Chapter 34


"AHHHHHHH DEVILS!!!! DEVILS!!!!! Help ughhhhhh"

"Nooo!!! Stop I dropped my weapon don't kill me ughhh ahhhh"

"Prince Liam is attacking the imperial guards and refusing to listen to the imperial decree!!!! Call for backup!!!!!"

Scary sounds traveled through the winds to all parts of the capital shocking the whole capital! The trash and useless prince is killing all the imperial guards in daylight without fearing anyone!!

In a mansion not far away from Liam's inn. An old man with a bald head said to the young man wearing white clothes that have a black lotus: "Little Nip, is that the boy that Elder Aldous interested in?"

Nip nodded his head and said: "I think it's him, master!! His name is Liam Von Vermillion!! We only have rumors about him. All of the spies we paid to gather information disappeared the moment they entered Secluded City. If our guess is correct then he must be the one who inherited the Ancient Vermillion Clan's legacy."

The bald old man looked at where prince Liam is standing and said: "He is an interesting kid! Take this token and follow Liam. If anyone dares to make a move on him show him the token! Make sure that you don't alert him about our intentions! Even if he didn't inherit it, Our Divine Lotus Palace is interested in making connections with such talents." Nip nodded his head and disappeared from his place.

Other elders and seniors stood by watching the show. They didn't bother themselves interfering, to them it's a good show to watch and pass time. Some of them gathered to make bets on which side will win.

Lady Lydia took her granddaughter and started running very fast toward a direction. Her granddaughter asked: "Grandma, where are we going? Aren't we going to help him? He might be in danger!!"

Lady Lydia had complicated eyes for a while then she said: " Currently, I am weak and useless. I can't do anything to help him. Therefore, I am going to see my old friend, Empress Dowager. This kid's grandma! She is the only one that can stop the emperor's nonsense!! I am worried that she is too sick to stand up from her bed…."


The sounds of swords clashing and scream started to fill the palace scaring the people inside. The emperor had tons of questions in his head, how did such trash have the ability to lead powerful people at the age of 10!! Kids at his age are still studying under tutors to learn noble subjects not going around leading people and ruling a state!! The emperor couldn't help but feel that he is missing something important around here.

Compared to the shocked crowd the Imperial Concubine was calm as if the battle and screams outside don't exist. She was only surprised that Liam had powerful people protecting him and are willing to fight against the emperor. If someone looked closely, they would be able to see that she had a faint smile on her face..

Soon, the sounds stopped which made the nobles question if what the heard was real or not. Grand Duke Bennet asked the guard: " What happened? Did the lose? Are Liam and his people dead?"

The crown prince how was hiding behind the nobles and scared a moment ago walked in front of Grand Duke and said with arrogance: "The trash and his people will never be able to step one foot inside of our Palace. The Imperial Guards are very strong! No one can kill them! I think the eunuch was exaggerating what happened outside. Those sounds definitely belong to Liam and his people!! After all, we are in..."

The Third Prince had a smirk on his face as he said: "Hehehe trash like him dare to fight against the imperial guards? Is he looking for death? Those screams belong to Liam and his trashy people!!! Hahhaha.."

Before the two princes continue to brag about the imperial guards, the doors to the throne hall were knocked



" I am Liam Von Vermilion! The 9th prince of Vermilion Empire and the Governor of Secluded State!! I am here to obey the imperial decree and request an audience with his majesty!!"

The nobles started shaking how could he be here. Some of them started talking:

"Didn't the crown prince said he can't come into the palace! How did the come in here?"

"Yeah!! And where is the crown prince? Didn't he said the imperial guards are strong!!"

"Huh? Is he the one hiding behind the curtains?"

The emperor started to get nervous in meeting a person he thought worthless. But, the emperor wasn't scared that Liam would do any harm to him. After all, the empire had many hidden cards that protected for hundreds of years. So, a 10-year-old and his people aren't enough to cause a risk to the empire, right? These were the thoughts of the emperor.

The emperor raised his hand and said: "Guards open the door for Prince Liam! I allow him to enter."

Liam's voice traveled through the door and said: "There is no need for guards!" Two people wearing black armor opened the door revealing Liam's figure and the whole scene outside of the hall.

There were two dead bodies on the ground that belonged to the guards who protect the doors to the hall. The bodies didn't have the looks of human, it had cuts all over it making people believe it belonged to monsters, not humans. Everyone in the hall took a deep cold breath when the saw Liam standing next to the bodies, smiling and waving his hands innocently.

Lucy came forward and held Liam's hands as if she is helping him walk forward. Liam walked until he reached the center of the hall and said: "Greeting to the Emperor of Vermillion Empire, Imperial Concubine, Grand Duke, brothers, and honorable nobles! May I know the reasons for the imperial decree?" Liam didn't want to reveal all of his hidden cards. So, he kept acting the same as what they thought him to be.

Everyone calmed down when the sensed that Liam didn't have any cultivation. So, they were confident that he is just trash who hold no strength. They looked behind him and only saw 6 people and a white fox. They were Vedlora, Ren, Lucy, and Kurma. The other three of them were wearing shadow guards. The only thing that made them alert were the people behind Liam. They never thought Liam himself is a threat.

The emperor looked at Liam and said: " You are a disgrace to the royal family!! How could you kill the imperial guards!!! Refuse to pay taxes!!! And Killed everyone with no reason!! You are a devil and a monster to this empire!! What do you have to say in your defense? If there is nothing you can say, I will have to pass my judgment!!"

Liam smiled and said: "Hmmm. What an interesting play. I like it, let me play as well!!.... Royal Father!!! I came here for your rescue!!! I traveled from a very far place to report what I have found out but was stopped by the people who want harm to the throne!! Royal Father, there are people who wish harm to the throne and our royal clan!! I had the assistance from the people behind me to reach for you!! We were blocked by traitors but we managed to come!! Looks like I arrived in time!!" Liam started to act worried with concerned making Veldora, Lucy and the others barely able to hold their laugh.

Liam killed all the imperial guards and now he says they are traitors and he is doing it to rescue the emperor. Some of the nobles were fuming with anger at the shamelessness of Liam!!

The emperor had a grim look on his face as he said: " Wish harm to the throne? Liam stop talking nonsense and get to your point! If you don't explain yourself I won't let you go easily."

Liam had a faint smile on his face as he acted with concern: " Royal Father, Grand Duke, and Marquess Clader tried to prevent me from coming to the palace! They didn't want me to reveal their evil doings! They plan to take down the royal family!! They tried to kill me and assassinate me to stop me from telling the truth!!! Royal Father, you have to believe me. I love you. royal father. Ooo Baaa Haa Haha…" In the end, Liam was about laugh but he blocked his mouth with his hand to not reveal act. Veldora couldn't hold it as he started to leak laughter slowly but Lucy closed his mouth forcefully making him hold himself. Both of them looked weird while holding their laughter.

To the other, Liam and Veldora looked as if they were about to cry, but they forced themselves to calm down. Seeing his 10 years old abandoned son, Liam, about to cry because he was concerned about him and the royal family, the emperor was touched for a moment. The emperor thought Liam would hate and start to curse him the moment he sees him. But, the emperor couldn't understand why Veldora would cry as well? It's his first time seeing him. So the emperor assumed he is a loyal citizen to the empire.

The emperor calmed himself and said: " Little Lia, calm down and tell me the whole story. I am the emperor and I will see justice for the matter! Fear not and say what in your mind!!"

Hearing the emperor words, Grand Duke said with anger: "Your majesty, this devil is lying!! I am your loyal subject, your majesty! I would never betray you! He is trying to look for an exit to escape! I ask you to not believe this little devil!!"

The Crown Prince walked off the curtains and said: "Royal Father, Liam is a curse to the empire! He just killed all of your imperial guards! Don't be fooled by him!!"

The Third Prince nodded his head and said: "I agree with elder brother! I say we mobilize our army to stop the traitors who killed the imperial guards and execute Liam in public for causing chaos!! We can't let him such a devil in the empire!!"