Chapter 6

Kurma's tails started to move around as his eyes became shiny, he said: "Kurma went to do hunting! These are Kurma's war spoils! Kurma fought those ugly monkies to get Lord some food!!"

I started laughing hearing his innocent voice and how he is convinced that they are war spoils and not stolen food, I said to him: " Good Job, kurma you are the best!! No, let us eat your war spoils."

After finishing eating, I went to the bathroom and washed myself. and went to rest. After resting, I started the Sword Ritual again. Like this, my week continued.


A week later, I was sitting on the floor meditating while waiting for Ren and Thor reports. During this week there was nothing new except for Old Zhu getting more and more daring. As he was sure that I support him from my words, he started to operate everything as if he owns the place. He started bringing some of his clan members into the city and increasing their power.

The old Liam in the novel was against old Zhu and didn't let him do as he wants easily. Therefore, Old Zhu worked much harder and smarter to manipulate old Liam in the story and he wasn't as daring as he is now.

In the story, Old Zhu didn't dare to bring his clan to the city. I think my behavior changed the story already but everything is good as Old Zhu is doing exactly as I was hoping him to.

I gave him 100% authority to do whatever he wants, which will make it easier for me to get rid of him in the future hehe. I thought he was smart but I take back my words, he is completely a fool when being greedy.

During this week, I worked hard on the Sword Ritual and Ultimate Sky Foundation. I slowly started to get used to doing them. My sword skills improved tremendously. The sword is completely weightless in my hands, even though I didn't get stronger. It was very weird as I can't carry anything as easily as the sword. It's like I am only strong when holding the sword.

My control over the sword increased to a whole new level compared to my first time holding it. The first time I was barely able to hold and control its movement. But, now it's a whole different level.

I want to check on my improvement during this week before they come. ' Open System'

[ Name: Liam Von Vermilion (Mike)

Title: Secluded State Ruler, Shadow Guards Master, Supreme Commander of Bloodthirsty Army.


Health: 100%.

Cultivation Qi: None

Cultivation Body: None

Skills: High Senses Lv.6 ( able to sense anything in 20 meters around you.), Sword Disciple Lv.3.

Servants: 3

Summon ticket: (Take a Mission). ]

During this time my high sense skills improved because of my regular meditation, Ultimate Sky Foundation, and Sword Ritual. Also, a new skill sword disciple appeared, I guess it is the reason why I am able to wield the sword easily.

I noticed that there is a new thing called take a mission, I click on it and see several blue windows that appeared:

[ Mission Name: Talent Refining

Description: Increase Cultivation Talent to level 10.

Time Limit: 2 years.

Requirement: Talent Level 10.

Reward: 1 Mid Level Summon Ticket. ]

[ Mission Name: Build an Army

Description: Create an army that contained 50,000 soldiers.

Time Limit: 10 years

Requirement: 50,000 loyal Soldiers.

Reward:1 low level Summon Ticket]

[ Mission Name: Build shadow guards

Description: Create a shadow guards squad that contains 500 loyal Shadow Guards.

Time Limit: 10 years

Requirement: 500 loyal Shadow Guards

Reward: 1 Low level Summon Ticket]

[ Mission Name: Secluded Spiritual Beasts tribesmen

Description: Make Friends with Secluded Spiritual Beasts tribesmen.

Warning: Secluded Spiritual Beast tribes are extremely hostile to humans. Will kill any human at first sighting.

Time Limit: 1 year

Requirement: 1 friend

Reward: 1 High Level Summon]

I didn't know that there was a mission feature in this system. But, these missions are very difficult to do special becoming friends with Secluded Spiritual Beast tribesmen as they hate humans to the core of their beings. They would rather die than letting humans go away. The reason is very simple, it's because humans always come and attack them to steal their children after getting born.

" Looks like the Secluded Spiritual Beast tribesmen are very difficult to make friends with. If it's an impossible mission then why bother making it appear?" I said while feeling disappointed at the system.

However, Kurma said with an innocent voice: "Hmm? It's easy you know! Kurma is here! Kurma can help!"

I looked at kurma with a confused look as I said: " How can You help? They hate humans and won't give me the time to talk!"

Kurma laughed as he said: " Kurma is a Divine Nine Tail Fox! Kurma is like royalty in this empire. Kurma can understand them very well!! When kurma appear they will be polite and will behave well. But, that doesn't mean Kurma can force them to be friends with you."

I was surprised by what he said as I said: " Then that won't help very much."

"Then, let me help! My lord, I found the place of bandits who steal their children and sell them to nobles. " Thor said as he entered through the window.

"Or we can make a deal with them. They are in need of cultivation supplies such as pills and midicent which only humans and demi-humans can make." Ren said as she appeared from the shadows.

" Ren, Thor, you guys are back! How is everything going? Your ideas are not bad we need to think this through but before that start with your report." I looked at them as I said.

Thor stepped first as he said: " There are currently 23 groups each of them holds about 1000 to 5000 people. In total, 47,00 soldiers and if I include the soldiers of Secluded State it's about 53,000 soldiers. It will take 2 years to subdue them and turn them into loyal people and 3 years to fully train them as Bloodthirsty Army. However, if the Lord only wants a normal army I can make them ready in a year. I will be training them separately and turn them into 10 division each division will have around 5000 soldiers."

" Hmm, that's good Thor. Take your time while training them. However, make sure to prepare 300 loyal people in 3 months to be replaced by the people in this mansion. By the way, how do you make them loyal?" I ask feeling curious.

"They will be ready in a month's time Lord! It's quite easy, all you have to do is plant it very deep in their body and soul hehehe.." Thor said while red smoke started to appear around him making him look like a devil.

Looking at him, all I can think of is ' I pity everyone that will be in his army. I can already imagine his torture... Cough, I mean secret methods. They are all criminals and bandits so I guess everything will be fine.'

I look at him and say: " Okay, I will be waiting for you one month later here. Ren, what about you?"

Ren stepped forward as she said: " I found some people who seek strength and a way to live. They are all either slaves, revenge seekers, and poor with no way to survive. I will start training them next week. I found a perfect place in side the forest that will work as an operation center. Foods and cultivation needs I can provide them from the forest. My methods don't require any pills or other expensive resources. It's pure brutal body cultivation. I should have 200 loyal shadow guards within 2 years and another 400 within another 3 years. The least cultivation stage should be the Fifth Stage Body Forging. But, getting strong very fast will mean I will have to burn their talent to improve their cultivation."

I look at her and says: " So, 600 people in 5 years. That's quite surprising. Hmm... Burning talent? That won't be an issue I have several ways to restore talents. So, don't hold back while training them. Also, I hope that both of you can cultivate and increase your cultivation as much as you can. By the way, Thor how strong is Bloodthirsty soldiers?"

Thor looked confident as he said: " The weakest should be Third Stage: Foundation Establishment!"

Foundation Establishment!! 50,000 army of Foundation Establishment cultivators that's crazy!! Even my brothers only have 10,000 with the weakest Qi gathering. Also, the shadow guards are insanely strong! Having 600 Fifth Stage Body Forging is like having an army of 100,000 soldiers. If everything goes well, I won't have to worry about being killed!

I shouldn't be that confident as there are more enemies that will be coming after my head in the future.

As I stand up and look through the window I said: " Ren I want you to look for the things that Secluded Spiritual Beast tribesmen are in need for. Thor, I want you to locate the place where their kids are imprisoned and rescue them. Get a mansion at the side of the city and wait for my signal. Kurma you should go with Thor to help him calm down the kids with you around they won't do anything."