Chapter 495

"I'm glad that you have decided to aid us, you will not regret your decision."

"Do we have a choice?"

"There is always a choice but this one is certainly the better one."


'Lucius is kind of a tsundere, isn't he?'

It was time for the offensive and both the United Element Sect and the magical knights were gathering at the closest location to the demi-human infested lands. Even though his forces were much larger than what Lucius had brought along this didn't mean that they were weaker. What they lacked in numbers they made up in power as they were a smaller battalion of elites.

'They certainly look like people from the world I met Beatrix in…'

Zhang Dong started wondering if there was some kind of default structure these worlds were based on. Perhaps whoever made them just copy-pasted in the usual bases to make them work and then just let them run their course. Why this was happening was still the biggest question, a question that he was afraid to ask after forming relationships with this world's inhabitants.

The magic knights in question were drawing a lot of attention to them. They were all sitting on top of winged horses that radiated some strong divine energies. All of them were at least of core formation level of strength with quite a large force of ones that were a realm above. These golden paladins were led by Lucius himself, Argus on the other hand would be giving ranged support along with some of his elders.

"We should discuss our strategy, please follow me."

Before the battle could start everyone needed to be on the same page. Thanks to Lucius being their ally now he would be granted access to their intelligence. Zhang Dong moved towards a tent that was much larger on the inside than on the outside. It was a bit funny to look at Argus that examined the entrance before giving Lucius the nod.

'I guess they still don't trust me that much.'

This was a normal turn of events as he would probably not trust any other group after creating a hasty design contract. There were always ways of circumventing those kinds of binding agreements. On the inside, there was a large holographic map, a smaller version of the one they had at the sect with similar capabilities.

"This is where we are and those red spots are where the enemies are focused."

Zhang Dong spoke out while pointing at the red spots on the map. While the map still had some trouble picking out the qi signature of the body refiners if there was a large concentration of them somewhere it would show it. Argus was somewhat intrigued by the map and quickly voiced his praises.

"What a brilliant device… you can actually see where they have stationed all their forces?"

"Yes, thanks to this we won't have to worry about being ambushed by a large force. Let me explain, the demi-humans divide themselves into tribes and we will be going against three of them…"

The map started changing as it brought out a visual representation of each individual demi-human type that they had met. From what his sect knew there were at least three tribe leaders still active in these areas. One belonged to the molemen, another to the red demi-humans covered in sharp bones, and then the vampire-like creatures that were comfortably sitting in the fortress.

"Hoh, what a peculiar way of manifesting mana…, and what is this strange energy?"

Argus was more interested in how the hologram worked. Similar effects could be created with illusion magic but they worked on a different basis. While illusions affected the human brain a hologram actually produced a holographic image in front of them. They achieved a similar result of producing an image of something that wasn't there but went around it in totally different ways.

"Argus, this is not the place for this…"

"Ah yes, excuse this old man Lord Lucius."

"If you wish to study some of our treasures then I think we can work something out but let's have that conversation after we are done with our current problem, shall we?"

Zhang Dong chuckled at the old man that was acting like a curious child that found a brand new toy. He could understand the sentiment as he was somewhat versed in both spiritual energy and mana. Perhaps if things went well he could lure in Argus with his knowledge to form a more long-lasting bond.

'Even if they receive their holy relic this doesn't mean that they will abandon these lands, the bridge to their kingdom will remain open for another hundred years. Perhaps we could create a beneficial relationship between each other…'

His current enemies were the demi-humans that were killing everything that they came across. When they were removed from this location there was still much more work to be done. Even though he promised to hand over the relic after the battle was over this didn't mean that he could not bargain with something else. His knowledge concerning the holy arts was paramount, if he gave some of it away then perhaps he could gain a helpful mercenary force consisting of magical knights.

"What do you wish us to do?"

Lucius finally asked the question after going through the holographic map and the enemies that they were going to face. Before answering Zhang Dong handed him three booklets.

"These are?"

"You will find information about the demi-humans there, it includes their weak points and usual strategies during battles. I would like you to focus on the red ones and leave the mole-men to my sect members.'

The demi-human forces were divided. They were not one force and didn't adhere to one commanding officer. The plan was simple, divide and conquer. While Lucius and his knights kept part of the demi-humans busy his forces would contend with the other tribe. Then Zhang Dong along with a smaller elite force would go for the fortress.

'Lucius should be on the level of their leader, even though I have made some progress it would be unwise if I just confront all three of them by myself. Huo Qiang will have to contend with the mole leader if he appears…'

Nothing was set in stone, if he was immensely lucky none of the other demi-human tribes would participate in the battle. There didn't seem to be any sense of comradery between them which he confirmed by seeing one of the mole leaders abandoning the vampire demi-humans during his battle with them.

'But I don't think they will let their fortress fall that easily, they might not be afraid of each other but that Emperor of theirs seems to be someone they will not be willing to disappoint.'

"I see, I will examine these."

"Take your time, we still have some time before we set out."

The strategic meeting between him and Lucius didn't take long. The man quickly absorbed the layout and the strategy which it seemed was satisfactory. During the attack, Zhang Dong and his sect would be the ones in the most danger. His allies only needed to keep the other forces busy while they laid siege to the vampire castle.

Perhaps if both sides trusted each other fully they could go with a more joint offensive. Like this, they would not get in each other's way and have to fear any surprise attacks from their allies. Zhang Dong didn't have any malicious intent but he could not fully trust Lucius' side either. Perhaps when it was all said and done the knight commander might decide to attack him instead, that was also a possibility.

'Well, I don't think he will side with the demi-humans at least and if he betrays me, I do still have the relic as a bargaining chip.'

If for some reason he would have the tables turned on him he could always hold the relic hostage. Yet he did not believe that Argus would lie to him, at least the old wizard seemed like someone truthful that was trying to minimize the loss of life. This didn't take these demi-humans into consideration as they were unapologetically brutal with their hunts.

"Patriarch, we have gathered our forces and we are ready to leave."


After a whole day had passed every flying ship that his sect had created or bought was up in the sky. Some foundation establishment personnel were flying them while the core formation masters and above were using their own strength to fly. It was quite troublesome to get all of this here through the various teleportation gates, if they were unsuccessful in this attack the sect would not easily recover.

'We can not lose, too much is at stake.'

Zhang Dong floated up into the sky overlooking his large forces. He could see some of the youngsters among the current forces. While their spiritual power was low they could man the ship cannons or be part of the protective formations that protected their advance.

When up in the air there was a strange feeling in his chest. The number of people following his orders was truly tremendous. They all trusted him with their lives and would toss themselves into fire if he asked. Yet the more they relied on him the more he felt like a fraud that was only handed all of this success thanks to the strange system. If he could do everything alone then he would but even someone like him had limits.

Even when dark thoughts filled his mind there were also positive ones. These people started out as a simple clan that grew into the large sect that was before him. In a sense, he was like a father watching his children grow up and advance through life. This sect could be considered strong and this would be their first move towards real greatness.

Previously all of them were forced to move on the whims of others. First, it was the Dark Palm sect that caused him to almost perish. Then it were the other medium-sized sects around their lands that chose to bully them and it all culminated with Wang Long's attack. Now finally it was them that would be on the offensive, it was time for his sect to rise to the top.

"Everyone, move out!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

A faint smile appeared on his face as he saw a large number of flying vessels and cultivators follow behind him. Victory was not assured yet for some reason when he felt all those gazes on his back, it gave him strength. While they all relied on him and their belief did strain his soul it also gave him the strength to move forward. It gave him a reason to fight for and something to strive for.