Chapter 12

Hearing this, I became very happy as it would help my plans a lot: " Ren, take this list and buy all the ingredients here. Thor, I want you to make 8 groups each must have at least 500 soldiers. We are attacking the three nobles!!"

Thor, Ren, and Kurma screamed together: "What? What about Old Zhu?"

Veldora smiled as he said: " Kill them now is like letting them go to easily with what they did! Therefore, why not make use of them to help our Lord grow more power and wealth? You three will not understand, just follow the Lord great plans!!"


Looking at Thor, I said: " 4 groups will be disguised as Secluded State guards, while the other four will carry with them Old Zhu's, House Lamonia's, token. For guards disguise, I believe the bandits have a solution to this problem because they disguise as guards all the time to get away with crimes. As for the token, there are a lot of members from House Lamonia laying around here."

Thor nodded as he said: " Basically disgusting as two different which are the team A Secluded State's guards and team B House Lamonia's guards disgusting like bandits. So, you want to create a good and bad illusionary plan. Hmmm… it's doable but I prepare my men, my Lord."

Looks like Thor already understood my intentions, I continued saying: " Correct, let's go with your naming team A and B. Team B will attack the four locations that the three nobles are using to conduct their business while leaving behind a token to reveal their identity. Then, team A will storm the place to claim ownership because it belongs to Secluded State's governor. Going against the guards is like going against the governor and those three nobles are taking benefits from here without anyone knowing. Therefore, they are doing illegal business here because Secluded State is out of their authority."

Each of these nobles has a state or land they governor. Therefore, they are not allowed to go to other states or lands to gain money and resources. Any work or business they have in other States that are not declared will be considered illegal. If they were found out it could cause them to go to jail or be executed. Doing illegal work means you are not paying any tax and stealing from the empire's money.

Ren then nodded in understanding of my plan, then she said: " Lord's plans are great indeed. But, what about the ingredients you asked from me? What are we going to use them for?"

Looking at her, I smile as I said: "Of course, to destroy their businesses! Each of these ingredients is very deadly to each of the businesses. For example, Extreme Water Winter Flower is very deadly to Gold Mines! All the gold will be covered in layers of frost that will make gold worthless. Also, vitality stealing flower is known for its extreme ability to steal other spiritual plant's vitality. I am using them to completely make their business useless."

Ren then looked worried as she said: " But, that will make you lose these places. Aren't you planning to take them over to increase your wealth and power? Using these ingredients will make them worthless."

With a smirk on my face, I look at her as I say: "You are wrong because I know how to fix them. The other part of the ingredients is used to restore what the other material did. Using this method we can make them give up on the land mines and spiritual herbs fields."

In my extra chapters, I wrote about different ingredients that can destroy or restore mines and herbs. That extra chapter explained more about how the world is in balance and everything has a counter to it. I never thought it would help me right now.

Kurma was thinking as he asked: " Kurma wanna know what are we going to do about the illegal criminal organization and business roads."

Thor continued with Kurma's words as he said: " Yeah, I want to know what should we do with these. Since I am taking over the whole criminal organization in this state, I want to know how would Lord would like to deal with it."

While patting Kurma, I said: " For business road, we are assigning team A to ask for tax and team B to steal their money and products. We will make several stops point to completely dry their resources. As for the three illegal organization that they use as a cover to help facilitate the progress of their businesses, we will attack and take over their main base. Of course, the honor of capturing these criminals will be given to Old Zhu. But, we are not announcing it to the public we only need to let these families know of this news."

Veldora then smiled as he said: " Ho ho, you are crippling their businesses, my Lord. This will make them make desperate moves that could harm you. If they don't have anything to attract their interests, how are you going to achieve your goal? They are no small foes to be messed with."

Looking at Veldora, I say while I play with Kurma: " Why is it dangerous for me? Who told you that I will be an idiot and stay here?"

Ren looked spectacle as she said: " Lord, could you please make it clear? I can't understand where are you going and how are you going to leave this place?"

Ren, Thor, and Kurma are trying their best to guess my plans, I can't hold back as I say: " Of course, I am going to be taken to a Medicine Master. You guys will feed me a poisonous plant called "Five Leaf Yang Burning Spiritual Plant". It will cause my body to turn pale white giving the symptoms of being poisoned and at the same time it will help me to cleanse my body of any impurities which will improve my body's talent. I was going to eat this plant sooner or later as it is useful for increasing my talent."

Ren looked troubled when she heard I am going to eat a poisonous plant, she said in a weak voice: "Lord, I am sure that there are other choices that you can make to not be affected by this. You can say that you want to go somewhere to have fun or anything else."

I looked at her direction as I replied: "Ren's idea is not bad but currently I am a prisoner here. Old Zhu won't let me go easily because I am his ticket for controlling the Secluded State. However, if I am poisoned and sick, he is forced to send me to a Medicine Master because there is no Medicine Master's guild in Secluded State. Not to mention, it will be suspicious if I left this place because I wanted to have fun when the other nobles where attacked."

Veldora laughed when he heard my reason, as he said: " Hahaha… Then when are we going to make a move?"

Looking at them, I said: " I will eat the poison tonight and will be leaving the State tomorrow evening. Thor and Ren will be responsible for executing the plans. You will start your preparation tonight and you will attack 3 days from now! I want the attacks to be at the same time at midnight. You will not reveal yourself unless your men met a powerful opponent. After finishing the attacks and ruining all their business, make sure to plant evidence that lead to Old Zhu. I want no mistakes to be made here. Veldora and Kurma will leave with me, half we the journey they will attack my guards. Now, Veldora takes Ren to Secluded Spiritual Beasts tribesmen and ask them for Five Leaf Yang Plant. If their leader asks for payment give him this letter." At the end of my talk, I take a paper and write down a deal that they can't refuse.

Ren, Thor, Kurma, and Veldora kneeled on the ground as the shouted: " Yes, my lord"