Chapter 28



Inside one of the famous brothels in Vermillion capital city, there were two young men sitting on the floor. The young men were surrounded by several beautiful women who helped them drink their wine. One of them was wearing golden-colored clothes with a vermilion bird on it and the other was wearing white and brownish clothes. Both of them looked like they are around 18 to 23 years old.

One of them was drinking and said: "Ah I love this brothel! It the best in the whole city! They have a fresh girl every week!"

The other smiled and said: "Of course, it's the best. It's your brothel, after all, your highness." The other girls in the room nodded while smiling awkwardly to him.

The young man put the drink away while saying: "Of course, I am the best! Everything I do is perfect!! But, they don't appreciate what I do! They think I am a joke and can't do anything!!! All my brothers were given states to rule except me!! Even the dirty blood trash was given a state to rule!! They think the trash is a better ruler than me!!!! No one is treating me seriously in this family!"

The other young man said: " You are the best, your highness!! They are too blind to know the real you! You are the third prince, Prince Julius Von Vermilion. That trash is nothing compared to you, you are a true blood Vermilion!! He only had the state because of his relationship with Empress Dowager!"

Julius looked at him while barely able to balance himself and said: "Yes, Secluded State should have been mine but he stole it from me! It's all because of him!! He did it!! It was all his doing!!... Right, I remember hearing that he is going to be attending Empress Dowager's birthday party! He is going to steal more things from me!! That dirty blooded trash, I will destroy him and his little trash dirty sister!!"

The other young man smiled and said: " Your Highness please let me deal with him. That trash doesn't deserve wasting your precious time. I heard a rumor that his face was burnt and he is so ugly that he wears a mask all the time hahahaa…Also, your highness be careful you can't touch that girl. She is going to be married off to the Grand Elder of Dual Ying Yang Sect. Her fate is already sealed!"

Julius smirked and said: "Hahahaha…..You are right, they are nothing. They are just a maid's children who became a concubine! They are so trash that their own mother threw them away the moment they were born. Hahahahaaaa I will trust you with dealing with them. "

The other young man smiled and said: "Your highness, I am your best friend and your trusted servant. Me and my Grand Duke family will help you with everything you need. You can just drink and have fun. We will take care of everything for you!" The young man hid a smirk and a petty eye when he said those words. Julius was drunk and wasn't able to notice it.


Liam's POV:


Then a voice came from a young man wearing luxurious clothes and sitting on a horse: " Yeah, trash like you have no place here. Kneel down, beg for mercy, and maybe this young man will let you scram! An abandoned dirty blooded one like you doesn't have a place here!!!"

Hearing these annoying cliche lines, I try to calm myself down so I don't make a rash move that will make me regret it later. After calming down, I said with a face that screams I despise you: " Wow, you are so high so mighty! You are an immortal descending from the skies….. Since you had your shity self satisfactory, now scram out of my face. I have a tight schedule."

Several people standing at the side of the road started laughing making the young man look angry at me. The young man had a fire burning in his eyes, he said: " Do you know who you are talking to? I am the son of Marques Calder, I am Urien Von Calder! Since you heard my name kneel down you filthy trash! Take off your mask let the people see how ugly your face is! He is an ugly trash guy unwanted by the emperor or other princes!!"

Hmmm This guy is a troublesome fellow. I want to act the nice low key prince and finish everything without offending anyone. But, here I'm already having a conflict before even entering the city!! Also, why would I be ugly under my mask?

I looked at him and said: " Hey Urieneya or Urnie or whatever your name is. I hold the governor seal of Secluded State given to me by the emperor. So, I am an official of the 2nd grade which is equal to a grand duke. In addition, I am the 9th prince which is 3rd grade official equal to a duke. That means I am in a much higher noble rank than your whole family and ancestors combined. I will pretend I didn't hear anything. So, be a good boy and walk away before I get angry." I did my best to try to show reason and fix it the nice way.

I tried every possible way to prevent getting into a fight. I am not afraid of having a fight with anyone inside this empire. But, If I can, I don't want to attract unwanted attention by killing this idiot. Especially, when there are a lot of eyes watching. I can see several people already looking at us. There is a group of people inside a restaurant and some others in different parts of the capital. They have a strong aura around them.

Urien Von Calder looked at me with hate in his eyes he said: "You are born from a maid! You are nothing! What are you guys doing? Go and beat him to death!!!"

Hearing the order to start killing me, I stopped caring about attention. During the time I was here, I learned from Lucy, Thor, and my followers to never have mercy on anyone who wishes my death. This my novel so I know it very well. The moment I let them go, they will come with more people and the cycle will not end. During the 4 years, Lucy and Thor forced me to learn how to kill. I was scared at first but soon I understood one thing. If I don't kill them, they will kill me.

The city guards looked at each other with hesitation. They might have come to mess with me but they don't dare to attack a royalty. Noticing their reaction, their leader, the middle-aged man said: "If you follow the orders, Lord Urien will pay you with spirit stone and hire you as his guards!!! You know what is good for you, right? After all, he is an abandoned prince. No one will care. Just beat him up, I will take care of everything else" Looks like the middle-aged man was bought earlier by Urien.

The guards accepted their orders and came running at me to beat me. While they came running at me, I remained calm and didn't move. I ordered Lucy using the connection of our spirit to protect me. I didn't want to make a move while being watched like an open book and reveal all my cards to everyone. Lucy is my personal maid and her existence could be related to my grandmother since she is a woman. So, by revealing her others will be cautious and avoid me next time thinking Empress Dowager is protecting me.

Lucy exited the carriage and stunned everyone with her beauty while wearing a maid dress. She disappeared from her place and appeared next to me. She then approached the people coming at her and started punching and kicking them.

Within a moment all of them became a broken pile of bones and flesh. Some of the people who were watching and Urien looked at the pile of broken bones and flesh, and started to throw up and have pale faces. Lucy caught Urien from his hair and brought him to me. She smashed him into the floor under my feet.

I put my foot on his head and ask: " Why did you come here and caused trouble for me? You have 30 seconds before I smash your head. "

Urien became worried and said: " You can't kill me! I am a noble! I am the next in line for House Calder!!! If you do something to me then the emperor will…."

I laughed while saying: " Hahahaaaa…. Good joke, Urine!!! Let me tell you how it is going to be. Prince Liam who just returned after a long time of absence uncovered the plot of Marquess Calder who planned to take the throne!! Then, Marquess Calder sent his son to silence Prince Liam! Prince Liam fought a bloody battle and won!.... Hmmmm What do you think? Which story is better to believe mine or yours? ….. You have 15 seconds left before I smash your head! Start Talking!"

Urien became worried and scared. He just realized how foolish his actions are. He said with a weak voice: "Don't kill me!!! Please don't kill me!! I was following the wishes of his highness!! I was told by Grand Duke Bennet's son, Valiente Von… Ahhh"

While I was interrogating Urien an arrow came flying at me from a restaurant that is about 1.5 km away from me. Lucy wasn't aware of the arrow because it's far away from her and she isn't equipped with any weapon to defend the arrow. Therefore, I acted like I slipped and kicked Urien making him stand at the direction of the arrow. The act won't be very convincing, so let's hope they didn't pay attention.

The arrow made a huge hole in Urien's stomach, then the arrow smashed the ground and made a one-meter carter.

I acted like I didn't know anything and surprised that the attack happened. I don't care about Urien's death because I got the info I needed from him. But, I want to know why I was attacked by them.

Inside the restaurant, there was a group of old people with young people standing behind them. Everyone one of the old people was way stronger than me. I can't read their current cultivation stage. But, I am confident that 2 of them have an aura way stronger than Veldora!!!! The others are lower or similar to Veldora's strength. The one that shot the arrow was an old woman! She is very powerful but she didn't use her full force in that shot. She is currently smiling while looking at me.



On the top floor of one of the most famous restaurants in the capital, there was a group of old men drinking tea with young people standing behind them.

One of the old women in the group lowered her bow and gave it to the disciple that is standing behind her. She was smiling while looking at the direction she shot the arrow at. She said: "What an interesting boy! I felt someone peeking at us, so I wanted to test him. But, could it be him or was it someone else?"

One of the old men was stroking his beard and said: " Little girl, you are always sensitive and sharp. You did will by detecting his gaze from this distance. Also, that kid is not bad, he did well defending himself against your arrow!"

Another Old Man said: " Senior, please don't encourage such acts! That's called good luck! He is a normal human, he can't defend such an arrow. It was pure luck. So Old Lydia be careful how you point those deadly arrows of yours next time! Human lives aren't a game for you to play with!!"

Another old woman laughed and said: "Look who speaks about righteousness!! The headmaster of Evil Spirits Cult! But, I am interested in that little maid that protected him. She has a talent for cultivation. She is more value to be a mere maid of a kid. She will grow stronger if she joined my Ice Flower Sect! Hmmm, I decided to send her an invitation to join my sect! I am sure the kid won't mind!"

A burst of laughter sounded from the room as a creepy old man said: "No, she will join my Dual Ying Yang Sect as my new wife!! I have been lacking new wives lately. She is lucky that I have put my eyes on her!"

The Old Woman who shot the arrow said with a cold voice: "I don't think it will be so easy for the two of you. If I were you, I would be careful when messing with the kid. I can't say why, but all my senses scream danger when I think about him. I still need your help so be careful not to die before giving me what I need!!...." She then closed her eyes and stopped talking.

The creepy old man said with a smirk: "Old Lydia, you grew old and lost your famous senses. You became a crazy old lady. You said the same thing when I said I want to marry the youngest princess of the empire that it will bring misfortune and death to my sect. You are just a pitiful old woman who has one leg in her grave and one on the ground. It's only a matter of time before you fall down dead Don't waste the medicine that we give you, save it for your disciples… Hahaha hahaha"