Chapter 19

Liam looked at the army behind him as he said: " What are you waiting for? Smash these fools to death! Leave that Old Fool for me, he is my target!"

With a great battle cry, the army started to walk toward the open city gates. With every step they make, the soldiers on the walls have sweat covering their faces. Some left their positions as the ran outside to kneel. But, they were all met with swords and spears of the attacking army.

Looking at this, Old Zhu ordered the gates to be closed. When they tried to close the gates, a great wind smashed the door down to the ground crushing all the soldiers behind the door. Soon, the bloody one-sided battle started.



Three old men were running toward the city gates while an army of 5000 was following them. All the soldiers on the city wall started to tremble from fear of getting killed. They knew that surrendering would only mean death right now.

Old Zhu couldn't wait here any longer as he knew waiting here means death. He shouted at Elis saying: "Elis, you command the army. I will go and evacuate our family from here!!"

Elis's face turned pale but he forced himself to calm down. If he doesn't stay here and keep the attacking army busy then his family will be killed. He nodded as he shouted at the soldiers: " Hold yourselves together! If you don't want to die, follow my orders!! Archers fire your arrows at will!! Get back the door up!!! Prepare the boiling water!! Move now!!!"

All the panicked soldiers started to move, each one is doing whatever he is good at to support the city's defense. The archers all started shooting the three old men and the coming army.

One of the three old men, Old Holt smirked as he said: "It's useless!! All your efforts are useless!! Just die already!!"

Old Lynch had a disappointed look as he said: " Unorganized army, Old low-rank equipment, and no plans. Are they seeking death? Idiots should have retreated to the governor's mansion and secured their place. At least that would give us a little challenge."

Old Nel looked at his friend as he said: " They are making it easier for us! Why are you complaining a lot? With Old Holt's army's strength and armors, it's unfair already...!"

The arrows came flying from the city's walls toward the attacking army. The attacking army didn't even blink an eye or tried to defend the coming arrows. When the arrows arrived in front of them, an invisible barrier was formed by their armor and stopped the arrows.

Seeing that arrows are useless Elis felt extreme despair, how could an armor be this strong? Is this the difference between a new baron and an old duke? Elis lost any reason as he commanded the army to attack head-on.

When the three old men entered through the city's gates, they started opening a path through Lamonia's Soldiers. The three old men were swinging their war spears around as if they are cutting grass!! That battle was a one-sided massacre!!

On the other side of the city, inside the governor's mansion, Old Zhu was panicking as he was shouting for Madlin t come. He started to search all around the house but couldn't find her. He thought that she might be in the dungeon under the mansion.

When he arrived, he saw Madlin inside the dungeon torturing people he knew. They were the merchants that he asked for them to be kicked out of the city!!!

Madlin was fully focused on the people in front of her as she didn't notice old zhu behind her: "You ants dare to go against Lord Zhu! You thought that just by resisting first, I will let you be free when you hand your properties? Mere merchants like yourself dare to go against us nobles is a great sin!! Hehehe.."

The merchants had cuts all over, their eyes are full of hopelessness. The Lamonia family and Old Zhu stole all their wealth and now they are suffering because they retaliated and refused to hand over their properties,

Old Zhu didn't mind her actions at all, in fact, he thought what she did is completely fine. He walked to Madlin as he said: " We have to leave now!!! The trash Liam brought three nobles and an army. We don't have time lets escape."

Madlin's eyes turned red from anger as she said: " That trash dares to go against his masters? I will go and kill him!!!"

Old Zhu wanted to say that going there is only going to get her killed but a kid's voice sounded at this moment interrupting his thought process.

"Going against my masters? Who you? You, your entire family, and even your greatest ancestors aren't worthy to even carry my shoes!!!" A kid's voice sounds in the dungeon making every look around to find him.


Liam's POV:

As I follow Old Zhu while being carried by Veldroa, we enter an underground dungeon. Inside the dungeon, we saw Madlin in one of the rooms with Old Zhu. In front of her were people full of blood and cuts all over their bodies! She was torturing them to an inhuman level!

When I heard what she said about me I decided to show my self. I enter the room as I say: "Going against my masters? Who you? You, your entire family, and even your greatest ancestors aren't worthy to even carry my shoes!!!"

Madlin went crazy when she saw me. She said while holding the wipe: " What!! You blind trash should know your place!! You are nothing but a toy for my grandpa!! Since you came here, I will kill you! In your next life, remember that there are people you can't offend!!"

Before she could attack me with the whip, Veldora appeared next to me as he blocked the wipe. He pulled the wipe from her hands and threw it on the floor. Madlin became alert after witnessing Veldora's strength.

I looked at the tortured merchants on the floor, I felt bad for them, I said: " I am Liam Von Vermilion, you are safe now. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. Veldora free them and let them leave this place." Veldroa sent several wind blades as it cut the steel that was tying them.

The merchants couldn't believe that they are free! They ran outside full of happiness, they completely forgot about thanking me. I can't blame them, they went through hell in here.

Old Zhu looked at Veldora in fear as he can't see through his cultivation stage. He said while looking at me: " Prince Liam, there must be a misunderstanding between us!! Those old men lied to you. They want to destroy our good relationship!!! I am a loyal servant that loves to help you!! I was just doing my job!"

Hearing this lying old man's words, I coldly look at him and say: " Old Zhu you forced me to stay in that room and never leave the mansion. You made yourself the governor while I am the real governor! You must pay for your sins. Madlin, you are a ruthless woman! Since you want me dead, you should expect the same treatment."

Knowing talking with me is useless, Old Zhu and Madlin prepared themselves in a battle stance. They took their weapons while looking at Veldora with worry.

I turn around and walk to leave the room and say: " Old Zhu and Madlin, you two look like a fine meal. My pets haven't eaten humans for a while now. They must be hungry! Veldora, Kurma don't be shy and have your time enjoying your meal. Take your time, I will be waiting for you outside the room."

I can see the excitement in Veldora's eyes. Looks like beasts will still be beasts and love human meat.

Kurma appeared next to Veldroa while looking at Old Zhu and Madlin, he then said: " Thank you, my Lord! The last humans that kurma ate were those sect people!!! Veldora do you remember how tasty they were.... Ahhhh… Sorry Veldora, Kurma is a bad liar!!! Lord never mind what Kurma said!! Kurma is talking nonsense" Veldora looked furious at Kurma which made Kurma awkwardly lower his head to apologize.

Ahh I knew it!!! They didn't smash that sect only for taking that Sky pill!!! They went to have dinner…. I don't care anymore, It's the cycle of life….

Kurma grew to the height of 3 meters and Veldora became a half-dragon half-human form. Old Zhu and Madlin had sweat covering their pale faces when they saw this.

Madlin shouted at me saying: " You evil!! How can you make us beast food!! You are a devil, not a human!! Grandpa, they are going to eat me!! Please do something!!"

Veldora said" Food don't be noisy. It's gonna end soon."

After I leave the room, Veldora closed the door. Then shouts of pain could be heard from the room.

" Noooo! Stop! Please forgive me, Please…. Ahhh no my hand.. ..Grandpa save me…."

" Ahh!!! Prince Liam, please forgive this old man!! I will give you my granddaughter but let me live!!! No no no I can't die here, I am a noble, I can't die!!!..."

After an hour, the sounds stops. Veldroa and Kurma exited the door 10 minutes later while commenting on their meal

Veldora had an awful look as he said: " Eww that old man was not good!!"

Kurma had a big smile on his face as he said: "Hehehehe… Kurma's meal was very delicious…"

Hearing them talking about it so casually, I feel that I am about to throw up. I said: " Stop talking!! Veldora go bring the Governor Seal and let's leave! I want to see what happened outside!"