Chapter 703


"What is it, an enemy?"

"No… I just stepped into something… it smells…"


"What's with this place!"

"Just stay quiet Qiang, we have to use our other senses to get through this. Try to concentrate and you'll be able to avoid such things…"

"Serves that idiot right, that's what he gets for never learning proper cultivation."

Zhang Liena snorted while covering her face with a fan. No one could really see the gesture she made but needed to sense it instead. The group of four had moved on from the desert region that took them over a week to get through. Afterward, they arrived in another jungle area that was filled with giant mosquitos. They spend many weeks wandering through the area while having to protect themselves from the bloodsuckers. The floor finally ended with a boss battle against their queen who succumbed quite easily to Huo Qiangs flames.

Their journey continued through other floors that were usually wide open areas with a lot of free movement. It felt like they were on a survival trip through all the possible variations of the world outside. There was even a water area through which they needed to push through. Various small caverns with air were spread out which they needed to detect before they suffocated. However, after arriving at floor number forty things started changing.

They were now in a strange cavern with little space around it. The darkness was so profound that even their hands when placed in front of their faces were invisible. Then there was also the strange unsettling silence, they could actually not communicate with each other as no sound waves could travel through. The lack of sound created a sense of disorientation, making it challenging to navigate.

Not even the faintest glimmer or flicker dared to disturb the pitch-black void. The walls, jagged and rough, seem to close in on themselves, creating a claustrophobic atmosphere that amplified the sense of unease the group of four masters faced. Only thanks to their heightened spiritual sense and touch were they able to feel the presence of others.

It was a different type of test that would normally force the group to experience some existential dread. When venturing into the abyss their senses of foreboding intensified. They could not see or hear the potential shadowy beasts that lurked in the shadows. Even if they produced their techniques no light was produced and they only caused damage to themselves. Luckily, one person from the group had a little helper on his side that could connect them through.

"Patriarch, this technique is quite peculiar, I can hear your thoughts… how is it called?"

"I guess you can call it a group chat if you want, we'll be able to stay connected with each other as long as I'm nearby."

"Groupchat? Fascinating! I knew that the Patriarch was an astonishing person but how could this be possible, maybe…"

"Zhi, you must stop thinking out loud like that, everything that you say will be forwarded here by the technique…"

"Oh, really? My apologies."

"I really wish that there was some meat here… can you eat a creature made of shadows? Maybe I should ask Senior Brother about it!... Hey Senior Brother, is it possible to eat…"

"You're doing it again Qiang and I don't know…"

"Can you shut up for a second you muscle-brained buffoon, how can someone with such an empty head think so much about idiotic things!"

Zhang Liena was the only one that had figured out how the chat feature worked and was quite maddened by how idiotic Huo Qiang's thoughts were. The only things that he was thinking about were eating, battling monsters, and fondling women. He would parrot the thoughts that everyone could then later hear through the system which felt like they were listening to an empty record.

"Try to silence your thoughts Qiang, we can't get distracted in a situation like this, otherwise…"

Before he could continue with his sentence something appeared before him. His senses were superior to everyone here and the creature seemed to have been waiting. It was as if it was observing them from afar to pounce at the moment the group was arguing with each other.

His hand moved to grasp something sharp going for his throat and successfully stopped it from reaching it. With the help of his superhuman strength the owner of this sharp object was held in place and instantly destroyed by his other palm. The attack that he used would normally produce a lot of light but in this case, it just caused the place to flicker for just a minuscule moment. However, this was enough for him to get a look at the enemy that they were fighting.

"These things… they are humanoid in shape but their hands are replaced by scythes, be careful everyone!"

Amidst the darkness and silence a battle was now taking place. The four martial masters formed a circle and started to predict the blades coming from the various attackers. From time to time a flash of light was produced that was strong enough to light the way. It revealed the inhumanly looking shadowy beasts that were pitch black and lacked faces.

'I'm slowly getting used to this…'

Zhang Dong felt that he should have normally been able to traverse this darkness with the help of his Dao of Darkness. For some strange reason, it wasn't much help in this situation that made him believe that this was either something else entirely or a higher form of the path he had learned. This darkness felt much deeper, like the void and it wouldn't let him perceive it too well. However, with some time he was starting to see the path ahead even without having to spend all of his spiritual energy for a tiny light to light the place up.

There wasn't much at first but he was able to perceive a small region around them. When a shadowy specter got within the ten meters that he could see, the fight became a lot easier. Each of his strikes landed with a hard impact, the force behind them enough to turn the monsters into nothingness. But the shadows seemed to have no end, as more and more of the creatures materialized, their featureless heads fixated on the group of four. If he didn't do something about it then all of them would eventually give in.

"There is something there, everyone lock your hands together and follow me!"

"You want me to do what?"

"We need to stay together, there is no other way."

He couldn't see Liena's expression but by her tone, he knew that she wasn't happy to hold hands with other men. Even less when the man that grabbed her hand was Huo Qiang whom she despised. Normally she would deliver a kick to his nether regions instantly but it was clear that the situation was no laughing matter and they needed to get through this first.

Soon the group took off running but in reality, they were just dangling around. Their leader was running at such speed that they were just dragged along behind him. They had no idea what was happening but soon something appeared within their vision. It was an entrance opening before them into which they all quickly ducked into. Behind them was a mass of shadowy beings which when faced with the light started to burst into flames.

"The creatures, they are vanishing. They can't survive in the light?"

Zhang Dong nodded at the question as he observed the chamber that he entered. Thanks to Bob and his mapping device he was able to discover something like a safe room for them to hide in. In the middle was a large brazier filled with strange-looking coal. It was not black but white instead and illuminated this place in bright white light.

"I've heard of creatures born of the void, could they be those legendary beings?"

Asked Zhang Zhi while investigating the small room. There was not much here besides the lit fire in the middle and three arches. Only darkness was coming from them and it seemed to be somehow alive but when coming into contact with the light, it continued to evaporate into nothingness.

"That could be possible, this darkness is different and those monsters aren't like anything I have ever seen, they don't even have souls but perhaps…"

"Senior Brother, have you found something?"

"Maybe, I think we can use these. The wood is similar to those white coals, I think whoever created this place wanted people to use them."

The path leading to this safe room wasn't long and if they weren't so cautious they would have probably arrived here sooner without even getting attacked. The flames in the brazier could destroy the strange shadow creatures and two stick with the same coloring were placed in one corner.

"Are those supposed to be torches?"

"I think so, who wants to be on torch duty?"

Zhang Dong looked in the direction of his three companions as he intended to have his arms free. It was probable that whoever was carrying the light wouldn't be able to utilize their fighting skills.

"Let Liena do it, Senior Brother!"

Before he could make a decision the two started fighting again. Perhaps taking both of them on the trip was not the smartest idea. It was however hard to deny the progress that the entire group was making. Their power was increasing at a rapid pace and Qiang was about to properly enter the late stage of the nascent soul. Probably after finishing the next boss, he would gain enough energy to push through the threshold.

"Why I know that you don't want to but it would be best if you and Zhang Zhi carried them."

"I knew that you'd see it my way, Senior Brother."

Huo Qiang smirked while looking at Leina who started fuming out of anger. She gave Zhang Dong the death glare but he was quick to send her a secret message to diffuse the situation.

"Please understand, I don't want to put you in danger. The closer you are to this flame the safer you will be, I'm just worried about my cute wife. Also, we will use one at first and have Zhi carry it around, you might not even need to use it yourself."

Liena's face started changing instantly as he gave her the explanation. She covered her face with one of her battle fans to not show her rosy cheeks. Soon the group picked up the two sticks and brought them over to the fire. It was clear that they would not last forever so they needed to make it count…