Chapter 33

Liam's POV:

Soon, the afternoon arrived and I can notice several imperial guards walking towards the inn and surrounding it. There were over 2000 imperial guards with several Vermilion Royal Family's Elder leading them. Seeing that they have arrived, I smile and walk down the stairs with all of my companions walking behind me heading outside of the inn.

When I reached the first floor, I noticed Lady Lydia was standing there with her granddaughter. There is something off about this granddaughter of hers. For some reason, I keep feeling that there is something I am messing about her. I will figure it out later.

Lady Lydia walked forward and said: "Prince Liam, you have allowed us to stay here and we caused you many problems. Let this old lady provide a helping hand. With me assisting you nobody will dare mess with you! You are too young right now! You should appreciate your life! I won't let you go throw your life away, after all, you're my friend's grandson!!"

The girl next to her nodded her head and said: "Grandma can help you get out of this messy situation! You are 10 years old right now! Wait until you're a few years older, then you can have the power to exact revenge! If you go outside right now, you will only lose your life!"

Lucy and the others but laughing at their comments making Lady Lydia and the girl skeptical about what's going on. Lucy started shaking her head saying: "Our Lord isn't a small fry people can mess around with easily!! If he says he will crush them like ants. Then their fate to die will never change no matter what happens!! Also, are you guys too blind to not see us standing behind his back? Are you looking down on us because we went easy on you?"

Veldora laughed saying: "Hahaha These lowly monkeys think that we are decorations!! If only the lord allowed us, we would have flattened this capital to the ground!!"

I shake my head hearing them brag again, but hearing their support makes my heart warm. They all trust and support my judgment.

I feel something pulling my leg and look to the side to see Kurma. He looked at me with big and cute eyes as he said: " Lord, Kurma wants to eat. Kurma was a good boy recently. So, can Kurma eat? Kurma just wants a few humans!! Not a lot just a few!!!" His stomach started to make sounds making me laugh at his devilish cuteness.

I laughed and said: "Lady Lydia thank you for your concern but I am a man who has certain limits in my life. If someone dares to cross them, then he can only blame himself!!... All right everyone follows my lead, let's see what these follow have prepared for us!"

I walked outside and saw many imperial guards wearing golden armor with Vermillion Bird on it. Seeing me exit the inn, 6 old men walked out of the imperial guard's lines. One of them said in a large voice attracting everyone in the area's attention: "Imperial Decree form his majesty the emperor, Theodore Von Vermillion!!!! The decree says Liam Von Vermillion we have over seen your tyrant and corrupt in the region for a long time. We wished for you to fix your evil ways but you disappointed the Vermillion Throne. Therefore, we royal decree to put an end for your evil ways. Liam Von Vermillion, you are to hand over your governor seal and come to us to attend your trial for the evil doings you have committed!"

The nearby people started to talk among themselves:

"Is that the trash 9th prince? I knew he would be an evil person the moment I saw the devil's mask on his face!! The current empire situation must be his evil doings!!"

" What devil's mask are you talking about? I heard that he was burnt when he was young so he wears it to hide his ugliness!!"

"Guys didn't you hear that he killed several city guards and a noble's son!! He is going around killing everyone that he doesn't like!!"

"Yess!!! Emperor is a good man who will put an end to this devil!!! Die, you devil!!"

" You cursed trash go and die!!! Our empire is declining because of your doings!!! Take responsibility and die!!!"

Hearing these false accusations I greet my teeth with anger but try and control my emotions. I signaled for everyone behind me to calm down and not act until I say so.

The old man how said the royal decree said: " You trash and disgrace for our Vermilion Royal Clan!! Guards take this trash to the emperor and kill everyone behind him!! Don't let anyone stand alive!! They are the devil's followers!!"

I narrow my eyes and look coldly at this old man. The imperial decree only invited me to the palace! It didn't say to kill anyone who stands with me. It was an invitation-only not forcefully arrest and killings.

I looked at the old man coldly and said: " I will follow you to the palace! But, if you dare to make a move to kill my people, I won't hesitate to open a blood path to the palace!! This my only and my last warning for you! Listen to it carefully and treasure your life."

The old man smirked and looked at me with despite as he said: "Guards!! Prince Liam has refused to accept the royal decree!! Arrest him and kill everyone with him!!"

Shaking my head at their stupidity, I said: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance! Now, you are an enemy. Shadow Guards!! Open a path of blood to the palace!!"

Lady Lydia and the girl were about to intervene and stop the guards, but suddenly the sensed 400 strong auras that appeared from the shadows. Lady Lydia was very well known for her sensitivity to auras. She was shocked that she could sense them before. Her body was fully covered with sweat because ever single one of these people is as strong as an inner sect's elder!!

The 6 old men and the guards who were laughing a moment ago at how helpless my situation, are now frozen by fear from the strong aura they just sensed. They looked around and saw many Shadow Guards wearing black armor standing on top of the buildings nearby.

The old man had sweat covering his body as he said: "Are they …. your men? Prince Liam, there must be some misunderstanding between us!! let us not result in violent options let...."

Before the old man finishes his words he dropped dead on the ground shocking everyone around. Ren appeared behind him and took the imperial decree to me saying: "My lord please forgive me for being late! Shadows!!!! Open the blood path!!!"

Soon, screams and sounds of flesh tearing apart filled the whole capital scaring everyone on the streets.



Inside the throne hall, the emperor and the nobles were discussing riches and benefits of Secluded State.

The Crown Prince smiled as he said: " Father Emperor, the Secluded State holds many hidden treasures. We only knew about them after the three old nobles went there and organized it. We must take control of that state!!!"

The Third Prince greeted his teeth saying: "Father Emperor, Elder Brother, my brothers and you have States to rule and too busy to handle such big state!! Let me help you! I am free from any obligations! I will do my best to manage Secluded State with the three old nobles!!" The third prince hoped to be able to have the three old nobles support and to have the rich Secluded State.

The Crown Prince smirked and said: " Third Brother, you are a man who doesn't care about riches nor power. There is no need for you to bother yourself with ruling a state. Let your older brother do it for you!!"

Grand Duke Bennet shook his head as he said: "There must be equality between princes!! Secluded State should go the third prince by right! Isn't that so your majesty!!"

All of them started to discuss to whom the Secluded State go to even before the trial starts. To them, the trial had already ended and Liam is dead. They completely looked down on him and never expected anything from him!! Liam was only a brat and trash in their eyes. He doesn't deserve respect.

Before the emperor gives his opinion about Liam a eunuch entered the hall without requesting an audience which made the emperor angry. He said: "You lowly ant!! How dare you offend the throne!!"

The eunuch kneeled as he said: "Your majesty please forgive me!! There is an emergency!!! Big trouble is heading toward the palace!!!"

The emperor calmed down to listen to what the eunuch has to say. The emperor said: "What happened? Did some of the elders get angry? Is my mother awake? Did someone inform her about the trial???"

The eunuch said: "No, the elders are fine and Empress Dowager doesn't know! The problem is bigger than that, your majesty!!! It's dangerous outside!! Blood!! Blood everywhere!!"

The emperor smashed the table next to him as he said: "Speak at this instant or I will kill you!!!"

The eunuch breathed cold air and has sweat covering his whole body as he said: " Prince Liam and his men annihilated all of the imperial guards and the 6 elders from the hall of punishment!! He is heading toward the palace with only 400 people!!! The main street is full of blood!! None of the city guards, imperial guards, and the palace guards are able to stop him!!! He is a devil!!"

The eunuch words shocked everyone around. The Emperor, Crown Prince, Third Prince, Grand Duke, Imperial Concubine, and other nobles. It was at this moment they knew, they fucked up.