Chapter 10

The first step in his training program that was mentioned in the Inheritance, is forging the body to become as strong and sharp as the sword. There are a few legendary techniques in the inheritance that should be able to help me.

I can't start cultivation right now because I am still young. I should be able to start cultivation when I reach 6 years old. For now, I will start mastering the basics of sword movements.

I took my sword out as I stand in a stance where my sword is pointing upward. I slowly start performing basic sword movements from Sword Maniac's Inheritance. Sword Maniac called these basic movements "Introduction to yourself". From his naming sense, I don't know if he is a master or just a mad man.



(~~-Before three weeks-~~)

Before Three weeks, an old man was sitting inside a large magnificent office with three people in front of him. One male and one female which both of them looked in their 30s.

One of the men came forward and said: " Elder Zhu, we shouldn't be reckless and come to this city! What if the royal clan make an investigate if Prince Liam complained about anything? It could get our clan in a dangerous position!"

The woman looked at him as she said: " You are just the patriarch son, how dare you speak to Lord Zhu like that? Know your place! Even though your father is the patriarch, my grandpa, Lord Zhu, is noble! His words are commands! That worthless prince is nothing but a toy. No one will ever search for him you idiot!"

The man looked at her with narrow eyes as he said: " Madlin, you should understand that no one should mess with the royal clan! Elder Zhu, please say something to your granddaughter! She will cause trouble for the family ."

Old Zhu looked at the man with cold eyes as he said: " Elis, you should watch what you say! I am the caretaker of Prince Liam. I have the governor seal my words have the same weight as any State governor in the empire!! You and your father are not the ones who hold the power anymore!"

Elis looked troubled at these two but he can't do anything; after all, even his father the family patriarch told him to follow Old Zhu's commands. Therefore, he lowered his head as he said: " Yes, Lord Zhu. I apologize for my earlier words." Also, he knows the weight of the Governor Seal. With the Governor Seal, Old Zhu can do whatever he wishes to in this state. But, will the high-rank nobles let him do as he wishes?

Madlin smirked as she said: " Hmph! That's more like it. Grandpa, Since you have the seal, we should strengthen our family in this city because we aren't sure when the emperor will summon that trash back!"

Old Zhu put his hands on his beard as he said: " My original plans were only taking money as the prince will never hand me the seal. However, everything will change since we have the seal. The first step is to point the two of you as important officials and the right hands of the governor. Then, we will slowly change all of the officials into our clan's members and allies."

Elis couldn't hold back listening to these idiotic ideas, he shouted: " Lord Zhu, please reconsider your choices. If our clan started to gain more power than we could handle, it could backfire on us. Other clans will never allow us to do so!! Even the royal clan will stop us!"

Old Zhu laughed as he said: "Madlin, if you want to know why our family is only mere merchants, look at him and you can see how idiotic and narrow-minded his thinking is? Elis, the royal family, and other dukes will never interfere with us as long as we don't touch their interests. This state holds a lot of opportunities for our family because no one bothered to subdue this state for many reasons among them Spiritual Beats. But, this is no issue to us as we will slowly build ourselves here. I have the Governor Seal, I can rule over a whole state and the prince is nothing but a toy I play around with. Therefore, everything will be fine. Just trust me."

Listening to his words, Elis was not sure if this old man truly dependable or just a greedy old fool. To Elis, he doesn't care about the way as long as his family became a prominent noble family.

Madlin walked out of the door as she said: " I will start by moving our clan here. I will be back in 2 to 3 weeks. See you later. "

As Madlin Left the place, Old Zhu and Elis started preparing for taking over the whole state.


(~~-Current time-~~)

Liam's POV:

After finishing my sword exercise, I went to sleep as I feel tired from all of this practice. I think that I overdid my sword practice.

The next morning the maid wakes me up, as she helped me take shower and change my clothes like how she did for the last 4 weeks. Then she leads the way to the main hall to eat breakfast. When we reached the main hall, I can see a woman walking around with some children around 8 to 14 years old. She was explaining everything in the mansion as if it was her own house.

As soon as the woman saw me, she looked at the maid as she said: "You peasant, why did you bring him here? Don't you see my nephews are taking a tour around their new home? Take this eye sour away, I don't want him to affect our cute little kids' mindset. After you take him to his room, go and get your punishment!"

The maid face turned pale white as she said: " Sorry, Lady Madlin. I was only following Lord Zhu's words to take care of this kid. But, I will take him back to his room this instant." As the maid was holding my hand tightly with her hand she started pulling my very hard that I feel my bones about to break. While being pulled away I can hear the kids talk:

One of the children, looked around13 or 14 years old, saw this as he said: " Auntie Madlin, is this our play toy? Can we play with him? Our last one was very weak that he breaks down easily." His eyes are full of killing intent which caused me to feel fear. How could a child be this ruthless?? What did this woman teach him?

Another young girl around 8 years old said: " No, Aunty Madlin please give him to me. I need someone to play tea party with. All other girls my age have servants play tea party except me." This little girl wants me to play tea party? Hell no!!!!!

All of the others started to ask for demands to make me their toy, playmate, or servant. Hearing young children say this I couldn't help but feel a shiver all over my body. I don't remember writing my novel to have kids to be this ruthless. Damn! I have to be careful and take care of this fucked up family as soon as possible or I will end up as these kids playtoy.

The woman named Madlin smirked as she said: "For now we can't do anything to him as he is Grandpa Zhu's toy. He will be angry if someone touches his toy. How about I bring you servants from the city. Guards, come and help my cute little nephews get new servants from the city. If anyone disobeys their words, you know how to deal with them, right?"

Several guards came forward as they replied: "Yes, Lady Madlin." Then they took the kids and left.

Soon, I arrived at my room. The moment I entered the room I feel a big kick at my back that sent me flying to the middle of my room. From the kick's strength, I feel pain all over my back and feel hard to breathe. I look at the maid and see her holding a stick as she walked toward me.

Once she came in front of me, she raised her hand up in as she said: " You little annoying brat, do you know what kind of trouble you put me in? From all the maids in this mansion, why did you make me take care of you? Today, I will teach you a lesson that you won't forget."

Hearing her words, I started to feel anger. She is just a maid and her job is to serve and help. If you hate the job then do not apply for it from the beginning!! How dare she hit a 4 year old and a prince on top of that! Even in the royal palace maids didn't dare to go this far!

When the stick was about to hit me, Kurma appeared as his mouth became as large as the maid. He swallowed her in one go scaring the hell out of me. She died just like that! In an instant without knowing how or why! Her whole body disappeared in his mouth! If Kurma was at the size of a small puppy then how did he his mouth grow that large and where did her body go? Kurma's body is the size of a puppy it can't hold an adult human inside!

So many questions appeared in my mind, but before I can ask Kurma any of it I feel great fatigue hit my mind as everything around me turned black and I pass out.