Chapter 44

The 1 phase of the competition has finished with 10 people passing. Their strength is mostly 2nd or 3rd stage of cultivation, they were mostly from other empires or sect. There was no one winning from Vermillion Empire.

Among these competitors, the 2 people who came with Grandpa Almericus were different. Their cultivation was in the 4 stages of cultivation. During their fight, they ended the match quickly by throwing people off the ring. I couldn't see their strength yet.

After taking 10 minutes break, Old Hamo returned to the stage and said: "The 2nd phase will start now. Liam Von Vermilion against Gale from Frozen Sea Breeze Sect"

I walked up the stage with interest in my eyes. I want to see Gale's techniques and foot movements. Maybe after seeing his moves, I might be able to understand Sword Maniac's best agility technique called Sword Step Dance Technique. From the inheritance, it's mentioned that its a technique mostly used by women to use their agility. It's a technique that Sword Maniac has mastered. I tried to learn it because it has a unique set of footwork that can help me when I fight a large group of people alone. Honestly, I don't care what gender this technique is made for as long as it can help me in a fight. In a life and death battles, nobody will care what method a person will use as long as they live.

Gale walked onto the stage and looked at me nervously. His eyes were focused on my wooden sword. His legs started shaking when he noticed me smiling. It seems my last battle has scared him a little bit.

I put the wooden sword into my space ring and said: "Your name was Gale right? I won't use a sword to fight you. Let's have a fun fight!"

Gale nervously smiled as he nodded his head then he looked at an old man in the crowd. The old man noticed Gale's look and sighed helplessly as he nodded back. After the old man nodded Gale became confident as he said: "Yes, King Liam! Let's do our best in this fight!"

Hmm? What happened to him? Well… It doesn't matter. I will study his technique and see if I can gain anything from it. His moves are very unique. It might be good to receive some free experience that can help in the future!! Also, ending a battle very quickly is kind of boring.

Old Hamo then said: "Are you ready? 3 2 1! Start!"

As soon as Old Hamo started the fight. I saw Gale prepare to move. I can see all of his Qi is focused on several spots on his legs and feet.

Seeing Gale going to do his best, I smile happily as I nodded and hoped for a satisfactory battle where both learn from each other. Using my legs muscles, I arranged them according to the technique that I learned from the inheritance. Using my right leg, I hit the ground very gently several times which made me jumped slightly making my body look as if I am floating. Only people with high cultivation could notice me hit the ground gently and fast. Other people, including Gale, became shocked seeing such a scene. Their faces became pale thinking I can really float.

Before I move toward Gale, I noticed gale started his moves with a serious and determined face. He leaned backward and used his momentum and the qi in his legs to push himself backward very fast…. Wait backward? Something's not right!

I am here in front of him! Why go back? This must be a hidden technique and a trap! Think carefully, what might he do if he goes back to the ring border? Ah, I get it now! Gale is challenging me in a speed fight!

I looked at him and said: " Hahaha Okay, I accept your challenge." Then, I hit the ground stronger than before making my jump 1 meter high. After that, I turn my body horizontally and kick the wind with a gentle kick sending me toward Gale's location faster than Gale retreating speed.

Gale's face turned pale when he heard my words. He looked at me and said after biting his libs: " King Liam, I surren...Ahh"

Before he could finish his words, I arrived behind him and hit his back sending him to the center of the ring!! He crashed there and then looked at me with a scared look. I smiled and said: "No need to say 'I am surprised by your movement technique! Hahaha… Stand up, let's do our best!"

Gale's face became angry for some reason. He looked at me and shouted: "I surrender!! Surrender!! Don't you understand what Surrender means!!!!"

Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy. After all, I spoke in a low tune, only he can hear it. So, everyone looked at him as if he was crazy.

Old Hamo then said: "King Liam wins the fight. Gale lost by surrender!"

Ah, my hopes and dreams are crushed. It's so lonely to be strong in this world~~ It's my mistake for over evaluating Gale….

I practiced the technique a lot ever since I received the inheritance. But, there is something I am missing. From the fight, I understood that is understanding the momentum. Gale is smart when he used the momentum and the wind around him for his favor while moving. I think that's what I am missing for mastering the technique.

The battles finished for the 2nd stage with the winning of the two young people that came with grandpa Almericus, the nose and idiot girl, the Crown Prince, and me. The poor Nip lost miserably by a young man. The young man just throws him toward a wall. Nip crashed into the wall and passed out. I could only shake my head at Nip's misfortune. How could a man be so unlucky?

After 20 minutes, Old Hamo then announced: "The final phase for this competition will start now. The final phase is free for all. Liam Von Vermillion the King of Secluded Kingdom, Thomme Von Vermillion the Crown Prince of Vermillion empire, Orella from Supreme Cloudy Sect, Beri from the great Raze Clan, and Betha the granddaughter of Lady Lydia will be fighting together on the stage. Please enter the stage."

When I heard the name Betha and took a closer look at her and nervously shook my head. How could she be that Betha from the novel? But, the Betha I wrote is a gentle and nice person but this one is rude and kind of annoying me, Wait, she looks like that boy from the Mystical Sky Treasure House. Her voice actually similar to his voice. My brain felt like malfunctioning when I thought about it. There is no way she could be her…. I will test it later to confirm my suspicions.

All the 5 people including me walked onto the stage. The crown prince kept sending my deadly intent as he looked furious at me. It seems he is planning on doing something during the fight. This guy kept annoying me ever since I arrived in this world, I will put an end to him.

But, how… Yes, there is that technique from Sword Maniac! The Sword Aura Deadly Seed, it's a seed created from sword aura and inserted into the enemy's body secretly. The seed will activate the moment the enemy leave 500m away from the user. After activation, the seed will burst and send several sharp aura that cut the enemy from the inside. It's a deadly assassination technique. It's a good time to try it.

After I walked onto the stage, I noticed everyone on the stage was looking at me. All of them seem to recognize me as a dangerous competitor. I could only smile helplessly and expect them to at least put a fight that can satisfy him.

Old Hamo walked up the stage and said: "Are you ready? 3 2 1 Start!"

As soon as Old Hamo said to start, the others looked at each other and nodded. They seem to have an agreement to take me out first. They all jumped at me with various moves. I started my new movement technique and gently floated. I held my wooden sword tightly and prepared for their upcoming attack.

Orella had a short thin sword in her hands, the moment she arrived in front of me she stabbed at the center of my body. Seeing her attack, I use my gentle kick in the air and spin myself and hit her short sword away.

Before I hit her with the sword, Beri arrived on the air on top of me falling toward me very fast. In his hands, there were too red and dark-colored weapons that look like a beast claw. His claws had a deadly red glow on them. When he saw I am about to hit Orella, he smirked and slashed at my back.

I smiled and kicked Orella's shoulder which made me jump and face Beri's attack head-on. Beri's facial expiration changed when he saw me arrive in front of him. Before he could attack or defend, I hit him at his chest sending him flying 10 meters upward.

While falling down, I could see that the idiot crown prince take a small rectangular weapon and hold it in his hand. Then, he pointed the weapon at my direction. The crown prince smiled as he said ruthlessly: "You trash! Die for this daddy!!"

Old Hamo frowned when he saw the box, then he said: "That is a hidden treasure weapon! There are not allowed during a fight!! It's like using an extra person to help you. Stop now, it might kill King Liam!!"

Grandpa Almericus's face changed as he shouted: "Liam be careful that box has deadly attacking formation with hidden weapons!! It's deadly. Young man stop attacking Liam this instance!!"

Even my grandmother jumped from her seat and said: "STOP!! If you hurt Liam, I will kill you!! That box is cheating!!"

The idiot crown prince smirked as he said: "Sorry I have hearing issues, I can't hear you… Liam die for me!!" Then the box shined with a red glow.

Suddenly, I felt an imminent danger coming toward me. When I focused my sight, I could see hundreds of small iron darts with a dark substance on it. That box had hundreds of these darts that were sent in my direction when I am falling so I couldn't dodge it. This idiot wants to kill me!!

My calm Sword Aura became chaotic and cold because of my anger. My whole being changed unconsciously as I revealed my full cultivation and strength. Unconsciously, I used Sword Step Dance Technique to it's fullest. Using my foot, I gently hit the air around me making my stop falling. Then, I kicked fiercely at the wind and made my body spin very fast. While spinning, I kicked again and started falling very fast.

While falling, I focus my full strength and qi on the sword, I used one of Sword Maniac's deadly moves and sent three flying slashes toward the upcoming small darts. The moment those deadly darts touched the flying slash, they were either broken or sent away hitting the ground and the walls.

Using the Sword Step Dance Technique my body dodges some of the darts that survived the attack. When I landed I looked at the idiot crown prince making him shake with fear. On the tip of my wooden sword, there was a small circular ball created by my Qi. I swing my wooden sword as fast as I can and sent it flying toward the crown prince.

When the crown prince saw this he shouted: "I surrender!!!" But, unlucky to him the small auar seed entered his body. I ignored him because to me he is already dead. There is no reason to focus on him anymore.

Unknown to me, everyone around me was totally shocked seeing my full cultivation revealed. The whole field became silent. Soon, one of them shouted: " Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? Did I just see a 10 year old famed as trash have a 5th stage Qi cultivation?"

Someone else hit that person's head and said: "No, your not dreaming alone. I had the same dream as you."

The other shouted: "Ao, that hurt… Hm. Its real!! King Liam is real!! He is very strong!!"

"I thought he is a body cultivator, maybe I was wrong! He seems to have hidden his cultivation using a treasure!"

Hearing them talking, I stopped my anger as I realized I just fucked up. I totally fucked up!! I revealed my cultivation unknowingly!! Before I spend too much regret, I said to myself, 'If I didn't reveal my cultivation, I would have died by that hidden weapon. With my body cultivation alone, I might have survived most of the darts. But, I will die by the poison that covered the darts. So, revealing my strength was my only choice. At least they only suspect me of having Qi Cultivation!! So, my body cultivation is still safe and hidden.'