Chapter 43

Two young men around the age of 12 walked into the ring looking at each other, with disdain, clearly in their eyes. Both of them thought the other is weaker and not a challenge. I think it's weird that both of them would have such a negative view without even starting the match. I guess being in my novel it makes sense.

Jesper looked at Gale in the eye as he said: " I am Jesper Von Rynald! A noble of Vermillion Empire! If you bow and surrender, I will let you leave in one piece hehehe!"

Gale smiled as he looked at the crowd who looked at him waiting for his response: " Me? Bow and Surrender to who? You!!! We are from Frozen Sea Breeze Sect are the sons of the Tyrantic Ocean! A bunny empire like this is nothing compared to us! If you want to live, cut your two hands and leave… Otherwise.." He raised both of his hands indicating that he will crush him.

The judge looked at both of them and said: " Are you ready? 3 2 1! Start!"

Jesper revealed his full cultivation which was on the 1st level of the 2nd stage. The nobles from the empire looked at him with surprise as they cheered for him. To a small empire, Jesper is very talented!

" Hmmmm… This Jesper kid is talented indeed. His future is bright!!"

"I never thought the old man rynald would hide this talented kid!! Their house's future is limitless!!"

"Sigh! At the age of 12 and 1st level of the 2nd stage.. His peers are all still on 1st stage!"

Jesper looked at Gale and said: "HMPH!! Surrender now! Trash!!"

Gale was a little stressed at the beginning but then smirked and revealed his full cultivation which was on the 3rd level of the 2nd stage. Gale looked at Jesper and said: "Trash?! All the people from this empire are the real trash!! Hahaha"

Jesper had sweat coming from his face when he sensed Gale's cultivation stage. He had never thought he would be lower than Gale! Even the nobles kept talking about this..

"What 3rd level of the 2nd stage at the age of 12!! Monsters!! Those sect people are all monsters!!"

Hearing them saying all of these make me roll my eyes in disdain. These are just sect people from the southern part of the continent. The central part is the real deal! For example, that girl and boy who came with grandpa are in the 4st level 3rd stage of cultivation. Their age should be around 15 or 16.

All of the people here are Qi Cultivator. They cultivate qi alone because body cultivation manuals are rare and hard to do. Most body cultivators have to face a lot of pain they might turn mad. In my case, Pain Resistance Lv.8 skill helped me a lot. Without this skill, I might have turned into the second Sword Maniac. Sometimes I think the change in my character is the result of cultivating body cultivation…

I looked back at Jesper and Gale's fight…

Gale smirked and jumped on Jesper with weird movements that made him look as if he wasn't stable. His body movement gives the impression of the sea breeze. The wind around Gale is supporting him to move faster and more agile. Jesper might find these moves hard to follow.

Jesper felt threatened so he took two hidden daggers from the inside of his robes. He looked at Gale who keep moving into circles showing off his agile movements. Jesper gritted his teeth from anger because Gale is looking down on him.

Jesper said with a frown on his face: "I don't believe the difference between us is this huge! I am a noble!" Jesper inserted all of his Qi and the dagger started to turn black.

A voice from the audience said: "No! Don't do it.." Before he could finish his warning.

Jesper smiled wildly saying: "Sacrifice Arts: Devilinas's Punishment!" The dagger started dropping blackish substance. Jesper's healthy skin turned a little pale from the result of the Sacrifice arts.

Gale seeing this he smirked saying: "Idiot! You sacrifice your life essence for an attack that won't reach me! Hehehe This the stupidest thing I have ever seen!!"

Jesper jumped at Gale while swinging the daggers sending multiple blackish drops at Gale. Gale turned serious as he dodges all of the drops quickly. Then he approached Jesper.

Before Jesper could notice anything Gale came near Jesper and said: "Deadly Sea Wind!" Using his nails, Gale did a lot of cuts on Jesper's body. In moments, Jesper whose body was covered in blood, fainted from blood loss as he looked at Gale in disbelief.

The judge, old Hamo, walked forward and said: "Jesper had fainted during the match. So, The winner is Gale! Old Rynald come and take your son.."

Old Rynald walked onto the stage and looked angry at Gale for what he did for his son. Old Rynald held himself and walked off the stage while lowering his face to hide his anger. The other nobles couldn't hold themselves as they said..

" There is no way that the difference between them is this far!!"

" I know! They are two levels different... So, Jesper should at least be able to put up a good fight!"

" Old Rynald should search seriously for a talented person to be the future family head!"

" He shamed our honorable empire!! He deserves what he got!! I think this Gale kid is good… I wonder if he is engaged?"

These worthless nobles just keep enjoying other people's misfortune while ignoring the fact that their empire and home were shamed by Gale. It's not like I care about the empire or it's reputation.

Gale didn't just win be the difference of cultivation alone. His skills are far better than Jesper's skills. After all, Gale learned from a sect under a sect elder from a young age. On the other hand, Jesper learned from his noble father who is busy with politics. So, the difference between them was huge. Even if they had the same cultivation stage, the odds of Gale's winning would be very large because of Gale's skills and experience.

The judge, Old Hamo, came up the stage and said: "The 2nd fight, is going to be King Liam Von Vermillion of the Secluded Kingdom against Pers of Asura Martial Palace."

Hmm I am next… Let's finish this quickly. In order not to reveal a lot about me, It's better I use my body cultivation and Sword. There is no reason to hide my swordsmanship, they already know I am a swordsman. So, I carried a wooden sword and walked up the stage.

On the opposite side, a 2-meter high young man around the age of 17 or 18 carrying a large red Sabre on his back walked onto the stage. His cultivation is 1st level of the 3rd stage. He took off his the Red Sabre, from scabbard made from beast skin, and put it into the ground as he smirked and said: " There are two things that I hate, the most, to do in this world! First, Fighting women. Second, Fighting weak and defenseless people. You belong to the two categories! Since it's Empress Dowager's Birthday, I will give her face. Please walk off the stage peacefully!! I am giving you a warning"

Some of the idiotic and usless nobles around me started laughing when they heard Pers's word and his serious face. After that, they looked at me who had a carefree look. They said:

" Is Elder Hamo seriously considering Liam a challenger… It's true he carries a magical sword and a good talented swordsman. But he isn't a cultivator!"

"Just throw him off the stage!!"

"Talent in swordsmanship doesn't matter if you are weak!! Get off the stage kid since he is nice enough to give you exist."

" Sigh, sometimes things don't change, trash is always trash… It doesn't matter what they do. They are still trash! But, I have to admit his magical sword is something special!"

" Yeah, have you seen how his sword can fly without using Qi!!! It must be at least sky rank flying sword!!!"

"I think King Liam will have a chance when he uses that flying magical sword!! Even a pig will become a dragon with it!! hahhahaha...."

These people are seriously looking at me with disdain? After what I did in the palace, they still look at me with these disgusting looks! They must be idiots. Ah now I understand, Since they are this stupid, it's no wonder that the empire will decline. This empire lack proper management and true justice.

I said with a loud and serious voice: "Don't worry I won't use that Sword! Hmmm..... To make it fair for this large gorilla, I will be using this wooden sword. Don't say I am not fare after the battle!!"

Everyone went silent hearing my comment. They would have never imagined such words will come from my mouth.

Old Hamo didn't give anyone a chance for a reply and said: " Are you ready? 3 2 1! Start!!"

Pers looked at me fiercely as he said: "Kid, You have three seconds to leave or you will be Cripple!!" His killing intent started to leak.

He is afraid of my grandmother and great grandfather, so he starts threatening. I laughed and said" Crippling me? Do you know to whom you are talking to? Hehehee… 3 seconds!! 3 seconds is all I need to finish you…"

I disappear from my spot as I appear in front of him. He looked shocked as he said: "WHAT.."Before he could finish his words, I hit him with the unsharpened side of the wooden sword on several parts of his body.

I infused my pure sword aura to put it inside his body and started to attack from the inside. To other people, it looked like I am touching him nicely because my attack didn't cause any sounds. But, what my attacks are grinding the bones to a degree where it's impossible to fix unless the could reverse time. Even life pearl won't be able to save him.

I stopped my attack and walked back to my spot. Pers looked at me with disdain as he said: "Is that all you got? Excuse me, your majesty, for being ruthless hehehe…"

As soon as he tried to walk, hi hands and legs looked like jelly as they started to shake. He dropped on the floor as he started to scream from pain and fainted.

"..... His bones… are broken?"

"No, they are liquefied?"

"How could a wooden sword do this!!"

"The right question should be, how did Liam move this fast. Is he a body cultivator."

"Hahaha… I always believed in King Liam!! I never had a single doubt!! He is special since birth! He grew up as a leader!! King Liam you are the greatest talent in this empire. Are you intrested in any girl?"

"You lying hypocrite. You just laughed at him!!"

All sorts of people started arguing about how I broke Pers's body. On the other side, the seniors started looking at me with caution as they sent orders to their disciples to look for information about me!

My great grandfather friends looked at me with surprise in their eyes. Even my great grandfather took a moment to grasp what I did. They knew that I had pure sword aura, but they didn't know that my master of the aura reached this scary degree. The two young men who arrived with them started to look at me with a serious expression on their faces. Previously, they thought that no one will be able to be their match her. But, now they might have changed their mind.

Seeing many people looking at me, I started to wonder if it is the right choice to reveal my self like this. But, I shook my head and calmed my mind. I can't hide forever, there will always be danger out there. There is nothing as being safe as long as I stay quiet in this world. There will always be people who will come looking for a fight. In such a world, strength is everything.

A middle-aged man walked onto the stage and carried Pers by his hair. He looked at me and said: "Pers lost and you won. This matter is closed here. Asura Martial Palace won't look for revenge. King Liam, our palace is always opened for talented people like you." He looked at me coldly as he said those words. Then he walked off the stage while dragging Pers by his hair.

So, this is the leader of the Asura Martial Palace branch in the southern part of the continent. Asura Martial Palace is a unique place on this continent. It has several branches all over the continent even in the center of the continent. They don't fight for territory and resources. Their whole focus is learning, developing, and spreading martial art. Mostly all of their disciples are madmen who love martial arts.

Asura Martial Palace is in my future plans. I wrote a lot about this sect and how many treasures they hold and how loyal are their disciples toward the sect leader. To get such a sect all you have to do is defeat their leader publicly.

Asura Martial Palace… It is going to be mine...