Chapter 708

As they ascended to the final floor, a sense of anticipation and nervousness filled the air. They had come so far, faced countless challenges, and grown stronger with each trial. But what awaited them on the fiftieth floor? What final test would they have to overcome before they could continue their mission?

'So this should be it? Just like the previous ten floors, this one is different…'

After crossing through floor forty-nine they arrived in a closed corridor. There was nothing there but stairs leading up. The group had made all the preparations that they could so without any words uttered, they continued to ascend. As they arrived at the end, they were greeted by a vast, empty space. No monsters, no traps, just an eerily quiet room. It was a stark contrast to the previous floors they had encountered, and it made them even more wary of what was to come.

Zhang Dong cautiously took a step forward, his senses heightened, ready for anything. But as he moved further into the room, he realized that there was something different about this floor. The air felt heavy with energy, a powerful aura that seemed to emanate from the very walls.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake, and a blinding light filled the room. When the light faded, they found themselves standing in a different place altogether. It was a vast, celestial realm, with floating islands and shimmering waterfalls. The sky above was a tapestry of stars, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers.

In the center of this ethereal realm stood a figure, cloaked in white robes and radiating a powerful aura. It was the Guardian of the Fiftieth Floor, the final obstacle they had to face. Compared to the monstrosities they encountered on the lower floors he seemed rather normal. It was an old master, a cultivator just like they were and their last opponent before they would be given respite.

"Welcome, brave warriors. You have proven yourselves worthy to reach this final floor. But before you can continue on your mission, you must prove yourselves worthy."

On a small floating rock formation, the old man stood tall, his eyes crackling with an energy that the four cultivators present didn't recognize. There was an unmistakable air of difference about him, an ancient and formidable power. Zhang Dong cautiously advanced, scanning his surroundings. The vast area was devoid of any other living beings. There were no signs of hidden enemies or traps; there was only this old master, their sole opponent.

"Be careful, this person is not a nascent soul master, he is something more…"

"Something more? Is he an Immortal?"

Zhang Liena gasped, swiftly preparing her battle fans. Huo Qiang's wide grin revealed his excitement, having reached the great circle of the nascent soul realm, he was eager to unleash his power. Zhi, on the other hand, remained silent, his hand poised near his blade. Despite facing an unknown and potentially powerful immortal, their confidence in their leader's judgment remained unwavering. If he believed they could emerge victorious, then they would.

"An Immortal? No, not quite…"

Zhang Dong stared at his system status window, which attempted to display the man's characteristics. However, where the cultivation realm should have been indicated, there was only corrupted text. It seemed as though the system either didn't possess knowledge of this person's realm or wasn't programmed to recognize it. Recalling his visit to the ancient secret grounds in the past, Zhang Dong could only draw one conclusion. This individual had transcended the nascent soul realm and attained one of the long-lost cultivation realms that had been banished from this world.

Given the circumstances, their chances of victory appeared bleak. Zhang Dong couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that this individual evoked, reminiscent of a past encounter. It reminded him of the first time he had faced a nascent soul expert when he was merely at the core formation stage.

Back then, the power gap had been insurmountable, even for someone like him who was blessed with a system. If the difference in strength was as immense as it had been before, winning seemed impossible. However, there was a glimmer of hope, two possibilities that he clung to, which could potentially help him advance through this challenge.

The first possibility lay in Zhang Dong's own peculiar cultivation realm, which defied the limitations of this world. He had already surpassed even the mighty Azure Emperor, the greatest nascent soul master. Progressing through the twenty-four floors had infused him with a surge of spiritual energy, causing the pure white seed he held to blossom slightly more than before. If he could glean some insights from this man who had attained a higher realm, there was a chance for him to further advance his own cultivation.

Then there was the second option which was given to him by the man himself. Those words he spoke might have been a hint on how to get through this part without necessarily beating him in a bout of pure strength. However, the first option would still be better as some hidden rewards could be given to them for finishing it with a bang.

"What are you waiting for? Come at me young ones! Show me that you are worthy or embrace the void of death!"

The group of four found themselves with little room to maneuver as the man unleashed a surge of formidable spiritual energy. In an instant, the small rock formation beneath him was obliterated, sending debris flying in all directions. The ground beneath their feet trembled and began to crumble, threatening to swallow them whole.

Reacting swiftly, the group leaped back, assuming their battle stances. Zhang Liena twirled her battle fans with grace and precision, ready to strike. Huo Qiang channeled his nascent soul power, his body radiating a fiery aura. Zhi tightened his grip on his blade, his eyes focused and determined. Zhang Dong channeled his unique cultivation realm, feeling the surge of energy coursing through his veins.

As they glanced down, they witnessed the destruction unfolding beneath them. The ground cracked and collapsed, disappearing into a swirling abyss. The battle had commenced, and they were determined to prove their worthiness in this ultimate challenge.

"Let's do it together everyone, aim at the spot where I'm aiming and give it all that you have! Now is not the time to show reserve, we might not have a second chance!"

All four of them unleashed their pinnacle skills, tapping into the full extent of their abilities. Zhang Dong, encased in a magnificent white and gold armor that enhanced his skills, led the charge. His companions, adorned with the artifacts he had crafted for them, followed suit.

Their techniques reverberated through the air, each attack executed with precision and power. Zhang Dong summoned a massive golden lightning dragon, infused with the essence of his Dao. As the dragon materialized, his companions joined in, channeling their own spiritual energy to amplify its size and strength.

The colossal creature, a fusion of various elemental energies and cultivation paths, lunged towards the old master. But instead of evading the attack, the man stood his ground, extending his hand to intercept the incoming assault. His face displayed unwavering confidence in his abilities, a sight that Zhang Dong had been waiting for.

As the lightning dragon collided with the man's outstretched hand, a shockwave rippled through this pocket realm. The clash of powers created a dazzling display of energy, illuminating the surroundings. The impact was tremendous, but the old master remained unfazed, his aura unyielding.

Anticipating the old master's unwavering confidence, Zhang Dong had predicted that he would not attempt to evade their attacks. Masters of such power often considered dodging beneath them when facing juniors. With this knowledge, Zhang Dong had intentionally held back when creating the gigantic dragon, concealing his true intentions.

As the colossal dragon descended upon the old master, Zhang Dong seized the opportunity to execute a hidden strike. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his sword, channeling all of his hidden power into a single thrust. A thin beam of blinding light shot forth, piercing through the heart of the gigantic dragon.

The master, preoccupied with contending against the immense energy of the dragon, would be caught off guard by Zhang Dong's unexpected strike. The speed and precision of the attack left little time for the master to react, catching him in a vulnerable position. Zhang Dong's calculated move aimed to exploit the master's inability to defend against simultaneous attacks. Deflecting such a strike required perfect prediction and split-second reactions, a challenging feat even for a cultivator of such caliber.

As the culmination of their combined strikes reached its peak, an explosion of immense proportions erupted, engulfing the battlefield. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the celestial realm, pushing Zhang Dong and his companions back. Floating islands shattered and crumbled under the tremendous impact, adding to the chaos and destruction.

When the smoke finally cleared, the group looked on in bewilderment. To their astonishment, the old man still stood in the center, seemingly unscathed. His robes billowed in the aftermath of the explosion, revealing a few cuts and scratches on his skin.

"Hoho... That wasn't quite bad,"

The old man chuckled, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and respect.

"I think you even managed to cut some skin with that one..."

Zhang Dong and his companions exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and determination reflected in their eyes. They had thrown everything they had at the old man, unleashing their most powerful attacks, yet he remained standing. It was clear that defeating him would not be an easy task.

However, instead of feeling discouraged, the group's resolve only grew stronger. They had come so far, faced countless challenges, and grown immensely in strength. They were not about to give up now. The old man's words served as a confirmation that they had indeed made an impact, even if it was just a small one.

However, just as they were about to continue struggling, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded. The man's image began to flicker, resembling a hologram. Disappointment washed over them, but soon their disappointment turned to intrigue as they observed the man with a sly smirk on his face.

"Impressive. By damaging this illusionary body of mine, you have proven your worth. I look forward to our conversation when you reach the top."

He said. Gradually, his body started to fade away, as if he were some kind of ethereal being. It became clear that a full-blown battle was not the true test, but rather landing a solid hit. This revelation highlighted the vast disparity in their powers. If a mere illusion, created from spiritual energy, possessed such strength, what hope did they have in defeating the true master behind it?