Go and do as he commands!"

The maid's face turns white as she says: " Please forgive me, Lord Zhu! I will do as you say so. Your Highness, please follow me to take a shower."

I smile as I thought ' Lord Zhu? You went ahead and made yourself a lord on your own? What a conning old fellow. The old man's clan is only a merchant's family and they are not a noble family. Being called Lord could only mean that he is a noble. It looks like he used my name to get himself a noble title a "Baron". As I am the 9th prince I can make anyone a Baron as long as they have enough wealth and strength.'

Old Zhu said: " You fool he can't see anything, he is blind! Go and help him! If I ever see you do fool around again I will sell your whole family to slavery!!"

My eyes almost fell from my face hearing his words, ' You conning old fox! I can see the smirk on your face and the smile on her face!! Both of you are merely making a show here!!'

I slowly make my face down as I say: " Grandpa Zhu, thank you for helping me. You are the only person good to me. Liam love grandpa" I smile as I raise my head and look at a random spot in the room.

Old Zhu look surprised because I never spoke to him before. I was known as a quiet child who suspected as a mute. But hearing how I referred to him as "Grandpa". He smiled very wildly as he said: " Yes, Yes.... Don't worry your Highness. Grandpa Zhu will help you with everything you just trust grandpa Zhu with everything! By the way, who gave you the mask it looks good on you?" At the end of his words, his eyes were shining with greed.

I was surprised by what he said. Because I forgot about how to explain the golden mask. ' Shit! I forgot about the mask, damn it!!' Suddenly, I remembered the empress dowager as she was the only one who was kind to Liam in the palace. When she knew about him at her birthday party, she carried him around bragging about her cute grandson in front of other old duchesses.

I smile as I say: " Grandma Empress Dowager gave me it to remember her. She said it looks good on me. Is it good?"

I can see the sweat-covered Old Zhu when I mentioned the empress dowager. Because anyone tried to steal the empress dowager gifts in the past all disappeared mysteriously. He immediately said: " Looks wonderful on you your highness. Excuse me, your highness, I have other things to do at the moment, see you later."

Seeing him run away, I laughed to myself. After eating breakfast, I returned to my room and sit on the floor cross-legged.

Slowly information about ways to improve my Talent started to surface. The best time to start cultivation for young children is 6 years old. However, I am a 4 year old currently. The only thing I can do now is to improve my cultivation talent and increase my Qi Senses.

As I closed my eyes I try to operate the method " Ultimate Sky Foundation". I have to use the food I should eat to refine my talent. According to the method, the result will only show up after 300 to 500 tries. Slowly I mysterious words appeared in my mind as a strong force traveled through my body slowly I feel both heat and cold traveling on the opposite parts of my body.

After half an hour the heat stopped as I opened my eyes I started to smell stinky smell like a fart. I can see a lot of sweat all over my body. Also, I feel extremely hungry. I look around and find Kurma sitting next to me with a table full of food. It looks like he stole food from the kitchen.

" You little mischievous fox, where did you get it from?" I say while patting his head

Kurma's tails started to move around as his eyes became shiny, he said: "Kurma went to do hunting! These are Kurma's war spoils! Kurma fought those ugly monkies to get Lord some food!!"

I started laughing hearing his innocent voice and how he is convinced that they are war spoils and not stolen food, I said to him: " Good Job, kurma you are the best!! No, let us eat your war spoils."

After finishing eating, I went to the bathroom and washed myself. and went to rest. After resting, I started the Sword Ritual again. Like this, my week continued.