Chapter 32


The next morning, I woke up early in the morning and had Lucy make me breakfast. The others were all asleep except me and Lucy. For some reason, they all love to sleep for a long time, especially Kurma!!

After eating my dinner, I took a cup of milk and sat at the corner of the inn. Yes, MILK!!! Lucy didn't allow me to get coffee!!! I will punish her later!!

Slowly, I started to organize my thoughts and the events that happened yesterday. I am a man who likes to think and prepare himself before making any step. Yesterday's events were very confusing and might have to lead me to rash thinking.

I must learn how to control my self! Anger and hate will only lead to certain death! If I don't think every step along my way I will die without knowing how! Especially, when this world is real and not fantasy is written on paper.

After calming down and organizing my thoughts, I realized how dangerous my current situation. My original plan was to meet my grandma, but now it has changed into a war against a sect and an empire. Even if the others didn't come and declared war first, it is an inevitable outcome. I can't let them do such a thing to a 6-year-old. Even if I didn't know her much, she is still my blood sister. I never had a sister before, but I know how to value family…

Maybe it's just a wish of mine to remember the warmth of past life's family. In this life, I consider my companions as my own family and love to mess with them and order them around. To protect them, I always show them that I am an unparalleled leader and a strong wall they can depend on. I never let them see any weakness in me. Is this why I want to help my sister? To show them I always care about family?

Ahhh everything is messy right now!! Why did all of this happen? I thought everything under my control. Was it because the world recognizes me as Cannon Fodder's character? Is it a side effect because I change Liam's fate? Why did Liam's had a little sister? Is it arranged by the world? Or is this how the system is messing with me?

So many questions with no one to answer. Some are clear but have a cloud of mystery around them. Hmmmm….. Thinking about this won't change what is about to happen. Right now, the emperor and the nobles are planning for a way to deal with me using the law. Sarcastically, the Law is the emperor's words. So, the trial will be unfair before it even starts. The only way for me to win the trial is to have some nobles siding with me and accuse Marquess Calder of rebellion against the throne.

According to Ren, the imperial guards should be coming to arrest me today in the afternoon. I don't have time to go around meeting nobles. So, my only chance to weaken their side! There are two people to be wary of are Grand Duke Bennet and the emperor. Grand Duke, I can deal with him by exposing his plot of cooperation with the demon's sect. As for the emperor, my only bet is to show my real worth. Hmmm… Let get ready.

I stood up and walked back to my room to cultivate and change my clothes while waiting for the imperial guards to arrive.


Third Person's POV:

Inside the imperial palace, Theodore Von Vermillion was sitting on the throne with his red-haired imperial concubine sitting on his right-hand side.

In front of him were several nobles, crown prince, and third prince. Grand Duke Bennet walked forward and said: "Your majesty we, your humble subjects, are suffering from the tyranny of the 9th prince! He killed the son of your loyal head of city guards, Margess Calder! Also, he refuses to pay all the taxes he owes as a governor! He is cancer to the empire. We ask your majesty to seek justice for us!"

Marquess Calder kneeled down crying and saying: " Your majesty! Your humble servant is asking you to find justice for my poor child who was killed for no reason!!"

Theodore looked at the people around him and nodded his head saying: "I have always ignored this tyrant child! Guards go and bring me the 9th prince to see what he will say for his defense!! My love would do you think of this matter?"

The Imperial Concubine remained emotionlessly cold as she said: " I trust your Majesty's to show justice!! If Liam is found guilty then it's his fault for breaking the law!! If he is not, then these nobles will face the consequences for lying in front of the Vermillion Throne!!"

Theodore smiled and said: "Hahaha… Grand Duke Bennet, what do you think of Secluded State? Is it as the rumors say? A treasure land that rivals the capital?"

Grand Duke thought for a while and said: "Your majesty, I only heard that all of the tribes there have united and formed a beautiful city rich with culture and development. That State is filled with potentials!"

Theodore thought for a while and said: "Filled with potentials? Is that why the Divine Lotus Palace is interested in it? There is no way that they are interested in that trash!"

The Crown Prince stood up and said: " Royal Father, the Secluded State is taken care of by those three old nobles! If we make a smart move, we would be able to have them work. If they can make Secluded State a rich and developed state, then what if they started working on other states? Our empire would prosper with their support!"

The Third Prince jumped and said: "Royal Father, the three old nobles refrained from politics for a long time!! Why did they choose Secluded State right now? There must be a hidden treasure and a big secret that they don't want anyone to know of!! We should take control of Secluded State first then focus on the benefits of the three old nobles!! Maybe we could find a treasure hidden there that can change our empire current situation!!"

Grand Duke nodded his head and said: " Your majesty, I agree with the third prince!! We should follow his plans if we want the benefits of Secluded State for ourselves. Also, don't forget how dangerous the three old nobles! They are smart people that can make many schemes!! We should be careful not to be caught off guard!!"

Theodore nodded his head and said: "What you said is correct. But, we first must deal with Liam and take the Secluded State back to our hand!"

To Theodore, he is only interested in this trial is to take control over the now developed Secluded State, to have more nobles support, and to keep this red-haired beauty in check!

He only cared for what benefits he will gain from convicting Liam! At this point in time, the empire is declining and the Theodore wants to do anything to make it stabilized and grow back stronger. If convicting Liam would help, he won't hesitate to do it!