Chapter 307

The word that the Heroes had been summoned reached the masses. The kingdom was unable to hide this fact after the large castle sunk down into the ground. They had to somehow appease the commoners that thought that their capital had been attacked by the demonic beings.

Soon the heroes with their brand spanking new legendary weapons were getting paraded around the city. Since leveling up Takeshi started to change, both in his looks and demeanor. He started acting cocky and was clearly enjoying how everyone looked at him with a twinkle in their eyes.

Zhang Dong was examining everything from the background. Ever since they got back from the castle things were being prepared. There was no reason for them to wait anymore but it would take some time to rally the troops.

Due to Zhang Dong's power leveling, the youths levels had skyrocketed. They had probably reached a level that was above what they normally should after that dungeon. Instead of slowly fighting their way through normal enemies and then taking out a boss monster they were grinding on those very boss monsters instead.

The amount of experience had no cap which allowed them to reach a power level at the core formation level. With the weapons and armor and considering that there were four heroes, it could be possible for them to take out a demon lord. That is if their teamwork was satisfactory but there wasn't really time for something like that to occur.

Easy kills thanks to Zhang Dong had made these kids powerful in general stats but that didn't mean that they had good battle sense. An experienced opponent with lower stats and worse skills could be able to defeat them.

'I wonder if it's the system's fault… I made him reach close to his maximum potential. The nascent soul early stage is probably as far as anyone can go in this world.'

Zhang Dong could only speculate as his own system was somehow damaged when he almost died against the early stage nascent soul pride demon. But after Takeshi entered the core formation level of strength there was a shift in how he behaved.

He started looking forward to the battles even taking on monsters and demons alone. Even without Zhang Dong's help, he started to be able to mow down his enemies. The difference in stats and skills was apparent.

There was a certain skill that allowed the kid to look at the world in slow motion while also being able to think fast. Due to it, he was almost able to react to anything coming his way. Zhang Dong started seeing him transitioning from a scared young man to a daredevil. The three other girls weren't as bad but they also seemed to grow to like the battling.

'Could the system affect someone's psyche? Or was this something that was always in them from the start?'

"Hey Bob, can you access Takeshi's system if I pull him into my soul dimension?"

"Not enough data…possibility of the task at 27%"

"I thought so…"

"Accessing user Takeshi's system may prove fatal to user Matthew. Current user's location could be discovered by an Overseer, caution is advised."

"An Overseer?"

Zhang Dong recalled that this was how he was seen by the scanning AI in the place he found this or the previous cube in. From the naming sense, these Overseers sounded like some mods in a forum or chat. It also sounded like there was someone above them, an admin. This being could very well be the person that created this strange system and game-like worlds.

"Hm, won't they become aware if I send the kids back to their own world not through the previously setup teleportation formation?"

After hearing the Overseers be mentioned he started to worry. Would they know that something went wrong if the heroes that were supposed to be here for years returned back in a month's time? There could also be some kind of tracker or alarm system the moment the space between worlds was opened.

"User's current system isn't connected to the mainframe, tracking from outside isn't improbable."

"If you say so…"

He would have to take his AI's word for now. There was no way for him to know if this would come biting him back. He needed to get out of there and send the children home, if an Overseer noticed him going around worlds was something that he couldn't control. Bob here at least thought it was a bad idea to get involved with these world moderators.

"Is everything alright Mr. Leigong, you're looking a lot more grumpy than usual?"

Beatrice brought him back to reality. While the party of heroes was being shown off to the masses on a large flying ship they were trailing behind on a smaller boat. Even though the size was a third of the one the heroes were riding on, it was still very lavish. It belonged to Isabella who was to the side sipping from a fruity drink. It was quite similar to the one he had made her at the tiki bar. Since then the blond with the drill hair had started loving these bubbly drinks.

"Just thinking about some things, I think we should go to the other kingdoms."

"What's the rush? The demons won't go anywhere."

Beatrice stretched out while also drinking some sweet alcoholic drinks. From her and Isabella's perspective, there was no reason to rush things. They would even like it if he took things slowly, mostly so that they could train and become better at their combination technique.

"You sure about that? Think they will just let us have as much time as we want?"

From his point of view, these demons should be doing something in the background. There was no way that they wouldn't prepare anything after three of their strongest fighters were dead. Would they just twiddle their thumbs and await for the nations together with their forces only to then get attacked?

They could also think that the people of the races would never actually try to get rid of the barrier. This was something that would open the flood gates to an all-out war between everyone. Though from what he knew the whole barrier wouldn't be broken, they would just fly in through a small opening.

It sounded all like the last map from an RPG where you go attack the demon castle. The heroes would remain inside while the normal people defended the small opening from lesser demons. Keeping it open for when the heroes needed to retreat.

'I wouldn't be surprised if they close the barrier behind us the moment we enter through it…'

"You're worrying too much Mr. Leigong. I haven't heard of a spirit that worried this much. Look at Undyne, she isn't worrying."

Zhang Dong looked to the side to spot the water nymph that Isabella still had. This spirit hadn't been able to do much besides spying. It was just wiggling around while looking down at the people from the flying ship. It was even smiling and waving to them.

"Don't compare me to her!"

He wasn't actually a spirit that wasn't able to think much. This water nymph had the intelligence of a six-year-old. Beatrice just chuckled while Zhang Dong thought about the ways to spice up the dream training.

The parade continued for a bit, it ended with Takeshi lifting up his holy sword and making a beam shoot up into the sky. The people cheered as their faith in the kingdom was restored. Some of them also glanced his way but were more interested in the two blond girls which were now official members of the hero party.

In a few days, it was finally time to pack up and leave. The ship that was lent to them by the Duke could still be used. They were even gifted two more with even more people and now also the heroes.

While they were slowly boarding Zhang Dong could see Takeshi walking together with the pink-haired princess. The three girls on the other hand had a prince to contend with. It seemed like the three old friends stopped talking to each other after a while, busy with their new partners.

It was clear that the King's scheme to rope these youths was working. He couldn't control them with strength alone so he switched it up. Since reaching the higher levels the high school kids also became more susceptible to their carnal desires. It was as if they were slowly losing themselves to this power.

"I should probably hurry, the longer we wait the more could happen…"

For now, he was here so he could look over these horny youngsters. He feared that if he left them to their own devices then an accident could happen. If it did it would be a lot harder to take these four back home. With an added family member they would need to remain here.

"First stop the dwarven kingdom, then the elven kingdom and then we will reorganize."

He nodded to himself while talking in his regular form. Beatrice had also progressed thanks to the dungeon and the cultivation techniques that he gave her. She was now able to allow his full-sized form in clothes to freely walk around without a problem.

While they were departing another scene was playing out in the background. A blond-haired gentleman was kneeling down before a familiar-looking grumpy monarch.

"Do you know why I summoned you here, Duke?"

"No your Majesty."

The man replied instantly while also standing up. His face was without any emotion while he looked at the strongest man in the kingdom.

"Don't lie to me, you know what this is about. We had this talk, that time it was that old man from your family but this time..."

This was the father of Beatrice. His head turned to the flying ships that were on the horizon, his daughter on one of them.

"The spirit…"

"Yes, you know what I want."

"What will happen to my daughter?"

"She is free to go, the one I want is the summoner. My people say that your daughter isn't connected to it, so she may live."

The man clenched his fist after hearing the response. He waited for a moment before bowing.

"It will be done…"

Soon he removed himself from the throne room and headed over to where his dragon was waiting for him. There he found one of his trusted retainers waiting for him.

"My lord."

He was an older man with a full beard that was gray. His frame was larger than average and there were many scars on his face.

"Let us depart, we will gather the forces to aid with the hero's endeavor…"

The man bowed and moved to his wyvern that was standing right next to the Duke's large dragon. As the man flew away to carry out the order the Duke looked at his summoned beast and gave out a sigh. He knew what must be done and he didn't like it, just like before he would need to take the life of a family member. All this to protect his own line, to do this an innocent girl had to die.