Chapter 23

I nodded my head then I turned my head as I said to Veldora who was standing behind me: " Veldora, take the other 7 to the mansion at the corner of the city. After that go to the Rich Spiritual Land I told you about. It's time to take it!"

Veldora had his eyes shining, he said full of greed: " So, it's time to move there, my lord. Hehheee. I will do it right now!!!"


Liam's POV:

Three days after the summoning, I was sitting at my office looking at three old men and the three elders whom I chose to stay. Old Nel kept looking at the Elf lady, Elder 2, with perverts looks.

Looking at them, I said: " I gathered you today to introduce you to Elder 2, Elder 4, and Elder 5. They will be taking care of the domestic issue in the state and development projects. You will be responsible for all external politics and management. You will be assisting each other to achieve one goal which is to make this State independent of any external help!!"

Old Lynch though while asking with a confused face: " Lord, I understand your reasons and concerns for improving this state. But, we can't just bring unknown people whom we don't know or trust to manage the State! How did you get to know them? Do they have the capabilities?"

Old Holt nodded his head while saying: "They could be sent by other dukes to ruin our plans! They have kept bothering us for the past two years with an invitation and shady deals. Lord, we can't let them fool you!!!"

Old Nel looked annoyed at his friends while saying: " Elder 2 please ignore my friends here. They are old and fools. Let me introduce myself. I am Nel Von Vermilion, it's my pleasure to meet you. May I take you out on a dinner to get to know each other better? We are going to work a LOT together in the future. So, we should get to know each other....."

Elder 2 ignored Old Nel's attempt to hit on her which made me laugh at him making a fool of himself.

After calming myself, I said to them with cold eyes: " I appreciate your concerns and worries but I wasn't asking for your opinion! I was giving a direct order! You follow the orders no questions asked!! Don't you think that me giving you the freedom to go around running my state means I am a fool who doesn't know anything. These three elders are my loyal people. So, do your best together to achieve my goal, understood?"

The three old men had sweat on their faces while they said: "Yes, my lord."

Looking at Old Lynch, I said: " With these elders taking care of domestic issues, you three should focus on achieving international relations with the nearby kingdoms. We have gold, herbs, business routes, and most importantly an opportunity for investments. I want Limore kingdom's to sign our trading contract as soon as possible!! I don't care what you guys do, I want to have the ownership of Baren Death Mountains as soon as possible!!"

Baren Death Mountains is a mountain full of hidden high rank rare metals and gems. It was abandoned by Limore Kingdom and then given to this novel's MC, who later found the mines. He used these mines to gain favors with high rank sects. If I am able to take them, I will be able to strengthen my army. With these scientists with me, I will make them use these powerful metals to create stronger weapons for me.

Old Lynch had a smile on his face and said: " Lord, we should be able to take the right for those mountains in 2 months' times. As soon as we finished with Limore Kingdom's deal, we will start building connections with nearby kingdoms and empires."

I stand up then I walk near the window and say: " Good, I will leave everything in your hands! I will be going off to focus on my cultivation. If you need to contact me you talk with shadow 2, he will tell me everything you want to say to me. Shadow 2, you will stay behind and act like a messenger, Understood?"

A shadow guard appeared from the room's shadow scaring the Old Men. They have never known that I have shadow guards protecting me the whole time. I can't blame them, they were busy working that they didn't notice them. Shadow 2 replied: "Yes, my Lod"

Without waiting for further talks or questions, I jumped from the window landing on top of Veldora. Then we disappeared into the clouds.


Third Person's POV:

A gigantic white dragon descended from the clouds into a vast green land. The land was very vast and large, it was surrounded by a mysterious fog. From the outside, people only see fog and barren land. The illusion formation makes them think it's a useless land with no qi.

When the dragon landed, there was one 6 year old kid, 1 maid, and 7 middle-aged people. The moment they put their legs on the land, the 7 people started jumping and running screaming: "Rich Qi" or "Unlimited Qi" or "The Truth is REAL!!"

The 6 year old kid was Liam who was standing next Veldora. He said to Veldora: " Hmm… Indeed, they are crazy. I wonder if they are useful at all…."

Veldora had a wondering look on his face and said: "I hope they are useful. They are weird but interesting."

Lucy smiled and said: "Don't worry, my lord. From my experience, I can tell they are going to be handy. Although they will be a little troublesome, I think Lord have the ability to manage them."

Nodding my head to Veldora and Lucy, I looked at the elders and said: " Elders, this land is where you will be staying and build me as many weapons as you can to help me. I want you to about all of your capabilities! "

Elder 1 walked forward and said: "We do anything if we have materials and workers. But, we don't recommend too advanced weapons and technology while the State is not ready yet or developed to keep up. Lord said he has an army. What if we create army supplies for you. We can make you a special type of armor that we developed. It is created with a special type of formations and seals to have the following features: Lightweight, Communication, anti-gravity formations, Space Inventory, Strong Barrier, Hidden Weapons, Area Sensors, 5x Strength, 5x Speed, self-healing formations and seals, etc. We can make a flying battleship to send your army anywhere you want. Long distance firing weapons. Communication devices. Basically, you say and we do."

These crazy people are useful! That would help me a lot for now. There are stronger and modern weapons that I want them to create but let's move with a single step at a time and not be greedy. In fact, I doubt normal modern weapons would even hurt Second Stage Cultivator!

Looks like there is a lot of work to do. I look at Veldora and say: "Vedlora, go and bring Ren and Thor with their people. I wanted to build this place. I will stay here for a couple of years to cultivate."

Veldora knelt down, and said: "Yes, my Lord." Then disappeared into the skies.