Chapter 35

Theodore's POV:

Being the emperor means one has to be aware and alert all the time for betrayals. Emperors always had their backs wide open for the people around them. The only thing that keeps them standing is strength and loyalty!

I have to always maintain the support of the people, nobles, sects, and ancestor's arrays. If I lacked one of them I would lose my seat as the emperor. It's a known fact through history.

To become the emperor, I had to use everything in my hand to make sure the support is stable! I have sacrificed my father, brothers, my sons, and daughters, and even my mother's health to have this seat!

Right now, my unwanted son and the failed experiment, the mistake of seeking the hidden inheritance is standing in front of me saying someone is planning to take my seat!! I have sent him away without caring about him because he is useless to me.

The son I abandoned is here to protect me? It feels off but I can't ignore his words. If any of his words are correct, then I might lose the emperor seat to traitors. Treason is very well known in this empire's history. I don't want to be named as a fallen emperor.

I looked at him and said: " Little Liam, ignore what they said! Speak to me about everything in your mind!! I will protect you!" As soon as I say that. I can see his innocent smile as he tries his best to stop crying. What an interesting kid who cares about the father who abandoned him!! He is too useless to be called a prince but he is a good kid!.

Liam calmed down and said to me: " Royal Father, Grand Duke, and Marquess Calder has sent to me Old Zhu to steal all the money in my state to finance their operation. However, the three old nobles came to the state and stopped their plans! They tried for several years to control the Secluded State but they couldn't!!"

Hmmm… What he said is right. I remember the three noble fought someone called zhu because he tried to assassinate Liam and steal the governor seal. Did they send him there? If I was in their shoes, I would do the same to finance my plans.

After all, Liam is a small kid, useless, trash talent, and easy to manipulate. Liam will have no future achievement as a cultivator because of that experiment that costs his talent and potentials. So, he is the ideal target for them to gain easy money!

The Grand Duke screamed angrily: "That's a lie!!! I would never do that!! I have never sent anyone to Secluded State!! Your majesty this devil is lying to you!!"

I looked at the Grand Duke coldly as I said: " Old Bennet! Stop screaming and know your place!! I will give you time to defend yourself!! Liam Continue!"

Liam continued: " When I and the three nobles noticed their plans we started an investigation!! We found their involvement with the demon's sect!! They plan to rebel against the royal family and support the demon sect!!"

The Demon's Sect!! They dare and deal with the demons!! This not only a crime against the empire but also against the whole continent. If this is true then I must stop them at all cost. But, would Liam tell the truth? He has powerful people backing him! Are they apart of this empire or sent her by others!

I looked at the two nobles men coldly and said: "You want to bring demons to my empire? Don't you look down too much on my royal family?"

The two noblemen started shivering especially the grand duke, he had sweat all over his body. The Grand Duke started saying: "You majesty he is lying to you!! Don't favor him because he is your son, you have to bring justice!! I am sure it all staged up by Liam!!"

Liam smiled and said: "Your majesty, if you don't believe me, why don't you search their houses and what type of cultivation their people possess!"

I nodded my head and ordered the eunuch and my eldest son: "Crown Prince take the eunuch with you and start an investigation. I want the results in an hour!! You two don't mind right?"

The two dukes shook their heads as they confidently said: "No, your majesty! We are your servants do as you like!" However, there is some hesitation from the Grand Duke that make me suspect him!

My eldest son bowed his head and left the hall with the eunuch as soon as possible! We is he so eager to leave? He must love to serve me and this empire! I was right in choosing as the crown prince hahahahaha!!!!

When I looked to my right to see my beautiful concubine, I noticed her smile and enthusiasm when she was looking at Liam. Hmm, so she still cares about him? That's interesting, I thought she already erased him from her mind! I guess mothers love their children after all! If she still cares about them, that's good for me! I can have extra cards to keep her staying here!! Hehehe

I approached her and whispered: " Little Red, you missed Liam, didn't you? He is a young man right now! He came here to help his father and mother! Isn't he a good kid? As a mother you must have wished day and night for this moment right?"

Her expression turned back cold and said to me: "He is trash! To me, he is just a failure nothing more! I don't want to see him in the palace!"

I smile hearing her words, I have been with this woman for 11 years! I have become to know her very well, she will do anything to keep me away from her children. Since she is like this, it will be easier for me to do that experiment again. She can't refuse me this time. Heheehee

I looked at her and said: " Little Red, if you obey me and let me do the experiment one more time, the agreement between your clan and my ancestor would be fulfilled. Also, I will let you have these kids, what do you say?"

She looked at me with cold eyes and said: "When are we doing the experiment again?"


Third Person's POV:

The Crown Prince lead people to the mansion of Marquess Clader to investigate for any demon sects involvement! On their way out of the palace, they saw the main street to the palace was red! Blood and corpses are all over the street! The once beautiful street turned to hell! The Crown Prince tried his best to not pass out from shock!

After a few minutes, they arrived at Marquess Calder and started the investigation. The guards started to search the mansion. Also, they search for everyone's cultivation and noticed that it's fine.

After a while a guard ran to the crown prince saying: "Crown Prince, we found demons ritual!! Come!!"

When the crown prince entered the room, he was shocked! There were many corpses of important officials and army general!! There were many drawings on the wall that indicated demons rituals!! The Marques is a traitor!!

The Crown Prince could help but breath heavily! He was scared that traitors were sitting right in front of him without him realizing it! Then he ordered them to arrest everyone in the mansion for treason.

After a while, they arrived at Grand Duke Bennet mansion. However, the mansion was empty, there was no one there! Not a single soul! Seeing this, the Crown Prince said: "Damn it!!!! Someone has told them that we are coming for them!! Search the house, if you found anything come and report to me in the palace!!"

Soon, the Crown Prince went back to report his findings to the emperor.


While this mess is happening, at a palace not far away from the royal palace. There were 5 people sitting at a table and discussing:

A middle-aged man with white hair said: "So you're telling me that kid is in the palace fighting the emperor? That's great! Let them both die and rot in hell!!"

An old lady next to him said with a pale face: "Papa!! You can't say that to my grandson!! They are your great-grandchildren!!"

Lady Lydia said: "Old Friend, I tried to stop him and reason with him because he is your grandson, but he is as unreasonable as your husband!! He won't listen or reason with anyone!"

The old lady smiled and said: "Unreasonable. What a bothersome fellow!! It's been a long time! I have messed him a lot! Let's go and meet him!... Lydia, don't worry about Liam he has powerful people protecting him, I worry about my incapable son. Sigh, I can't stay here for long or that idiot son of mine ruin the empire and activate the ancestors array!! Lydia let's go….Brgguuuhh" At the last moment she started puking blood causing Lydia and the middle-aged man to jump from their seats and help her.

The middle-aged man looked at her and said: "You are sick, you are not going anywhere!! That family took a lot from you and me!! Let them go to hell!! They are a mere lowly empire why do you care about them so much?"

The old lady said weakly: "No, I have to go and fulfill my promise. I can't let the empire enter war again!! Papa, if you love me, you have to support me!!"

The middle-aged man calmed himself and said: "Okay! I will go and stop them from going into war! Don't worry I won't harm anyone! So, stay here and wait until I get that trouble maker Liam back here!" Then he started to fly into the sky shocking Lydia!

Lydia looked at the old lady and said: "Did he breakthrough to that realm?!"

The old lady smiled mysteriously and said: "What do you think? Hehe, Papa is the best!!"