Chapter 36

Liam's POV:

The Crown Prince stormed into the Throne Hall. He said: "Royal Father, I have found evidence about Marquess Calder's involvement with the demon's sect. In his mansion, we found important officials' bodies with demons rituals on the walls! However, we couldn't investigate Grand Duke Bennet because his house is empty!" The crown prince then handed a paper that had many names of officials that were found dead.

Marquess Clader fell on the ground and said: "Impossible!! There is no way my house would have demons rituals and officials corpses!! My son only attacked Prince Liam because Grand Duke told me Third Prince would give us benefits!! It's Grand Duke and third prince fault!! I did nothing wrong your majesty! Please believe me and have mercy on my family!!"

The emperor's face turned dark, he looked at the two nobles and said: "You two dare to plot against me!! Marquess Clader, you and your family are a demon's associate. Death is the only option to demons associates!!! Grand Duke Bennet where is your family? Why are they missing? If you can't explain you will face the same fate as Marquess Calder!"

Grand Duke Benner smiled as he said: "Your majesty, my family is on vacation for a month! They are visiting my wife's family. I am so sorry to disappoint you, your majesty! I am a Grand Duke and protected by the empire's law! Without proof of my involvement with the demon's sect, you can't put me to trial, your majesty! I am innocent and loyal to the throne, I think this is a setup by Marquess Calder and Prince Liam!!"

Hmmm… This bennet guy is annoying. He had the chance to alert his family to leave. I wanted to deal with him once and for all here. Grand Duke Bennet is one of the servants of Demon's Sect. He was a disciple there for several years until he inherited his father and returned. I wanted to get rid of him as to clean every demon's sect threat in the region. Bennet isn't a high ranking or an important person at all, so killing him won't cause an issue.

The emperor won't do anything to him because he didn't have any evidence to convict him. Let's give him another reason. I walked forward and said: "So, Grand Duke Bennet is not related to demon's Sect? Interesting! But, you are still going down! You tried to cause chaos to the empire and spread crime! Your attempt to harm the Royal Family won't be forgiven! We have your partner Marquess Clader and third prince to admit your wrongdoing! So, stop resisting1"

The emperor who was frowning when he heard Grand Duke Bennet's words, started to smile and said: " Grand Duke Bennet you are guilty of harming prince Liam! Your plot has been exposed! You and your family will be given a death sentence! The witnesses for your crimes are her! Isn't that right third prince, and marquess Calder?

The third prince was shaking with fear, he isn't sure what to say anymore. He looked at the emperor and said: "Royal Father, Grand Duke was the one who planned attacking Prince Liam!"

Marquess Calder looked at the emperor with fear and said: " Yes, your majesty!! He was the one who planned it!! Please have mercy on my family!"

Hmm So, the emperor wants to save the third prince! He called him a witness not a partner in crime. As if I would let him go easily! No one dared to offend me and stayed alive to tell the tail.

The Grand Duke looked at the emperor and said: "You are making a big mistake! If I go down my people will come and seek justice! You know those orders from your son to Marquess Calder! Me and my family I have nothing to do with it!!"

The emperor smiled and said: "We have witnessed already. Eunuch go and announce to my citizens that the Crown Prince and Third Prince worked hard to find the people who were rebelling against the throne! They assessed and rescued prince Liam from getting assassinated by the traitors while coming to the palace! Grand Duke Bennet and Marquess Calder are found guilty for the crimes of treason and harming the royal family! Their punishment is death!"

Hahahaha He wants to make his other sons the heroes who saved the empire! Even in the event of me killing the imperial guards, he made it as if his sons did it to protect me! It doesn't matter to me, but there is something he forgot!

I sent a message to Ren and Veldora through the spirit contract, then I looked at the emperor and said: "Royal Father, thank you for showing justice!! But, there is a little misunderstanding between us! I am not here to ask you to deliver the punishment or ask your permission to deliver it! I am Liam!! Anyone who dares to cross my way dies without any exceptions!! Ren, Veldora do it!"

Ren disappeared from her spot and appeared behind the third prince and killed him immediately with one slash then she headed for Marquess Calder's head. She arrived and cut Marquess Calder in half making him fall down dead! Veldora sent a powerful compressed wind arrow that penetrated Grand Duke Bennet's head, making him fall down dead.

The emperor was stunned and surprised, he thought Liam and his people are loyal to him! He even thought of recruiting them in the palace as new palace guards! But, now they killed the third prince and two traitors! The emperor wasn't concerned about the death of the treaters but he was concerned about the third prince!"

The emperor looked at us and said: "I am the emperor! My words are the law in this empire. How dare you break it and kill the third prince! Ancestors rise and assist me to deliver justice to those who broke the law!"

Before Veldora could send another wind arrow to kill the crown prince, he sensed a powerful force stopping the flow of qi in his body. Ren was heading for the emperor's head when she had the same problem as well. In fact, everyone in the hall could feel their qi flow has stopped!

I looked at the emperor with confusion in my face! What's going on? The empire didn't have any strong array! They had powerful cultivators backing them and some hidden treasures. But, this array isn't a normal one! It's an ancestor array!! The Vermilion empire is of low rank and just a couple hundreds of years old. There is no way they would have an ancestor array!!!

Ancestor's array is a special array that only high-rank countries with a history of thousands of years have it. Each emperor would sacrifice his cultivation to support the array which makes it stronger with each passing generation.

I don't remember writing that the Vermillion Empire had any ancestor's array! When the novel's MC killed the emperor the ancestor's array didn't show up. Could it because their battle didn't happen in the royal palace but happened outside of the capital? The story was written in the novel's MC POV! Could the world be different because I only wrote it with the MC's POV? I didn't write anything about the history of the vermilion empire!

The emperor smirked and said: "Little Liam, you should have stayed the good boy and sit there! I've already overlooked your actions of killing the imperial guards. For your mouther's sake, I was willing to let you live. But, now you will die with your followers for offending the royal family!"

Pressure started to increase causing us to feel heavy all over our body. So, the specialty of this array is gravity control and qi sealing! This is an easy one as long as someone has body cultivation! With the body cultivation of me and my people, we should be able to kill him easily!! This array might be weak or broken because the strength of the gravity field is not strong!

The imperial concubine stood from her seat and screamed: "I will agree to all your conditions!! Let Liam live!! You and my family has already taken everything from Liam and Lily!! If you kill him I will never help you again!! You promised me to stop Lily's wedding and let Lily go with Liam. Now you have to let Liam and Lily go back to Secluded State safe and I will help you to get that inheritance! If you harm him, I won't help you even if you request my family's help!!" A red tattoo appeared around her neck and hands forcing her to sit down and watch.

She wants to protect me? Weird, I remember writing she left Liam to become imperial concubine and gain money! This world is similar and different from what I wrote!! I will trust Alice in finding more details later!

I walked forward with my people following my steps. The emperor looked surprised that we can resist the array without the support of qi!

I said while walking toward him: "I am surprised that a low ranked empire has an ancestor's array. But, this one doesn't seem too powerful! Is it damaged? What secret are you hiding in the palace?"

The emperor looked concerned as he said: " How could you resist the array without qi!! That's impossible!! There is no way that you..... Wait! You are using body cultivation!! Liam you can walk so you are cultivator as well!! Impossible!! I took all of your talent. There is no way for you to cultivate! Liam, you are hiding some secret from your royal father! Ancestors I ask your blessing to teach my fool son, Liam Von Vermillion, how to obey family and never betray family!!"

A weird old man sound was heard: "Your wish is granted! Teach Liam the importance of family!"

The pressure increased by several folds and all of our qi was sucked dry. The qi traveled toward the emperor seat! His cultivation started to raise from the 7th Stage until he reached the 9th stage!! This array is too powerful even when it's broken!! How strong could it be when it is functioning is a good condition!

The emperor started to walk toward us and said: " Liam, you didn't expect me to have this hidden card right? You will lose your people because of the foolish mistakes you made!!"

Damn!!! He will kill them if I don't do anything!! But, how can I save them!!! I am weaker than all of them!! My only advantage is Sword Maniac's swordsmanship!! Wait!! I still have a chance!! I have that sword! Sword Maniac's sword! Without waiting for long, I took out Sword Maniac's sword.

The Sword looked simple, too old and dusty. I focused my mind and sword aura on it. I revealed all of my pure sword aura to the maximum of my ability.

The moment I revealed my pure sword aura, everyone in the capital started to feel pressure and a sword pressing on their nicks. Every sword in the capital started shaking and screaming iron sounds. Seniors and Elders in the capital started running to see the one who owned this strong sword aura!

While the commission taking place outside the capital, I found myself inside a place that looked like a post-apocalypse scene from a movie. There were dust and broken dusty swords in every direction. The mountains around this place were actually huge gigantic swords that touch the clouds.

A kid's voice could be heard saying: "Submit to me and I will help your people!"