Chapter 20

After an hour, the sounds stops. Veldroa and Kurma exited the door 10 minutes later while commenting on their meal

Veldora had an awful look as he said: " Eww that old man was not good!!"

Kurma had a big smile on his face as he said: "Hehehehe… Kurma's meal was very delicious…"

Hearing them talking about it so casually, I feel that I am about to throw up. I said: " Stop talking!! Veldora go bring the Governor Seal and let's leave! I want to see what happened outside!"



Liam, Veldora, and Kurma exited the dungeon heading toward the location of the battle. On their way, they saw unexpected events. The citizens of Secluded City were running around with a knife and rods while trying to capture the remaining of Lamonia's army who was hiding within the city.

Some of the people running around started to shout: " Hey I need more people here, there are a group of soldiers hiding here!!! Come let's kill them and help our real governor, Prince Liam!!!"

An old man said: "Yeah, those Lamonia traitors should die for stealing the governor seat. They destroyed my shop and kidnapped my grandchildren!!!!"

All sorts of people were assisting in capturing the Lamonia's army. To the citizens, House Lamonia is a poison that only made them suffer. When they heard that the real governor is Prince Liam, not the Lamonia, they left their house to help to fight them.

Liam looked at Veldora and Kurma with disappointment. He said: " See, you happy? I missed the fun!! You took too long eating those fuckers!! I missed the whole show. Seeing a real battle was one of my dreams. Right now, what I see is people playing hide and seek but on a massive scale! Whatever, let's go back to the mansion and rest. Those three men should be arriving at any moment now." Liam was very far underground and didn't get the chance to see the whole war. He saw some parts here and there. But, he wasn't satisfied.

Outside a mansion not far away from the governor's mansion, three old men were standing soaked with blood. One of the soldiers came running from the mansion, while saying: " Lords, we killed all of them except for the women and children. What do you want us to do with them?"

Old Lynch was thinking while saying: " Prince Liam, asked us to send them away and have them taught properly. They are his and our enemy where should we take them to? Hmm… I can't think of a place that will satisfy him." To Old Lynch, all enemies must be killed no one must be left alive. So, Liam's order seems odd to him.

Old Nel smirked as he said: " Old fool, it's obvious!! Prince Liam needs funds!! He lacks funds currently. So, he is asking us nicely to sell them as slaves. It's very obvious, his words sere to send them away and have someone teach them!! So, being slaves they will be taught properly and will be sent away!"

Old Holt smiled as he said: " I agree with Old Nel. Prince Liam is not a simple kid. His words contain a deeper meaning!! We should do our best to comprehend his words and not disappoint him!!"

Looking at his two friends' confident faces, Old Lynch said: " I hope it's as what you two said..…. Go and take them to the slave market at the capital city!!"

All three old men smiled full of confidence that Prince Liam will prise them for their incredible intelligence. The felt satisfied that their age and expertise are assisting them to not be outdone by a genius kid's intelligence. Soon, three old men's laughter could be heard throughout the city.

After dealing with everything they headed toward the governor's mansion. After several minutes, they arrived at the main office of the governor and knocked on the door.

"Enter" Liam's voice was heard from the inside.


Liam's POV:

I waited for the three men to arrive at the governor's office, soon they arrived and knocked on the door.

"Enter." I asked them to get in.

Three old men all kneeled as Old Lynch said: " Lord, all of House of Lamonia's members have been dealt with! Regarding their women and kids, we will give you a report later about their situation. Their remaining army is trying to run away but don't worry we should be able to capture the remaining within an hour with the help of the citizens."

Old Nel came forward with a file in his hands. He said: " Lord, here is a full report about the current status of the whole Secluded State. And it doesn't look good…"

Taking the report from him, started reading it scaring the shit out of the three old men. They can see clearly that I am wearing a golden mask the covers my eyes so to them I am unable to see through it. But, from my movement, they can clearly tell that I can see normally.

Old Holt looked at his old friends as he said: " Is it just me who sees this? Isn't the lord blind?"

They started a heated argument about that. I completely ignored them because what is written in the report is very serious.

The current state is in a bad situation. The economy is almost nonexisting! The shops here are messing critical and important products that help with everyday needs. Almost 70% of citizens are unemployed. The crime rate is super high!! There are no doctors around here. At this rate, the Secluded City will fall into bankruptcy and chaos within 2 years.

After calming down, I started to think. I am from a modern world and know many things that can help and change the living conditions. But, I can't change their lifestyle and bring something too advanced. Hmmmm…. Regarding unemployment, let's do a working guild that does the same exact things that a fantasy story's adventurers guild does.

I looked at three old men who argue if I can see or not and I say: " Stop talking! Regarding unemployment, let's create a Work Guild. The people who apply there would be graded into several ranks from E to S based on their skills, Strength, and professions. Anyone can assign a request for help at the guild, the request would be graded and then would be assigned to people who have the same rank. We will buy any beast or herb that is caught by the hunters. As for the issue of lacking the necessary products, we will reduce the tax and invite all the merchants that I rescued. Veldora will tell you the details later. As for other issues, I will let you three manage them. I will be busy don't bother me unless it's extremely important."

Old Lynch eyes shined as he heard that Work Guild idea. He said: " That is a good idea, my lord. But, it will take more time to establish. We need to write down rules and get people into applying. We will do our best into making it happen. We will help you manage the State so don't worry!"

Old Holt said: "Don't worry about anything lord! We will help you to the best of our abilities!"

I nodded my head as I looked at old Nel and said: " Old Nel, there are too many nosy people who love to know more about me. I believe you can handle them, right? There will be a new trusty maids and butlers that will arrive next week. As for the current maids and butlers, I want them to fall to face the same fate as Lamonias."

Old Nel said: "Yes, I understand." He didn't ask who or where the new maids and butlers are coming from.

I walked back to my room and let everything in these old men's hands.

I set down on my bed and started to focus on increasing my talent. I have 2 years to change my talent to the peak! Alright, let's start now!



Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well. The ark is finished here. I hope I didn't disappoint you and you liked it so far.

I noticed some of you wanted anime characters. Unfortunately, this is not a fanfiction novel. To make this up for you, I want to let you choose what the new summon is going to be:

1) Body Cultivator Martial Artist Grandmaster. Odd personality.

2) A Scientist from a modern cultivation world. He will be very weak.

3) Groupe of an expert alchemists. Low rank.

4) Group of teachers from a sect that can teach cultivation.

5) You give me a suggestion.