Chapter 37

A kid's voice could be heard saying: "Submit to me and I will help your people!"

What's that voice? There is no one around me! Where is this place… Is it the sword's space? It looks similar to the space where I inherited Sword Maniac's inheritance!

I focused on the words I just heard and said: "You are asking for my submission? Hahahahaaa….. How cute of you to say that to me. Why did you answer my call? I have tried to contact you for years. Why respond now?"

The kid's voice took a while, then said: " You aren't worthy of carrying me! I am a legendary sword! If you want me, then submit to me or force me to follow you. Choose: save your people or let them die!"

I laughed so hard that I fell on the ground: " You are so miserable you know that! Hahahahaa… I don't need you! It's you who need me! I am the last disciple of Sword Maniac! If I die you will be confined in here forever!"

The kid's voice said angrily: "I don't need you! You need me a sword who will help you kill your enemies! Submit and I give you power!"

I sit down on the ground and said: " You of all people should understand me! We both are swords and can feel each other! I have myself and will to control my sword what about you? Look at these swords here, they all have lost their purpose and forgotten in the river of time!" My body has begun to harness sword will and aura which makes me similar to swords.

The kid said calmly: "You are either insane or mad! I am offering you a way out for you and your people! Why must you disagree? Don't you care about them! With your current power, you will never be able to control me or my legendary powers! You know that very well! If you take control, you will kill your self! I am doing this for your own good!!"

" How nice of you to look after me. Kid, you must have messed the old man, don't try and pretend you are strong and tough. Hahaha… Also, I never said I want you as my sword. I don't need you as a sword! I want you as a follower and a companion! You can feel me and tell what my intentions are!" I said while smiling at a small broken dusty sword that is not far away from me!

The small broken dusty sword started to float as a small kid appeared on the surface of it. The kid smiled and said: " The old man would never believe me when I say I found someone more crazy and idiotic than him! You are an idiot to let a legendary sword to act on its free will. No one in this world's history has ever let a weapon soul be free. They were all enslaved! Yet, a crazy mad kid is here to do this! Why do I always have to end up with madmen!!"

I smile when I heard the kid's words. After receiving the inheritance, I spent time every day to feel the sword and understand it. Slowly, I started to comprehend some of Sword Maniac's words. Sword Maniac's meant when he said " I am the sword" in the chant and inheritance is the sword shouldn't be controlled but received as a part of one's self and people. If the sword has become one of my people then it's a part of me. So, I am a sword! There are many other meanings, but this one is what I understood at this time!

After this realization, I started to feel and understand the sword. The sword always wished to meet the old man and be free. It doesn't want to be controlled and enslaved for a long time. The sword became as intelligent as 14 or 15 years old. So, it wants to go out, have fun, and see the world. Unfortunately, cultivators will not allow a legendary rank sword has the freedom and move around as it like. They will suppress and force a soul contract with the sword binding it's will.

I smiled and looked at him and said: " I will never forcefully control you or enslave you. You will be free to do whatever you want. Being one of my people guarantees your safety and freedom! What do you say? You wanna follow me to the peak of this world?"

The kid smiled and said: " I will not be your property or slave! As long as you agree to these conditions then I will follow your lead!"

I moved closer to the sword and touched it. The moment I touch it, the sword started repairing and dust disappeared. The apocalyptic space started to crack and vanish.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that I am back in the real world. In my hands, was a beautiful silver and gold sword. The rusty broken sword has changed to a completely different sword stunning everyone around.

The emperor stopped moving and looked at the sword in my hands with greedy eyes. He said: "What a good sword! This sword is only good for an emperor! Hand it over and I will let you go unharmed!"

I smiled and insert all of my sword aura into the sword and let go of the sword. The sword started floating and then headed for the emperor's head with a speed can't be seen with normal people's eyes. I felt

The emperor immediately took out a spiritual treasure that looked iron plate. The moment the sword hit the iron plate, it started to break down.

The iron plate wasn't a match for the sword at all making the emperor scream: "Impossible!!! This can't be real!! This is an earth rank treasure!!"

The sword then kept heading for the emperor's head. There was a look of happiness on Imperial Concubine as if she hoped the sword kill the emperor.

When the sword was about to slash at the emperor's head. A middle-aged man with white hair appeared and punched the sword away. The middle-aged man said: "Not bad kiddo, your sword aura is kind of similar to my old crazy friend, Blade of Hell. Ahh, what a pity. If I was a little bit late, then this ant would have died! Kiddo, no hard feelings this trash emperor is my daughter's son. She will be sad if he died. You can kill him after you get her agreement. If she agrees to kill him, I will give you anything you wish for!!... Hey, trash!! Where is that other trash, Liam? Go bring him to me. My daughter wants to see him. If you harmed him, I will throw you and your whole family inside a volcano."

The emperor fell down on the ground with empty eyes. He started to say: "I am alive!! I didn't die!!! Thank you, honorable grandfather!! I will never forget your help!.... But, I can't give you Liam, he is guilty of treason and just attempted to kill me. Please understand that he is a threat to the Vermillion Empire and Empress Dowager!!"

The middle-aged man looked at the emperor and said: "I wasn't requesting! It's an order! You have 3 seconds to bring him to me unharmed!"

The emperor looked scared from the middle-aged man as he said: "Liam is this kid! He is the one who attacked me!"

The middle-aged man looked at me confused as he said: " Hmmmm…. Since when did the vermillion trashy family had such good talents? Not bad at all, yes yes not bad. He is my daughter's grandson after all!! Hahahahaaa… Good sword aura, fearless, arrogant, strong sword, and have loyal people supporting him. Alone killing his way throw the guards! Good hahahaa… As expected from my daughter!!! Hahaha" Then he moved his hands causing the array to break down easily!!!

Great!! The daughtercon broken character from my novel is finally here!! I thought he would look like an old man since he lived for thousands of years. This middle aged man is Empress Dowager's father his name is Almericus Von Byron. I wrote to him in my novel as a powerful old man in this continent, who knows a lot about all professions in the continent.

Originally, I wanted him to be the novel's MC master. But, I had to change my plans because this old man is too powerful and won't make the story fun. So, I used him as an introduction to the real MC's master. The only reason he lost to the MC's master was that he was weak after sacrificing his a part of cultivation to Empress Dowager to keep her alive.

I walked up to Almericus Von Byron and said: "Greetings! You must be my great grandfather right? I am Liam Von Vermillion, the King of Secluded Kingdom!!!! It's an honor meeting you here."

Almericus Von Byron smiled as he said: "Good!! It's good to be ambitious!! A 10 year old swordmaster and a founder of a new kingdom!! As expected from my daughter!! Let's see what those old men got to brag!!!! Hmph!!! I will teach them how good is my daughter the next time we meet!!"

The emperor said: "King of Secluded Kingdom!!!! You want to rebel against the empire you worthless trash!! I will never let that happen!! I will destroy your trashy state that is full of demons!!" His eyes wore red from anger!

I looked seriously at the emperor and said: "I was an idiot for going easy on you thinking this empire is lowly trash! But, the next time I won't make the same mistake. My next move will crush you like an ant hopeless and unable to retaliate. Your so-called ancestor's array, I will tear it down!"

Ever since I arrived in this world, I have been relying on the system and my memories of this novel. I completely ignored the fact that I wrote this novel on MC's POV. My arrogance and recklessness almost caused me and my people's death. I should learn more from my people and take their suggestions. My stubbornness to prove myself, let me ignore their advice. This should be a valuable lesson for me. I will never look down and go easy on all of my enemies!!

The middle-aged man then sent qi around us and then flew into the skies making all of us fly behind him!!! Noticing this all of our faces started to change. This old man has reached transcending the mortal realm!!!