Chapter 13



Hello Everyone,

I want to let you know that I am writing this novel to have fun in my free time. I saw some of you wanted a Time Skip. Please tell me in the comment about your opinion. If the majority agreed we will do a time skip. I don't want to make this novel too long, I am thinking to make it around 100 to 120 chapters.

Thank you,



Looking at them, I said: " I will eat the poison tonight and will be leaving the State tomorrow evening. Thor and Ren will be responsible for executing the plans. You will start your preparation tonight and you will attack 3 days from now! I want the attacks to be at the same time at midnight. You will not reveal yourself unless your men met a powerful opponent. After finishing the attacks and ruining all their business, make sure to plant evidence that leads to Old Zhu. I want no mistakes to be made here. Veldora and Kurma will leave with me, half we the journey they will attack my guards. Now, Veldora takes Ren to Secluded Spiritual Beasts tribesmen and ask them for Five Leaf Yang Plant."

Ren, Thor, Kurma, and Veldora kneeled on the ground as the shouted: " Yes, my lord"



On the tip of Mount Hua, there exists a large village that is surrounded by clouds and fog. The whole scenery looks like a scene out of a fantasy book. The buildings are 10 to 20 time a regular human house. Spiritual Beasts could be found walking around with their children holding their hands.

At this moment the peaceful scenery came to a halt as a gigantic shadow covered the whole village, scaring many beasts to escape and take cover waiting for the elders to arrive. Kids where crying and adults were screaming for elders to come.

12 gigantic spiritual beasts appeared in the middle of the village in a second. They ranged from all different kinds of beasts such as Blue Fire Lion, and Brown Rock Gorilla. But, the most distinctive one among them is an old Golden Falcon because the air around him seems to shine with gold making people stand there and stare at him for hours.

The Golden Falcon looked up as he said: " Friend Veldora, you came again without an invitation?"

A giant white western dragon descended from the clouds as it said with a voice that made the air shack: " Although you are a friend of my Lord, you are still a peasant in my eyes. I can smash you anytime I want to. Know your place old thing, I can come whenever I want to. Go and bring me Five Leaf Yang Plant!"

The Golden Falcon laughed as he said: "Ahh Hahaha..Dragons always love to throw their weight around. In my whole 3000 years, dragons never change no matter what time it is. I saw too many of you that I got used to it. I wonder how that young lord of yours managed to subdue a true blood dragon like you. Hmm… What do you need the herb for?"

Veldora's eyes emitted fury that he is not being respected as what dragons should be. However, he restrained himself because they are his Lord's friends. He didn't want to affect his lord's relation with them. Looking at the old Golden Falcon he replied: " You are rude! But, I will let it go because of your relationship with my lord. My lord wants the herb to eat it."

The Golden Falcon looked surprised as he said: " It's a harmful herb that only yang cultivators can eat. Your lord is a 4-year-old, he can't handle the yang power inside of that herb. He will be poisoned."

Veldora had a mocking expression on his face as he said: " Peasants like you can't comprehend my lord's great ideas. I don't feel obligated to tell you of his reason."

The Golden Falcon took out the Five Leaf Yang Plant as he said: " Since you are not telling me, then you will have to pay to get this plant. It's going to cost you several million spirit stones."

Ren screamed from Veldora's back as she said: " You scammer! It only cost 300 spirit stones!!! You better not lie!"

The Golden Falcon said: " If you don't like my price then go somewhere else. After all, it is not the only herb in the world?"

Veldora through a letter to the Golden Falcon as he said: "Your payment is in the letter."

Opening the letter, the Golden Falcon saw that it was from Liam Von vermilion. After reading the letter, the Golden Falcon said: " Ho Hooh… To think this is a letter from a 4-year-old! No wonder he can subdue a dragon. I will play along with his plans since it holds benefits to our village. Take this plant to your lord." Then, the Golden Falcon threw the herb to Veldroa.

Veldora got the herb as he said: " Consider yourself lucky, otherwise I would have used plan B!"

Ren's eyes shined when she heard Plan B, she replied: " Yeah, you are lucky!! Thor and Kurma would love to do plan B! It's fun!!!"

Hearing them brag about an alternative plan called Plan B, the Golden Falcon looked at Old Black who leaked the information about the sky pill. He remembers the last time they came here, they said the exact same thing then they smashed Magical Moon Lake Sect to oblivion.

Soon, Veldora and Ren left the Mount Hua heading back to the Secluded City.