Chapter 38

Liam's POV:

While flying I sent a message to Lucy and Ren through the spirit contract: ' I want you two to go back to the inn and reorganize the shadow guards. I was an idiot to reveal myself. Now, I feel like an open book to everyone. Take the shadow guards and hide inside the pervert division's place. Stay hidden until I say so.'

Lucy looked confused and asked: 'Lord, what is the pervert division?'

With a confident and serious face I say: "Old Nel's army! The perverts! Their pervert skills will be useful for interrogation later. It will be a golden card for interrogation and torture!!" Lucy and Ren started laughing at me, they might think that I am joking. But, I am not! They have skills in creeping people so they are useful!! I hate wasting talents.

Then I looked at the middle-aged man who kept saying my daughter is great, as expected from her, her she is cute, etc.. He is totally a daughter con!! I looked at him and said: "Ahmmm… Grandpa Almericus, could you please let two of my people go down to that Inn?"

He looked at Lucy and Ren and nodded. Soon, they were sent to the inn and we completed our trip to Empress Dowager's palace.

After descending at Empress Dowager's palace garden, there were could be seen three people an old lady sitting in a wheelchair with a sick pale face while she was smiling at me, Old Lydia and her granddaughter. The moment we touch the ground the old lady tried to push herself toward me saying: "Liam!!! It's been a long time!! Come to grandma, I missed you a lot!!"

This old lady is Nora Von Byron, the Empress Dowager, and Liam's grandmother. She is a kindhearted lady who is loved by everyone in this empire. Seeing her extending her arms, I walked toward her and hugged her. I have never ever had a warm kind hearted grandmother before.

In my past life, my grandmother only calls when she needed more money. When my parents died, she came and started talking about how the inheritance should belong to her. Unfortunately, she mysteriously disappeared after annoying my relatives.

While feeling the warmth of a grandmother for the first time, a deep and thick killing intent appeared behind me as I heard: "Get your filthy hands out of my daughter you trashy ant!! I will throw you into a volcano and get thousands of devilish fire ants to eat you up!!"

My grandmother looked annoyed as she said: " Papa!!! You can't say that to Liam! He is my grandson!! If you do that I won't talk to you anymore!!"

Hearing her, Almericus Von Byron looked at her with apologetic eyes as he started to say sorry. I couldn't hold my laughter seeing a middle-aged man and an old lady acting like this. Seeing my laughter my grandmother smiled and started to laugh with me while Almericus Von Byron looked at me as if he wanted to beat me up!!

While laughing my grandma started to puke blood as she looked in pain. Seeing her like this, Almericus Von Byron immediately came behind her and put a lot of his qi to stop the pain. Grandma stopped her screams and painful look as she said to Almericus Von Byron: "Thank you Papa.." Her voice sounded weak.

Seeing her like this I couldn't hold myself and wait until the party started. I took out the life pearl and went closer to my grandma.

Seeing me approaching with a weird looking pearl, Almericus Von Byron said: "What are you doing? What is that in your hands? My daughter is sick and can't handle much. So, stop messing around!"

I smiled as I took out a ring from my inventory, then I took out a lot of low-rank spirit stones. Then, I said to him: "This life pearl. This is the only thing that can save grandma! Please let me help her!"

Almericus Von Byron looked at the pearl and said: "Life pearl? I read about it in lost empire ruins. It's a spiritual pearl that can save lives while taking spirit stones in exchange. Hmmm…. Okay, but you better be careful or you will regret the day you were born!"

I came closer to grandma and put the pearl on her forehead, as I slowly insert some qi to activate the pearl. When the pearl got activated, all the spirit stones in the area started to transform into energy as they covered grandma's body.

After a while, the energy shield disappeared and showed a sky blue-haired beauty in her 30s. She had wonderful light blue eyes that could let empires got to wars. She looked around her body with surprise and happiness as she said: "I am cured!! My beauty and youth is back!!! Liam thank you for helping me!! Ahh, I missed a lot of your and Lily's childhood because of my sickness!!"

Almericus Von Byron looked at her while crying he said: " Nora!! You are cured now!! Thank you, little Liam!! I never doubted you once!! After all, you are….."

I and my grandma said together "..... my daughter's grandson! As expected from my daughter!" Then, we started laughing at the embarrassed look of Grandpa Almericus. Then, we started arguing with him about how daughter con he is. Like this several hours passed while we laughed and joked around.

Lady Lydia, looked at me with hesitation as she wanted to request something from me. Before she speaks her granddaughter said: " Prince Liam, could you please save my grandmother! We are willing to pay you anything as long as you agree."

I thought for a second and said: "Since she is my grandma's friend, I will help her. However, she will owe me a favor. The spirit stones will be provided by her."

Lady Lydia smiled and said: "Thank You, Prince Liam, I will help you whenever you needed. You just let me know and I will be there." She took out spirit stones and came next to me. I did the same steps with life pearl. After the energy shield disappeared it revealed a white-haired middle-aged lady with healthy looks. She looks younger than before.

Her granddaughter started to cry with happiness and thanked me a lot. Before, I could reply I received a message from the shadow guards.

My eyes go dark as my sword aura started to raise and my killing intent started to shake around the place. I looked at grandpa Almericus: "If you didn't stop me from killing that trash, Lily would be safe! Korma and Veldora, go there and bring Lily back. The shadow guards are fighting some disciple from Dual Ying Yang Sect. When you arrive, you are free to eat anyone you like. It's your meal."

Korma whole looked like a small weak one-tailed fox turned into a giant 9 tailed fox with lightning traveling around its body. Veldora didn't bother himself with revealing his dragon body. Both of them disappeared in an instant heading toward the royal palace.

Seeing korma's transformation, everyone around looks stunned. They could process what I just said. Grandma looked at me and asked with concern: "Did something happen Liam? Is Lily safe?"

I calmed myself and started to tell her everything that happened ever since I arrived at the capital, how lily is marrying a pervert old man, and how I declare my independence from the empire.

Hearing my reasons both Grandma Nora and Grandpa Almericus looked angry and furious. She said: "That trash dares to touch Lily!! I only reason I let him stay alive is to take care of the empire. He and his other prince are all trash who keep the empire declining. If it wasn't for the Vermillion Bird Clan main branch, this trash son would never get the throne. They were the ones who help to kill my husband and caused my sickness."

Grandpa Almericus looked confused: "Hmmm? Main Branch? What are you talking about? Tell me the truth!"

Grandma nodded her head as she said: "I will tell you the truth. Liam you must listen to understand what is your mother's real identity. In the central part of the continent there exist powerful clans. The vermillion Clan main branch is one of them. In the past, one of the clan elders found an ancient inheritance that belongs to the ancient Vermillion Bird Clan. Then, he was assassinated by other elders because he refused to share the inheritance with them claiming that he didn't finish receiving the full inheritance.

He escaped alive and came here and hidden his inheritance on this land. Later, he married and had a son who established this empire. The main branch later found the place. After investigating and searching for several years, they found that the inheritance could only be received by an unborn child in a certain ritual. One of the parents has to be the descendant of that elder and the other is Vermillion Clan's descendant.

My husband refused to do the rituals and my other sons did the same thing except for Theodore. Theodore accepted to help them if they made him the emperor. So, they killed my husband and my sons to give Theodore the chance to be the emperor. And to weaken my power and control over the empire. They poisoned me and use a treasure to use my youthful vitality to initiate the inheritance.

There are many risks to performing the ritual. One of them is causing the kid's potential and talent to be sacrificed so the next unborn child has a better chance of receiving the inheritance. You and Lily were the sacrificed children to that ritual.

Your mother came from Vermillion Clan's main branch. According to what we gathered she is daughter of the previous clan head. After her father's death, the other elders forced her to be my son's maid to try out the rituals. She refused but I heard her younger brother was taken hostage by the elders. If she refused, he will die.

So, your real enemy is not the trash son. He is just a tool that they play around with. The real enemy is Vermillion Clan's Main Branch!! They will never stop until they receive the inheritance."

Vermillion Clan's main branch!! Vermillion Bird Inheritance….. Could it be that is the inheritance…. I have tried to take my mask off one time and noticed my eyes are burning with vermillion fire. I have some doubts lets ask her.

I started to take off my mask revealing my eyes closed. Everyone looked at me with surprise at how handsome I look. Even the girl next to Lady Lydia started to blush while looking at me. I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes were glowing with vermillion colored fire. The moment I opened them, I can see everything around me with much more clarity than the mask. However, I lost my 360-degree vision.

I said to grandma: " Is this the inheritance you are talking about?"

She looked stunned as she said: "The Golden Eyes of Vermillion Bird!!! This is a mystical eye that could burn everything to ash and reveal the truth!! No lies could be hidden from it!! You had the inheritance the inter time!! Hahahaaa So, that's why you were wearing a mask!! Quickly wear your mask back before others see you!! If people know about your eyes they will come after you to take those eyes. Even if it wasn't useful for them, they will use it as decorations."

I said with a confused look: "But, I can't burn anything to ash or see the truth. However, my sight is very clear when I see through them."

My grandma looked confused as she said: "Your sight? Wait you can see? You aren't blind! How can you even walk around wearing such a mask!! Did you close your eyes all the time to not reveal your eyes. Poor boy…"

I smiled and said: "I have high senses. I can see everything without my eyes. So, it's fine."

Grandpa Almericus said: "If you don't have control over the eyes and can't use its power. It could only mean that you didn't receive the full inheritance. Your only choice is to seek that inheritance's will in the palace. Since you are young and used in the ritual, you might get the chance to receive it."

Hmmmm… I don't think these eyes are received by the inheritance. My eyes when I arrived at this world were colored black. I think the mask helped my get these eyes. Maybe I received the inheritance but it was too weak. So, the mask helped me to make it stronger and purer.