Chapter 27

Hearing what the golden spirit said made me open my eyes to the realization of what her words meant. Isn't this like the internet? I change my words, this golden spirit is my golden ticket to improve my people and develop my State!! With the help of the golden spirit I can find all spies and unloyal people within the state. Once I eliminate them, then I won't need to hold back with the development of my state. Ohhhhh hahahahaaa this will change my future plans!!!


After calming myself a little, I asked the other two: " Okay, you all can stand up now. Tell me about yourselves and what you are capable of? What can you do to assist me?"

The woman smiled and her body started to change to different people of different genders, ages, and races. She said with a voice that keeps changing with every time her body changes: " Greetings, my Lord. I am a shapeshifter and a spy. My ability is to change my body and aura to anyone I have seen or touched before. I can even shape my body to any person or thing that I imagine. If you need to create a spy network, I am the person that can help with that. My ways don't require any long training, I can build a spy network as long as I have time and connections."

Hmmm if I want to spy on anyone, she will be very useful for me. She can infiltrate sects and empires easily!

The old man had a pale face and a weak voice, he said: "My lord, I am your loyal butler and half-blood kin. We, half-blood kin, live by feeding on people's blood. By feeding on other people's blood we can absorb their strength and vitality to restore back our youth. My ability is to forcefully make people weaker than me to be my servants and turn them into half blood kin. I have worked most of my life as a head butler, my lord. So, I will be useful in managing your house and training the maids!"

Training the maids? No no no, you will be helping me turn talented people into my loyal servants Hehehehee.

I remembered that the old man needs blood so I said: " Old man you will be named Sebas. Kurma, take Sebas to the prison to choose a meal from there. There are a lot of spies that were caught sneaking into my mansion in theirs. Don't forget to call the shadow guards to return to their place. "

Kurma opened his eyes and looked at me: "Kurma can eat right? Kurma was a good boy!!"

I looked at Kurma and said: "No, you will eat later. We have talked about this. Also, Sebas is only going to drink a little blood from them not to eat them all."

Kurma looked sad but his tails were moving violently which made me think he might be planning something mischievous again. He turned and left with Sebas following him. Then, I looked at the remaining red-haired woman and said: " You will be named Alice." After that, I looked at the golden spirit and said: "and you will be named Eve."

After noticing that shadow guards returned to their positions, I raised my voice and said: "Shadow 1, go and bring the three old men here!!"

After 15 minutes, Old Nel, Old Lynch, and Old Holt entered the room and bowed their heads greeting me. Old Lynch came forward and said: " How can we help you, my lord?"

I looked at Eve and said: " Eve, these are Old Nel, Old Lynch, and Old Holt! Eve since you are a spirit queen, I want you to make a contract with me and then summon a spirit and make a contract with these three!"

Eve said: "No problem, my lord. You will just have to close your eyes and agree that I can make a contract with your soul. Then, I will summon spirits and let them make contract with your people."

I closed my eyes and felt a strong connection that pulled me into a white empty space. Inside the room, I can see a lot of small little tiny people everywhere and a woman floating in front of me while emitting golden light.

The little woman said: "Welcome my lord into my spiritual space. This space will be where you can build a city or a mansion. You can let anyone who has a spirit contract come here and talk with them. But, their bond with their contracted spirit must be strong to stay here. The stronger the bond the longer a person can stay in here. The benefits of spirit space is a lot. While your brain state is here time will be faster than the physical world. A day here is an hour outside, the time ratio will increase when the spirits become stronger. Therefore, lord can let people come here and train or learn here faster. People can cultivate here faster than the physical world, but qi will be supplied from the outside world. "

Eve words shocked me. This spirit world is very good and perfect for my future operation. I can turn it into a secret base were my people can get access to it. There are a lot of possibilities for this. But the only condition is that their bond with the spirit must be stronger. I thank that will take time and effort.

After calming down and exiting the space, I commanded the three old men, shadow guards, and everyone in the mansion to do the spirit contract. The three old men refused at the beginning but after explaining the benefits they accepted without question.

Two hours later, everyone finished their spirit contract. Old Lynch said: " Lord, this is magnificent! The possibilities that the contract gave us are unimaginable. With the help of the spirits I can share any parts of my memories or information to anyone that is contracted with spirits! You know that's a whole new era for our State!!"

I smiled and said: "Yes, Old Lynch it cool and good. Now let's get back to work. I want every citizen in my state to make a contract with the spirits! However, I don't want outsiders to know anything about this! Therefore, it will be done secretly without the public knowing anything about it yet."

Old Holt laughed as he said: "Hahhahaha…. Make them do a contract with the spirits without letting them know? How are we supposed to do it?"

Old Holts sometimes is just an idiot….. I said: " I said don't let the public know not the individual!! You will start with the tribe's leaders and then slowly from one house to another house. It is going to be a long process but it is better than letting the whole world about our only advantage. Through the spirit space, we can establish a whole kingdom was time is faster than the physical world. We can teach people their different professions and how to cultivate Qi! Also, we can change money from physical into spiritual were people can use it to learn or buy new things on spirit space!!! So, don't go around and letting strong people about this or we are fucked!"

The three old men became alert when they heard my reason. The spirit contract is very vital to the State to development now! If I can successfully manage to let every citizen in my state have a contracted spirit and make sure that they are loyal, then I might be able to improve their personal skills and their unity as my people.

While we were finishing our discussion the plans for the spirit contract, Veldora entered the room carrying a pearl in his hands.

He came and gave it to me saying: " My Lord, this the pearl you asked for."

I took the pearl and said: "Thank you Veldora. Old Lynch, I will be leaving for the capital now. You and Old Holt will be staying here finishing the spirit contract. I will notify you when Eve finds spies or traitors. Sebas will be staying with you and assist you in your mission. Veldora, Kurma, Lucy, Old Nel, Ren, Shadow Guards, and Alice will be accompanying me to the capital."

Old Lynch nodded his head and said: " Don't worry, My Lord. Have a safe trip to the capital. If you require any assistance please let me know."

I nodded my head and left the office heading to my room to rest.



(~~ Three Days Later~~)

A huge golden carriage heading towards the capital city of the Vermilion Empire. The carriage was pulled by several spirit beasts. Inside the carriage, there were several people relaxing. They were Liam, Veldora, Kurma, Old Nel, Alice, and Lucy. Ren and the shadow guards were following them while protecting the area around the carriage.

Liam was sitting cross-legged cultivating and calming his mind through the journey. While he was cultivating the carriage stopped violently and a voice said from the outside saying: "Lord Liam, we have reached the capital city! But, there seems to be a problem!"

When Liam heard the carriage driver, he stopped his cultivation and went outside to see how it looked like. When he exited the carriage, he saw the giant golden gate with the Vermilion Bird drawn on it. He looked in the front to see the reason, why the carriage was stooped and saw several guards with spears in their hands aiming at Liam and the carriage.

The entrance to the capital has two lanes. One for the commoners and the other for the nobles. The carriage had Secluded State and Liam's sign on it. So, it shouldn't be stopped while walking on the nobles' lane to enter the capital. Therefore, Liam thought something might be wrong.

A middle-aged guard came forward and said with a smirk on his face: " Dirty blood, you are not allowed to enter the city! Turn around and scram peacefully. Otherwise, we will do it the hard way."

Liam looked confused at him, so he asked: "Hmmm You are talking to me? Do you know that I am the 9th Prince Liam Von Vermilion and the Governor of Secluded State?"

The middle-aged laughed and soon the guards laughed, the middle-aged man said: "You are nothing but abandoned trash. You have no place in our city!"

Then a voice came from a young man wearing luxurious clothes and sitting on a horse: " Yeah, trash like you have no place here. Kneel down, beg for mercy, and maybe this young master will let you scram! An abandoned dirty blooded one like you doesn't have a place here!!!"