Chapter 24

These crazy people are useful! That would help me a lot for now. There are more stronger and modern weapons that I want them to create but let's move with a single step at a time and not be greedy. In fact, I doubt normal modern weapons would even hurt Second Stage Cultivator!

Looks like there is a lot of work to do. I look at Veldora and say: "Vedlora, go and bring Ren and Thor with their people. I wanted to build this place. I will stay here for a couple of years to cultivate."

Veldora knelt down, and said: "Yes, my Lord." Then disappeared into the skies.



Ren and Thor listened to Liam's orders and moved their army to the Spiritual Land. It took three days for them to arrive at the spiritual land.

Liam has started to focus on his cultivation to get stronger as soon as possible. To Liam, personal strength is more important than borrowing others' strengths. Borrowed strength will not last long and won't be there for him to use all the time. So, he wants to have his strength and power to protect himself.

He orders Elder 1 to start making a design plan for building a large base and a mansion on this land. Liam ordered that all the facilities used for scientific uses to be made hidden underground. Also, Liam requested to make a self-protection mechanism and formations for any possible attacks.

It took 3 days for the elders to finish up a design with the help of elder 5 who was brought here by Veldora. The designs had all the requested elements and the flexibility to add or remove any facility in the future. The whole design looked like it's positioned based on formations. According to elder 1, these are several formations that help with increasing defense, Self Restoration, Qi Gathering, Cleaning, Offensive Formations, Gravity Field, and more formations that require extra rare materials to finish.

Three months later, the construction work ended with the help of 54,000 strong soldiers. After that Liam ordered Thor and Ren to focus on training their soldiers, and the elders to create weapons, armor, and battleships as soon as possible. They asked for the help of the soldiers which Thor gladly accepted saying "It's good training for the soldiers in their free time.."

Also, the three old men managed to get their hands on the ownership of the Barren Death Mountains. They started to mine for metals and rare gems. All rare and unique metals were sent here for building and construction. The rest were stored into space rings and kept in a hidden warehouse for future needs. Liam ordered Old Nel to have a full information lockdown about the current development of the State. He allowed him to reveal some of it to Empress Dowager, two Elder Princesses, and some nobles.

Everyone started to focus on his work and task. Veldroa had to travel all around the empire and neighboring countries to gather rare herbs and treasures that can improve Liam's cultivation. Kurma was the same usual lazy fox, he keeps sleeping and lazing around Liam under the reason of "protection".

Like this, the days came by and they years flew by with Liam focusing on his cultivation and finishing his missions. While the others working hard to improve the State.



Inside the central market of Secluded City, a group of 20 beautiful female soldiers wearing silver armor with golden lining on it. They were heading on their horses toward the governor's mansion. On their way, they were discussing and arguing if they are in the right city.

A soldier was speaking loudly: "There is no way that this city is Secluded City!! I mean look around you and see. There are multiple races here!! Look at their architecture, clothing, products, and how happy and friendly they seem. This even better than the capital city!! That trash wouldn't be able to create such a good place. Captain Mareona, are you sure this is the right place?"

Captain Mareona said with a confused face: "Yes, this should be the right place according to my sister Captain Ela, this is the right city! She said I will be surprised. But, this is beyond surprising. This place is way better than the capital!! Also, watch your words he is a Prince and the favorite grandson of Empress Dowager."

The soldier said: " Hmph!! I don't believe that trash is able to create or own this place! I think we just entered another country by mistake. We should ask just to be safe."

The soldier couldn't believe it, so she asked a 10 year old kid wearing a golden mask and sleeping on a tree branch at the side of the road with a small white fox sleeping on top of him. She said: "Hey, kid!! Wake up!! I have some questions I would like to ask!"

The kid continued laying on the tree branch while saying: " What?"

The soldier was annoyed that a kid like him is disrespecting a strong soldier in the third stage of cultivation like herself. She said with an annoyed voice: " Is this the trash's city? Secluded City?!"

The kid said without hesitation: "No, it's not the trash's city. It's my city and it's called Secluded City. If you are looking for a trash city then go back from where you came from. Don't bother me. scram scram~~~" The kid moved his hand signaling for them to scram.

The soldier started to get angry at this rude kid, she took her sword out and went to teach him a lesson: " You are rude! Don't you think so? You should understand that there are some people that you are not allowed to offend in this world. I will teach you in your parent's behalf to not lie to people and be nice in your next life!!"

When the soldier said those words, the nearby elf shop owner said with a smirk on his face: "He is telling the truth. Sigh, why young people like you love to act tough? Lord, could you at least not spill a lot of blood in front of my shop. I have a business to run here."

The kid took a wooden sword from a space ring on his hand, he looked at the soldier and said: " Swords aren't toys. Since you took it out, you should prepare for your death."

The soldier had a smirk on her face, she looked at him saying: " Hahahaa Good toy. But, it's useless. I will kill you before you even realize you've died."

The kid raised his hand and did a powerful slash dividing the soldier in half. The soldier had burned marks in place of the cut which prevented the blood from spilling around.

Captain Mareona had a scared look on her face, the 10 year old kid just killed a third stage soldier with a single slash!! She then saw him with the golden mask and had a weird thought. She thought ' Could it be.. He is him??'

The elf shop owner came while saying: "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Lord Liam. This is the ice cream you asked for. Next time just ask the guards and I will bring it to your mansion. No need for you to come here and ruin my shop reputation as "the lord killing place"."

Captain Mareona had a pale face and was completely shocked. She tried to calm herself and came down from the horse. She bowed while saying: " Prince Liam, I apologize for what my soldier did for you. She deserves death for offending you. I am Captain Mareona, I was sent by Empress Dowager to send you an invitation."

Liam was about to walk away when he heard her, he turned around and said: " Ohhh, why didn't you say that earlier. Shadows, no need to kill them anymore. They are grandma's people. Please follow me to the mansion. We will continue our discussion there."


Liam's POV:

While walking back to my mansion, I started thinking about the past 4 years.

During the four years, there have been a lot of changes that happened in Secluded State. I have finally was able to unite all the tribes from different races into coming together in one city. There were many different tribes like Secluded Spiritual Beasts Tribesmen, Elfs of Death Forest, Dwarfs of Hidden Mountain Village, and Demi-Humans from a village hidden inside the mountains. Elder 2, 4, and 5 helped with convincing them to move to the city.

The city improved due to the increasing development, schooling system, economy, low tax, and business support. The architects were developed and unique spreading good vibes for tourists and visitors. All the issues of discriminations and racism were fixed by giving everyone equal opportunity, doing cultural meeting, and making social gatherings. The leaders of every tribe helped into talking with their people about the importance of uniting with other tribes in one city.

All of these were the efforts of the three old men and the three elders. They worked constantly without rest for 4 years making several breakthroughs in Secluded State developments.

On the other hand, Inside the spiritual land, the results were shocking. The 54,000 soldiers of the bloodthirsty army and the 600 Shadow Guards were finally ready. Ren and Thor did their best to train them which made me satisfied by the current results.

The elders have developed and built 60,000 red-colored advanced armors for the bloodthirsty army, 1000 black armor for Shadow Guards, and a Golden colored armor for me. The armor had many features that improved and boosted the overall capabilities of who is wearing it.

The elders finished building 5 advanced flying battleships that can hold 10,000 people each, and a 1 stronger and faster flying battleship for me which can hold 20,000 people. Each ship had defensive and offensive mechanisms.

As soon as the elders finished these projects, they locked them selfs inside the laboratory saying that they will be busy building Qi power generator and more interesting things.

Lucy was annoying. She acts like my mother all the time. She is always strict about my training and teaching. I started to get bored after cultivating, practicing my skills, and learning new arts for 3 years, so I usually sneak out with Kurma and come to Secluded City to have fun.

For fun, I went from shop to shop teaching them cooking delicious food and desserts. The shop owner started to be interested in my teachings and add it to their menu. Of course, I got the deal to eat for free. Usually, when I walk around I receive food from women of different ages, which I happily accept.

Soon, I became known throughout the whole city and people got used for me sneaking out to eat food and killing outsiders who came here to steal or act tough. All the people from the city respects me for being a fair ruler who listens to them. Also, they understood that I am a strong and talented person which made a lot of them admire me.

After arriving at my office, I stopped thinking about the past 4 years. I invited captain Mareona saying " Welcome to my office, Captain Mareona. What brought you all the way to see me?"