Chapter 11

When the stick was about to hit me, Kurma appeared as his mouth became as large as the maid. He swallowed her in one go scaring the hell out of me. She died just like that! In an instant without knowing how or why! Her whole body disappeared in his mouth! If Kurma was at the size of a small puppy then how did he his mouth grow that large and where did her body go? Kurma's body is the size of a puppy it can't hold an adult human inside!

So many questions appeared in my mind, but before I can ask Kurma any of it I feel great fatigue hit my mind as everything around me turned black and I pass out.


When I woke up after several hours of being asleep, I find that it is already midnight. Looking around me I see my four loyal followers Kurma, Ren, Thor, and Veldora. All of them have worry and concern on their faces.

I started to check on myself and noticed that there is no pain like before. I check on my status and saw:

[ Name: Liam Von Vermilion (Mike)

Title: Secluded State Ruler, Shadow Guards Master, Supreme Commander of Bloodthirsty Army.


Health: 100% (Pill Healing Effect Completed)

Cultivation Qi: None

Cultivation Body: None

Skills: High Senses Lv.6, Sword Disciple Lv.7, Pain Endurance Lv.3( Ability to endure pain to a certain level)

Servants: 4

Summon ticket: (Take a Mission). ]

After checking on my status for several minutes, I noticed that there are words next to my Health that says {Pill Healing Effect Completed}. Looks like they used a pill to heal my injuries. Also, there is a new skill called Pain Endurance that was not there before. It is a useful skill that could help me once it reaches a higher level.

Looking towards my four loyal followers, I can feel their worry and concern towards me. It has been a long time since I had felt this. Is this how it feels like having a family? I don't remember correctly as it has been so long and difficult for me. But, I am sure about one thing, my heart feels warm when I see them.

The moment they noticed me waking up, they ran to check on me. While crying Ren said: " Lord, how do you feel? Is there any pain? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Hearing her words, I smile as I say: " I'm fine right now and thanks to you I guess. Did you feed me a pill? But, how am I able to live since small children can't take any pills? Also, how did you guys come here?"

Ren held my hand as tears fell from her eyes, she said: " Lord, I am happy that you are healed now. Your condition was very serious as your whole backbone was broken. Because you are a small we couldn't feed you any pills as it might affect your growth, therefore we asked Secluded Spiritual Beasts Tripsemen for help. Old Black then sent us to a sect that has a sky rank pill that can save you."

Thor covered his eyes with his hands to hide the fact that he is crying, he said: " We apologize for failing to listen to your words and stopped doing our missions. However, we made your health our priority and abandoned our current missions. We were notified by Kurma as he saw that Lord won't be able to make it alive. Veldora helped us fly to Secluded Spiritual Beasts Tribesmen location to get assistance while Ren stayed behind to protect you. Then we went to get the pill from a sect on our we back."

Hearing Ren and Thor's words, I feel something bad has happened. Did they get a sky rank pill on their way back? They say it so casually as if they went to buy chocolate from the grocery store.

Looking at Thor I asked slowly: " How much did you pay to get a sky rank pill and how did you convince them?"

Kurma interfered as he said: " Thor said if there is something you like just take it. Kurma, Ren, and Veldora helped Thor smash the sect to get their whole inventory….. Ah!! Kurma was lying!!! Kurma is a bad liar!! Kurma paid 10 gold coins to get the pill!" When Kurma started to reveal their bad deeds, all of them looked at him with murderous eyes.

Hearing Kurma says he paid 10 gold coins to buy sky rank pill, my eyes almost fell down from their place. Sky rank pill is sold with millions of spirit stones! I started to feel a headache as I started to remember they smashed a fucking sect!

I looked at them as endured the pain in my heart: " Smashed a sect to get the pill? I guess there was no other way as they will never give a sky rank pill. What's important is did anyone see you? What sect did you smash? Hmm.. by smash you guys mean defeated them right?"

Thor smiled as he punched his chest while saying: " I am great war general! With my mind being of use in the battle we completely annihilated Magical Moon Lake Sect."

Veldora had wind play with his hair as his voice started to sound like an old man as he said: " If you worry about us being found by other powers, then don't worry all I needed is a gigantic storm that swallowed the whole sect! No evidence will be found!"

Hearing their words, my mind stopped for a minute. Did they just say Magical Moon Lake Sect? One of the Divine demons cover sects? Although they are weak but the sect that supports and sponsors them is a high rank evil sect. Ah, my mind can't handle this anymore. Whatever let's hope they completely erased all the evidence.

Thor looked at me and saw me staying quiet, he thought that I am okay with smashing a sect. With that in his mind, his eyes started to turn red as red smoke came out of his skin. He said to me: "Since we did it once, let's do it twice …. Lord, what should we do about this family that is causing you pain? Do you want me to kill them all?"

I came back to reality when I heard his words, my eyes turn cold remembering how they treated me. I say to thor: " My original plan was only to harm Old Zhu alone. He would have got into jail or kicked out of her at best. His family wouldn't be affected. But, since he and his family are so daring to the point of making me a play toy, I will show them who is the real play toy here. Old Zhu is playing with the wrong man. Thor, Ren, Kurma, Veldora you are strong and powerful but I am weak. Being weak doesn't mean I am harmless! Let me teach you how to make a family cornered and desperate." as I finish my words I close my eyes to organize my mind.

Veldora looked at me as he said: "Lord, I don't see anything that will make them helpless except us interfering directly. Do you have another method?"

As I was thinking of a plan, a sudden realization hit my mind. Three noble families appeared on my mind with many opportunities. I started to laugh a lot making the other four look at me wondering what is going on: " Ahhh HaHAHAHAH….. How did I forget about them? Royal Clan's Third Elder Nel Von Vermilion, Duke Reynard of House Holt, and Count Audri of House Lynch. They are the three main people who are interested in this state. This state has four things that they are interested in which are: First, Spiritual Herps that could be found in the forest. Two, Business Routes that connect several States. Third, Gold mines that are found in the mountains. Fourth, illegal underground businesses. These four businesses are very important to me as the governor of Secluded State. Since Old Zhu considers himself as the governor now, he will be of use here."

Veldora calmed down as he analyzed my words for a while then he said: " Currently that old fool hold the Governor Seal and it is a known fact that every noble house should know by now. Lord, do you mean that you want to prevent their business and frame Old Zhu? Hmm… No, wait you don't mean that you want to take control over their four business! That's like declaring war! Is it war you seek? War? That doesn't seem like you. Hmm.. Lord, you can't be seriously thinking about what I am thinking now!" At the end of his words, Veldora's eyes became as huge as a watermelon. He came to a realization about my real plan, he looked stunned at how schemeful my mind is.

I smirk as I say: " You are good Veldora, it looks like living for 400 years is not for show! Thor, it's time for your men to make a move. How many did you prepare? And how trustworthy are they?"

Thor looks confused as he didn't understand my whole plan, but he replied with confidence: " I have taken over 5 bandits gangs, the total number is 12000. Currently, there are 5000 that could be considered trustworthy but they are not strong. They are around the first and second stages of cultivation. "

Hearing this, I became very happy as it would help my plans a lot: " Ren, take this list and buy all the ingredients here. Thor, I want you to make 8 groups each must have at least 500 soldiers. We are attacking the three nobles!!"

Thor, Ren, and Kurma screamed together: "What? What about Old Zhu?"

Veldora smiled as he said: " Kill them now is like letting them go too easily with what they did! Therefore, why not make use of them to help our Lord grow more power and wealth? You three will not understand, just follow the Lord great plans!!"