Chapter 45

Third Person's POV:

In the Skyfall continent, talented individuals are only known in the central part or members of higher-ranked clans that live in other parts of the continent. It is very rare to meet such individuals in other parts. Especially, in the southern part where most of the common people have lower talent than the other parts.

Liam Von Vermilion's news of him having trash taken was known by all of the people in the kingdom thanks to Liam's brothers who spread the news. However, ever since Liam returned from his Secluded State, people were facing shock after shock by Liam. They even begin to question all of the news the empire had revealed so far.

Currently, Liam just shocked people around with another news, making them question reality again. Some of the nobles were secretly happy because the royal family had such a powerful offspring. To these nobles, the stronger and more talented the Royal prince the safer their empire will be. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Liam would never ever assist or stay in this empire. So, their hopes were mere fantasy…

While some were happy, there are many who were unhappy with this news. Liam's talent and strength will make things difficult for them.

Almericus is an old monster who lived and seen a lot of talented people in his life and multiple occurrences similar to this. So, he understood the risk that Liam is going to face. Almericus looked coldly at the people around him as he thought 'Liam who would have thought that even me couldn't see through you cultivation. Sigh, to revel it like this, it's like asking people to hunt you down. Greed… They are greedy… If Liam doesn't have someone to support him as a master they will think that Liam has found a treasure. I am very sure that many are looking at Liam's body in order to find the treasure that hides cultivation. If only I disregarded my agreement with these old fools to not intervene in the fight, none of this would have happened!! If I say nothing, Liam's life would be in danger. Especially, if these old fools want him as a disciple... '

While Almericus is forming a plan to get Liam out of this situation, people around Liam started to speak with low voices that everyone can hear.

" King Liam's cultivation was hidden very well. It must be a magnificent treasure similar to his sword."

" it's expected from a genius to carry treasure with him."

" His movement technique is much better than all the movement techniques that I saw in my life!!"

" Yeah, I wonder how did he manage to improve himself so fast!!"

A creepy senior walked up to Liam and said: " Oh King Liam, what a magnificent strength you have! I am very impressed. Would you like to join my Dual Young Yang Sect?"

Liam who was dazzled in his mind woke up and looked at the creepy old man and coldly said: " You are interrupting the competition! Get the fuck out of the stage!!"

The old man was stunned for a minute, he realized he was rejected. He became furious but held his anger and left obediently as he was afraid to anger Almericus and the other monster old people beside him.

One of Almericus's friends a middle-aged lady with white hair laughed as he said: " I guess the competition is finished. No one is as strong as Liam. Does anyone want to continue fighting Liam?"

Betha, Orella, and Beri looked helplessly at Liam and shook their head and walked off the stage. For some reason, Betha was pouting and looking furiously at Liam.

Old Hamu came back to his senses and announced: " the winner of this competition is Liam the king of Secluded Kingdom!! Now, I announce him as the most talented person among his generation in the Vermilion Empire!!"

" Congratulations, your highness!! I always had faith in you!!"

" Hey, Old Hamo!!! What do you mean in the Vermilion Empire? Our king is the most talented in the southern part of the continent!!"

" Yeah, our king's strength is magnificent!! I expect nothing less from him!!"

All sort of shameless nobles started giving praise Liam as if he was their king. Liam helplessly rolled his eyes seeing their behavior. On the other hand, the emperor was furious that his plans had backfired at him and his eldest son. He has spent a lot of time to convince his coward son to use the treasure trap box.

Liam smiled and waved his hands to everyone around. He walked off the stage and greeted anyone who came to greet him and congratulate him.

Before Liam could say anything, Almericus came forward as he hit Liam's head. He then said: " Liam!! I am very disappointed in you! How many times did I tell you to not take my precious talisman! I thought that I had taught you to be better than this!"

Liam was confused as he said: Grandpa Almericus, I.."

Almericus hit his head again and then put his hand inside Liam's clothes. After that, he took out a golden colored talisman that wasn't there. Almericus looked at Liam with anger and said: "When we go back you will be I will increase your training routine!! Do you understand?"

Liam had a light flashing in his eyes as he understood that Almericus was helping him to make the people think that Almericus is the master and the treasure came from him. Liam thought ' So, this old man cares about me after all. I thought he only thinks about his daughter. It's good that he took the initiative to act as my master. With him being my master nobody from the southern part will dare to come after me. Hmm, This will give me a few years to develop myself, with my talent it would only be a matter of time before I become a powerful master. Also, I have to convince this old man to help me in my cultivation. After all, I wrote him as the Wikipedia of cultivation. The amount of knowledge and strength that he has made him one of the broken characters that I wrote in my novel…"

Liam looked down as he said in a low voice: " Sorry, grandpa master! I won't do it again!! I wanted it to surprise grandma!" Liam acted cutely as he said his apologies.

The people around froze when they heard Almericus and Liam. They looked at them and understood that Liam is Almericus's student!

Almericus's friends and the other seniors looked at Liam in surprise. They didn't think Almericus was his master. But, after thinking about it for a while it all makes sense. If Liam studied under his tutoring, it might be possible that Liam is this powerful.

Almericus smiled and said: " Don't worry the punishment will be light! Hehe.. But, now it's time for you to receive your rewards!!"

A woman with white hair came next to Almericus and nodded her head as she said: "So, you have been avoiding us to train him, huh? We thought you would never accept a disciple after your daughter left you…"

A middle-aged woman with red and white hair then said: "Almericus, you have been hiding a good lad. Since his swordsmanship's talent is so high, what about his cultivation talent? From what I see he should be 10 or 11, right?"

A white-haired bulky middle-aged man said in furious tune: " Almericus you bastard! My grandson Beri should have been the strongest!! When I find out how you cheated I will beat you up!!"

Almericus looked at them as he laughed and said: "Hahaha… You fools! Don't try to change the topic! Where is my daughter's... Umm Grandson's reward? Hehehe"

Almericus's friends looked at Liam with a helpless smile as each one of them took out a letter and a gift.

Almericus looked at Liam and said: "Come forward and take your reward!"

Liam went to the middle-aged man first. The middle-aged looked at Liam with fire in his eyes as he kept studying Liam's whole body. Liam ignored him as he focused on the gift. The gift was a large red saber with ruins written on it. Liam thought ' It seems that it is earth rank saber. Not bad! And these ruins should add some effects to the saber.'

After taking the gifts, Liam thanked him and moved to the woman with white hair. She smiled gently toward him while handing the gift to him. Liam saw that the gift is Blue Gem with some ruins on it. Liam looked at her wondering what is this thing.

She smiled and said: "It's a spiritual treasure that will create a dome around the users when the gem is broken. The dome will hide the user so no one from the outside can see, hear, and sense the user. The dome will isolate the user from the area completely. The user can still see hear, and sense the people outside. However, the dome will be destroyed the moment the user or anyone else touches the dome."

Liam nodded his head as he said: "Thank you so much. This a life-saving treasure!" She nodded back gently.

After that, he went to the last one, the middle-aged woman with white and red hair. She had a letter and a small dark knife. Liam looked at the knife and shook his head. Liam then said: "Senior, if I remember the competition rewards correctly, I have the choice to choose between the gift you are giving me or a request. If you don't mind, I want to request something from you"

The middle-aged woman frowned as she said: "You are correct. Since I agreed to the reward terms, then I allow you to request anything from me as long as it's reasonable."

Liam thought for a while then he walked near her and signaled for her to come closer. Then, he said in a low voice: "Ummm… If you don't mind, can I have this dark ring in your hand? It looks very ugly on your beautiful hands. I can't take it seeing a beauty like you wearing something so ugly. You should be wearing rings more beautiful than this! " While saying his Liam was praying and hoping that she would be stupid and agree.

The middle-aged woman looked at the dark ring then at Liam. She frowned to her this ring is a mystery she couldn't understand why but she feels it is special. But, she can't figure out its mysteries. Therefore, she decided to wear it so if anyone recognizes it. She would be able to ask them about the ring. It has been several hundreds of years since she had this ring in her hands that she completely forgot why she wears it in the first place. When Liam mentioned the ring she looked at it and remembered the ring and how mysterious it is.

She thought: ' This dark ring has been with me for so long but I couldn't understand it. It looks very as normal as any ring that exists in this world. Yet, it's mysterious aura make me interested in it. Now, this kid wants to take it away from me because it makes me ugly…. He said I am beautiful… Wait, stop!!! Don't think about it!! He is just a kid!! Another trash male!! Ughhhh, whatever I will give him the ring maybe he will figure something out! It's not like I like him or interested in him!! Yes Yes!! He is an experiment to find out the secret of the ring!! Good idea!! If things go wrong, I can just crush him like every other male that tried to take advantage of me! Hehehe'

Liam saw her face from serious, frown, suspicious, shy, angry, and finally happy. He could only think: ' Just what the hell is she thinking about! I hope her Male complex won't start on me now! She has never ever been with a man before. Umm Because she killed them all….. I am a kid, right? I hope she won't come near me or think anything about me with her psychopathic mind.'

She then smiled as she took off the dark ring and gave it to home. After that, she said: " Hmm We are going to meet tonight right?"

Liam smiled as he said: "Oh, thank you for the ring. I won't be able to come to tonight's meeting because I have things that I need to attend…" Before he could finish his words, he felt a dangerous aura. Liam looked up and was stunned.

The middle-aged woman's hair started to float as she said: "You are like them! You plan on using me, HUH? Ants like you should die!" She raised her hands with a large hammer that appeared in her hands. She then smashed toward Liam's direction.

Almericus appeared and stopped the hammer with his hands and said: "Kim!!! Wake up!! He is a kid! Are you going crazy again?"

Her hair stopped floating as she woke up from her crazy anger and said: "Oh… Liam I was just joking with you hehehe… Take this knife as compensation." She through the dark knife at Liam's direction with a cute smile.

Before the knife could stab Liam, Almericus took it and sigh. He looked at Liam and said: "Out of all the women in this world. Why did you provoke her?"

Liam could only shake his helplessly and think: ' I am an idiot! This crazy woman hates all men who stay with her and I came here thinking she wouldn't think too much into it because I am a 10-year-old kid. But, I was wrong, she is a complete lunatic!!!.... Well, It doesn't really matter, I just got the key to an ancient inheritance. With that inheritance, my life in this world would be very smooth and easy. I wouldn't need to hide from anyone anymore hahaha…. Hmm, it seems that it's time for Veldora and the others to attack. '

Somewhere between the crowd, a 16-year-old girl looked at Liam with satisfaction as she thought: 'That's what you get for looking at other women you dense idiot!! HMPH!'