Chapter 18

At the moment of hearing my command, Veldora turned into a gigantic western white Dragon covering the sky and Kurma appeared as he turned into a 10 meter high white nine-tailed fox. All the soldiers in the area passed out from Veldora's cultivation stage pressure. I wasn't surprise seeing Kurma's appearance as he already explained that his 9 tailed fox bloodline allows him to change his size and appearance as long as he has enough strength.


The three old men had sweat covering their faces. They have never thought the kid that was abandoned and labeled as trach by the whole empire to have two strong divine beasts following his orders. All their thoughts of having him prove himself vanished. They were looking at each other's eyes as they felt that they just signed a deal with the devil!


Liam's POV:

After calming down, Veldora turned back to his human form and Kurma disappeared. I asked the three old men to organize their army and return to me.

Several minutes passed, then they returned after organizing the army. Old Holt looked at me as he said: " Prince Liam, the army has calmed and ready for attack. What are your commands?"

Thinking for a while, I said: " Leave Old Zhu and Madlin for me, I will deal with them. You three have scores to settle with the House Lamonia. So, you will be the ones responsible for dealing with them, I will not interfere. Just leave the women and kids out of it, send them away and have someone teach them properly. Our first move is to surround the city and ask them to surrender. If they refuse to surrender we will deal with them the hard way."

The three old men nodded as they said: "Yes, my lord!" and left the tent preparing the army to move.

I turned to Kurma while saying: "Kurma, go and tell Thor and Ren to go and focus on their original mission. Tell them not to come until they are finished with their training. Veldora will go and finish the formations later." Kurma nodded as he left immediately. I wanted to tell Thor to come and lead the army but I stopped because I want my own army to be ready as soon as possible. Also, looking at their army makes me jealous, I want my own army!! In the future, I don't want to rely on other people's armies.

Soon, all the army started to move and surround the city from all directions. It took 3 hours to fully surround and close all exits.



Old Zhu was sitting in his office relaxing as he looked through the papers, he was satisfied because his family officially have full control over Secluded State's Secluded City!

He kicked merchants and popular shops from the city and created his family's shop instead. His action made thousands of people become jobless. All the products in Lamonia's shops had basic necessities. Which many hunters have gone mad because they can't find what tools that can help them in their hunts and they have only Lamonia's shop to sell what they hunt. Lamonia Family paid 30% less than the market price for beasts materials that hunters bring.

Old Zhu was reading through the complaints with a smirk on his face. He knows that as long as he has the governor seal nobody will dare and attack him. He said to himself: "All these problems will be solved within 20 years! My family will slowly build itself and these issues will become nothing. They will have to get used to it! These idiots who dare to protest against my orders will go to jail and .... "

While talking to himself, Elis smashed the office door as he said: " You old fool!!! The city is surrounded by an army!! They demand our surrender or they will attack the city!!"

Old Zhu stood angrily as he said: "Who dares to disturb Lord Zhu's rest!! Take me to these idiots! They must be the merchants whom I have kicked out, they might have forgotten that I am the governor!" Old Zhu jumped from the window as he started to run to the city wall.

Elis wanted to beat this old fool to death because fighting the army outside will cost them a lot of men. This old man's actions made the family face danger. Elis had confidence in his family and the State's army in protecting the city. He stopped thinking as he started to follow Old Zhu.

When Old Zhu arrived at the wall, he shouted without taking a proper look at the army flag. He said: " How dares to disturb this Lord's resting time!! Don't you know I am the governor of this state? If you don't retreat from here, I will kill everyone here! You are an.. An… ant? Hmmm…. Isn't that a noble house flag? What is going on here?"

A 4 year old kid wearing a golden mask and a black mixed with gold lines clothes came walking from the army toward the gates while carrying a small short sword without a scabbard. Behind him are 3 old men wearing armor and a white haired young man wearing white cultivation robes.

The moment the kid arrives near the gates, he put the sword on his shoulder. After a while, he coldly said: " I am Liam Von Vermilion! I am the Governor of Secluded State! Open the gates and kneel down or I will smash you to death! You have 60 seconds to decide. 1,2,3,..."

If Liam wants to be respected as the governor, he didn't have a choice but to show himself to the soldiers. He had to lead and subdue everyone to prove himself to anyone who wants to follow him. He wasn't worried about his true personality or anything else from leaking out to those people Liam didn't want them to know. He was 100% sure of Third Elder Nel Von Vermilion's ability in controlling information.

Some of the soldiers started to panic because their real governor is asking them to open the gate and kneel. On the other hand, their Lord Zhu is carrying the governor seal and his words are as heavy as the governor's words.

Some didn't care about Liam's words as they started to insult and make fun of him.

Random Soldier 1: " Guys, isn't that the trash prince? I heard nobody wants him in the palace because he is a disgrace to royal blood! What is he doing going against Lord Zhu?"

Random Soldier 2: "Look how cute he is hahaha haha. What an arrogant kid! He should know that being prince alone doesn't give you the right to govern the state!! Old Zhu is the right person!"

Random Soldier 3: " Hey kiddo, apologize to lord zhu and go drink your mama's milk!! Battles are not made for kids!!"

Old Zhu was stunned in his place unable to say anything, he understood that he is no match for the old men behind Liam. But, he can't understand why Liam is saying that. Liam was his play toy and his golden ticket to becoming a prominent noble.

Old Zhu looked at Liam as he said gently: " Little Liam, Grandpa Zhu was very worried about you. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you. But, now I am happy that you are fine now. Why are you with these bad people? Come to grandpa….."

Before Old Zhu finishes talking, Liam raised his voice as he continued counting" ..,20,21,22,23,.." With each number, the army behind Liam increases their war cries shouting. The three old men smiled creepily as they test their weapons before the start of the battle.

Old Zhu was stunned as he didn't know what to do. He looked at Elis wanting his help. Elis came forward as he said: " You are making a threat of killing us! Are you trying to rebel against the empire? The emperor will not let you go easily even if you are his son! Take back your words and apologize to us and we will let bygones be bygones!! Otherwise, we tell kill you all and tell the emperor about your actions that are against the empire."

Hearing the words, other soldiers mustered the courage to stand in their place without worry. Because the emperor will "protect" them, according to Elis words.

Liam ignored Elis words entirely as if he wasn't there and continued counting. When Liam reached the count of 58 a group of 2500 soldiers opened the gates as they came running toward Liam. 400 of them stepped forward while they kneeled to Liam, their female captain around 40 years old raised her head and said: " I am Captain Ela of these 400 women soldiers, I was ordered by her majesty, Empress Dowager, to follow your commands and protect you. However, Old Zhu made me stay away from the mansion and told me you don't want me to stay by your said, Lord Liam." Soon, the other 2100 soldiers kneeled to Liam.

Liam nodded his head as he said: " 58, 59, and finally 60!! Don't say I didn't give you a chance Old Zhu! Gentlemen introduce yourselves."

Three old men walked forward, the first one was a short old man. He said: " I am the Third Elder of Vermilion Royal Clan, Nel Von Vermilion. I am here to get justice for Prince Liam Von Vermilion."

The second one was a long nose old man, he said: " I am Count Audari Von Lynch of House Lynch! I came here to kill the traitor Zhu Lamonia and his family who stole the Governor Seal!!"

The third one was an old man with a big build, he said: " I am Duke Renard Von Holt of House Holt. I am here to ask justice because Zhu Lamonia and his family attempted to assassinate Prince Liam."

When Old Zhu and Elis heard the old men's names, status, and their reasons for coming here, they felt despair and regret. They thought the army facing them was some merchant and small noble's army. But, after knowing to whom it belongs to, they knew that their army would never be able to match them! Not even after 100 years!!! They wished that they surrendered earlier.

Liam looked at the army behind him as he said: " What are you waiting for? Smash these fools to death! Leave that Old Fool for me, he is my target!"

With a great battle cry, the army started to walk toward the open city gates. With every step they make, the soldiers on the walls have sweat covering their faces. Some left their positions as the ran outside to kneel. But, they were all met with swords and spears of the attacking army.

Looking at this, Old Zhu ordered the gates to be closed. When they tried to close the gates, a great wind smashed the door down to the ground crushing all the soldiers behind the door. Soon, the bloody one-sided battle started.